Project Kashmir:WAC-02 all I485 case status

WAC-02 status table as of 5/10/2003 CSV

I added the header and total.

"WAC02","Card Ordered","Completed","Approved","Transferred Back","Transferred","RFE Received","RFE Sent","Resumed","FP Received","FP Sent","Received","Denied","Withdrawn","Rejected","Mailed Directly","Undeliverable","Insufficient Payment","Unknown","Total"

Transfered ??? to where

The transfered numbers seem to be large. Where do they transfer to - other service areas or local service center in CSC ???

I am confused:confused:
Re: WAC-02 status table as of 5/8/2003 CSV

Originally posted by kashmir


I admire your work.

My WAC # is 02-128-5xxxx, and don't know why your results show there is no case under WAC02-128. Is my case lost?
Re: Re: WAC-02 status table as of 5/8/2003 CSV

Originally posted by Sumata

I admire your work.

My WAC # is 02-128-5xxxx, and don't know why your results show there is no case under WAC02-128. Is my case lost?
Hi, Sumata,
Nobody has not scanned WAC-02-128 yet.
Please read the first page of this thread.
I encourage you to scan it.
wac02099 status in 05/11

Kashmir you are doing a great job here. I hope that posting the status for wac02099 cases will help.
Re: Attached is the file for WAC02-276-5xxxx (partial)

Originally posted by ganshm
Hi Kashmir:

Attached please find the file for WAC02-276-5xxxx.

I got stuck at about WAC02-276-55xxxx as you can see from the file.

Thanks for your help.

Hi, ganshm,
Thanks for your posting.
I checked it and confirmed it includeed all I485 cases
because the maximum number of WAC-02-276 was 55148.
This is why you got stuck around 55xxx.
The BCIS Case Status Online denys inquiry after detecting continuously invalid numbers inquired.
I put them into my database.
I recommend you to delete the XLS file in your attachement because it includes actual case numbers.
Thanks again,.
Why BICS is still processing Nov cases

Hi Kashmir:

From your report it looks like there are almost 6000 cases in Nov 01 alone - a big spike Compared to other months. This could be due to Sept 11. That could be the reason for the delay. Whats your opinion on this?
WAC-02-110,111,276 status as of 5/11/2003

WAC-02-110 status as of 05/11/2003
Transferred ..........   1 ( 1%)
Fingerprint ..........  54 (81%)
Received .............  12 (18%)
Total ................  67

WAC-02-111 status as of 05/11/2003
Approved .............   1 ( 1%)
Transferred ..........   2 ( 2%)
Fingerprint ..........  74 (74%)
Received .............  18 (18%)
Others ...............   5 ( 5%)
Total ................ 100

WAC-02-276 status as of 05/11/2003
Transferred ..........   6 ( 5%)
Fingerprint ..........  95 (83%)
Received .............   9 ( 8%)
Others ...............   4 ( 4%)
Total ................ 114
WAC-02 approvals since 5/5/2003

3,388 pending I485 cases of WAC-02-001 thru 054 were scanned.
case number*  scanned    status        approval date              previous scanned status
WAC02035$032$ 2003-05-11 approved      2003-05-09              <- 2003-02-28 transferred
WAC02183$049$ 2003-05-10 approved      2003-05-09
WAC02183$050$ 2003-05-10 approved      2003-05-09
WAC02183$051$ 2003-05-10 approved      2003-05-09
                                         subtotal 4

WAC02035$165$ 2003-05-11 approved      2003-05-08              <- 2002-11-16 RFE received
WAC02035$171$ 2003-05-11 approved      2003-05-08              <- 2002-04-03 resumed
WAC02035$247$ 2003-05-11 approved      2003-05-08              <- 2003-01-21 RFE received
WAC02035$250$ 2003-05-11 approved      2003-05-08              <- 2002-04-12 resumed
WAC02035$252$ 2003-05-11 approved      2003-05-08              <- 2001-11-09 received
WAC02038$023$ 2003-05-11 approved      2003-05-08              <- 2003-01-08 RFE received
WAC02040$194$ 2003-05-11 approved      2003-05-08              <- 2002-12-20 RFE received
WAC02041$252$ 2003-05-11 approved      2003-05-08              <- 2002-11-08 RFE received
WAC02043$201$ 2003-05-11 approved      2003-05-08              <- 2003-04-24 RFE received
WAC02044$412$ 2003-05-11 approved      2003-05-08              <- 2003-04-22 RFE received
WAC02044$420$ 2003-05-11 approved      2003-05-08              <- 2002-05-22 resumed
WAC02046$488$ 2003-05-11 approved      2003-05-08              <- 2003-02-26 RFE received
WAC02050$001$ 2003-05-08 completed    (2003-05-08..2003-05-06) <- 2002-12-13 RFE received
WAC02057$166$ 2003-05-10 approved      2003-05-08              <- 2003-04-15 RFE sent
WAC02057$170$ 2003-05-10 approved      2003-05-08              <- 2003-04-15 RFE sent
WAC02057$173$ 2003-05-10 approved      2003-05-08              <- 2003-04-15 RFE sent
WAC02057$176$ 2003-05-10 approved      2003-05-08              <- 2003-04-15 RFE sent
WAC02061$046$ 2003-05-10 approved      2003-05-08              <- 2002-04-18 FP received
WAC02061$048$ 2003-05-10 approved      2003-05-08              <- 2003-04-10 RFE sent
WAC02080$080$ 2003-05-10 approved      2003-05-08              <- 2002-12-10 RFE received
WAC02080$081$ 2003-05-10 approved      2003-05-08              <- 2002-07-30 resumed
WAC02080$083$ 2003-05-10 approved      2003-05-08              <- 2002-01-07 received
WAC02111$067$ 2003-05-11 approved      2003-05-08
                                         subtotal 23

WAC02033$302$ 2003-05-08 approved      2003-05-06              <- 2002-11-12 RFE received
WAC02034$026$ 2003-05-08 approved      2003-05-06              <- 2002-03-27 resumed
WAC02040$116$ 2003-05-08 approved      2003-05-06              <- 2003-04-30 trans. back
WAC02040$238$ 2003-05-08 approved      2003-05-06              <- 2002-12-07 RFE received
WAC02040$239$ 2003-05-08 approved      2003-05-06              <- 2002-04-23 resumed
WAC02040$246$ 2003-05-08 approved      2003-05-06              <- 2001-11-15 received
WAC02040$258$ 2003-05-08 approved      2003-05-06              <- 2002-01-31 resumed
WAC02040$261$ 2003-05-08 approved      2003-05-06              <- 2003-02-05 RFE received
WAC02041$170$ 2003-05-08 approved      2003-05-06              <- 2002-11-26 RFE received
WAC02044$214$ 2003-05-08 approved      2003-05-06              <- 2003-05-05 trans. back
WAC02046$029$ 2003-05-08 approved      2003-05-06              <- 2003-04-30 trans. back
WAC02046$038$ 2003-05-08 approved      2003-05-06              <- 2003-04-30 trans. back
WAC02046$041$ 2003-05-08 card ordered (2003-05-06..2003-05-06) <- 2003-04-30 trans. back
WAC02046$045$ 2003-05-08 approved      2003-05-06              <- 2003-04-30 trans. back
WAC02046$471$ 2003-05-08 approved      2003-05-06              <- 2002-11-19 RFE received
WAC02047$176$ 2003-05-08 approved      2003-05-06              <- 2003-05-05 trans. back
WAC02049$116$ 2003-05-08 approved      2003-05-06              <- 2002-12-12 RFE received
WAC02049$121$ 2003-05-08 approved      2003-05-06              <- 2002-12-12 RFE received
WAC02050$196$ 2003-05-08 approved      2003-05-06              <- 2002-12-04 RFE received
WAC02050$200$ 2003-05-08 approved      2003-05-06              <- 2002-12-04 RFE received
WAC02121$010$ 2003-05-10 card ordered (2003-05-06..2003-05-06) <- 2003-03-07 FP sent
                                         subtotal 21

WAC02032$116$ 2003-05-06 approved      2003-05-05              <- 2002-12-02 RFE received
WAC02042$066$ 2003-05-06 approved      2003-05-05              <- 2003-04-30 trans. back
                                         subtotal 2
WAC-02 touched cases since 5/5/2003

case number*  scanned    status        touched date    previous scanned status
WAC02003$001$ 2003-05-11 transferred   2003-05-09  <-  2002-01-31  resumed
WAC02032$195$ 2003-05-11 transferred   2003-05-09  <-  2002-12-07  RFE received
WAC02032$198$ 2003-05-11 transferred   2003-05-09  <-  2002-01-18  resumed
WAC02032$203$ 2003-05-11 transferred   2003-05-09  <-  2001-11-06  received
WAC02035$047$ 2003-05-11 RFE sent      2003-05-09  <-  2002-01-31  resumed
WAC02041$208$ 2003-05-11 transferred   2003-05-09  <-  2002-02-01  resumed
WAC02041$223$ 2003-05-11 transferred   2003-05-09  <-  2002-02-01  resumed
WAC02041$233$ 2003-05-11 transferred   2003-05-09  <-  2001-11-16  received
WAC02045$088$ 2003-05-11 transferred   2003-05-09  <-  2002-12-02  RFE sent
WAC02046$079$ 2003-05-11 transferred   2003-05-09  <-  2002-02-06  resumed
WAC02046$085$ 2003-05-11 transferred   2003-05-09  <-  2002-02-06  resumed
WAC02046$309$ 2003-05-11 transferred   2003-05-09  <-  2003-05-06  trans. back
WAC02047$189$ 2003-05-11 transferred   2003-05-09  <-  2002-02-27  resumed
WAC02047$194$ 2003-05-11 transferred   2003-05-09  <-  2002-02-02  resumed
WAC02049$243$ 2003-05-11 transferred   2003-05-09  <-  2002-02-06  resumed
WAC02050$114$ 2003-05-11 RFE sent      2003-05-09  <-  2001-11-26  received
WAC02050$126$ 2003-05-11 RFE sent      2003-05-09  <-  2002-01-31  resumed
WAC02053$026$ 2003-05-11 RFE sent      2003-05-09  <-  2002-02-06  resumed
WAC02053$028$ 2003-05-11 RFE sent      2003-05-09  <-  2002-02-02  resumed
WAC02053$030$ 2003-05-11 RFE sent      2003-05-09  <-  2002-02-02  resumed
WAC02068$008$ 2003-05-10 transferred   2003-05-09  <-  2002-01-15  FP sent
                                         subtotal 21

WAC02035$022$ 2003-05-11 transferred   2003-05-08  <-  2002-02-07  FP received
WAC02040$043$ 2003-05-11 RFE sent      2003-05-08  <-  2002-12-10  RFE received
WAC02040$274$ 2003-05-11 RFE sent      2003-05-08  <-  2002-02-06  resumed
WAC02041$179$ 2003-05-11 RFE sent      2003-05-08  <-  2002-01-31  resumed
WAC02041$200$ 2003-05-11 RFE sent      2003-05-08  <-  2002-01-31  resumed
WAC02041$362$ 2003-05-11 RFE sent      2003-05-08  <-  2002-01-31  resumed
WAC02043$168$ 2003-05-11 RFE sent      2003-05-08  <-  2001-11-18  received
WAC02046$080$ 2003-05-11 RFE sent      2003-05-08  <-  2002-12-10  RFE received
WAC02046$123$ 2003-05-11 RFE sent      2003-05-08  <-  2002-04-12  resumed
WAC02046$137$ 2003-05-11 RFE sent      2003-05-08  <-  2002-04-12  resumed
WAC02049$039$ 2003-05-11 RFE sent      2003-05-08  <-  2003-05-01  RFE received
                                         subtotal 11

WAC02001$158$ 2003-05-08 transferred   2003-05-07  <-  2002-08-24  resumed
WAC02047$061$ 2003-05-08 RFE sent      2003-05-07  <-  2003-04-24  RFE received
WAC02047$072$ 2003-05-08 RFE sent      2003-05-07  <-  2003-04-24  RFE received
WAC02047$079$ 2003-05-08 RFE sent      2003-05-07  <-  2003-04-24  RFE received
WAC02047$091$ 2003-05-08 RFE sent      2003-05-07  <-  2003-04-24  RFE received
WAC02068$110$ 2003-05-10 transferred   2003-05-07  <-  2003-05-05  RFE received
WAC02068$113$ 2003-05-10 transferred   2003-05-07  <-  2003-04-18  RFE sent
WAC02068$115$ 2003-05-10 transferred   2003-05-07  <-  2003-04-15  RFE sent
WAC02078$076$ 2003-05-10 transferred   2003-05-07  <-  2003-02-18  RFE sent
WAC02078$078$ 2003-05-10 transferred   2003-05-07  <-  2002-03-14  resumed
WAC02078$080$ 2003-05-10 transferred   2003-05-07  <-  2002-03-20  resumed
WAC02078$081$ 2003-05-10 transferred   2003-05-07  <-  2002-03-20  resumed
                                         subtotal 12

WAC02032$009$ 2003-05-08 transferred   2003-05-06  <-  2002-01-18  resumed
WAC02032$031$ 2003-05-08 transferred   2003-05-06  <-  2003-04-29  resumed
WAC02032$034$ 2003-05-08 transferred   2003-05-06  <-  2003-04-29  resumed
WAC02032$037$ 2003-05-08 transferred   2003-05-06  <-  2003-04-29  resumed
WAC02032$039$ 2003-05-08 transferred   2003-05-06  <-  2003-04-29  resumed
WAC02041$133$ 2003-05-08 RFE sent      2003-05-06  <-  2003-04-23  RFE received
WAC02044$423$ 2003-05-08 transferred   2003-05-06  <-  2002-02-01  resumed
WAC02049$191$ 2003-05-08 RFE sent      2003-05-06  <-  2002-02-01  resumed
WAC02279$159$ 2003-05-07 transferred   2003-05-06 
WAC02279$165$ 2003-05-07 transferred   2003-05-06 
WAC02279$167$ 2003-05-07 transferred   2003-05-06 
WAC02279$169$ 2003-05-07 transferred   2003-05-06 
                                         subtotal 12

WAC02034$239$ 2003-05-06 RFE sent      2003-05-05  <-  2003-01-06  RFE received
WAC02040$093$ 2003-05-06 RFE sent      2003-05-05  <-  2002-05-04  resumed
WAC02043$078$ 2003-05-06 RFE sent      2003-05-05  <-  2002-02-01  resumed
WAC02050$030$ 2003-05-06 RFE sent      2003-05-05  <-  2002-05-22  resumed
WAC02054$012$ 2003-05-06 transferred   2003-05-05  <-  2001-11-30  received
WAC02070$145$ 2003-05-06 transferred   2003-05-05  <-  2002-07-30  resumed
WAC02070$148$ 2003-05-06 transferred   2003-05-05  <-  2002-02-08  resumed
WAC02070$151$ 2003-05-06 transferred   2003-05-05  <-  2001-12-21  received
WAC02076$037$ 2003-05-06 transferred   2003-05-05  <-  2002-01-31  FP sent
WAC02076$040$ 2003-05-06 transferred   2003-05-05  <-  2002-01-31  FP sent
WAC02076$043$ 2003-05-06 transferred   2003-05-05  <-  2002-01-31  FP sent
WAC02086$073$ 2003-05-06 transferred   2003-05-05  <-  2002-03-08  resumed
WAC02086$074$ 2003-05-06 transferred   2003-05-05  <-  2002-03-08  resumed
WAC02086$076$ 2003-05-06 transferred   2003-05-05  <-  2002-03-08  resumed
WAC02100$182$ 2003-05-06 RFE sent      2003-05-05  <-  2002-01-31  received
                                         subtotal 15
WAC-02 status table as of 5/11/2003 part-1

  scanned Aprv  Trns   RFE    FP  Rcvd  Othr  Total
001 10/01  231    25    11    15    16     5    303
    05/11  (76%)  (8%)  (4%)  (5%)  (5%)  (2%)
002 10/02   24    13     3     4     1     9     54
    05/11  (44%) (24%)  (6%)  (7%)  (2%) (17%)
003 10/03   17     3     3     6     -     3     32
    05/11  (53%)  (9%)  (9%) (19%)        (9%)
008 10/10    2     -     -     1     -     -      3
    05/11  (67%)             (33%)            
009 10/11   79     4     2    10     3     -     98
    05/11  (81%)  (4%)  (2%) (10%)  (3%)      
010 10/12   90     2     5     5     2     -    104
    05/11  (87%)  (2%)  (5%)  (5%)  (2%)      
014 10/17    2     -     -     1     -     -      3
    05/11  (67%)             (33%)            
015 10/18    -     -     -     -     2     -      2
    05/11                         (100%)      
019 10/22    -     2     -     1     -     -      3
    05/11        (67%)       (33%)            
020 10/23    6     -     -     -     -     -      6
    05/06 (100%)                              
subtotal   451    49    24    43    24    17    608
  10/2001  (74%)  (8%)  (4%)  (7%)  (4%)  (3%)
031 11/05   17    12     6     7     3     -     45
    05/11  (38%) (27%) (13%) (16%)  (7%)      
032 11/06   79    24    19    65    13     3    203
    05/11  (39%) (12%)  (9%) (32%)  (6%)  (1%)
033 11/07  200    20    44    71    24     1    360
    05/11  (56%)  (6%) (12%) (20%)  (7%)  (0%)
034 11/08  151    35    34    70    20     4    314
    05/11  (48%) (11%) (11%) (22%)  (6%)  (1%)
035 11/09  147    39    34    53    22     3    298
    05/11  (49%) (13%) (11%) (18%)  (7%)  (1%)
036 11/10   50    11    29    27    11     -    128
    05/11  (39%)  (9%) (23%) (21%)  (9%)      
037 11/11   76    13    18    30     7     7    151
    05/11  (50%)  (9%) (12%) (20%)  (5%)  (5%)
038 11/13   25     4     5    12     5     5     56
    05/11  (45%)  (7%)  (9%) (21%)  (9%)  (9%)
039 11/14   40     6     2    12     2     -     62
    05/11  (65%) (10%)  (3%) (19%)  (3%)      
040 11/15  148    20    31    65    23     5    292
    05/11  (51%)  (7%) (11%) (22%)  (8%)  (2%)
041 11/16  207    56    50   167    51     4    535
    05/11  (39%) (10%)  (9%) (31%) (10%)  (1%)
042 11/17  156    21    23    74    24     9    307
    05/11  (51%)  (7%)  (7%) (24%)  (8%)  (3%)
043 11/18  113    19    17    70     9     6    234
    05/11  (48%)  (8%)  (7%) (30%)  (4%)  (3%)
044 11/19  287    53    47   172    34     7    600
    05/11  (48%)  (9%)  (8%) (29%)  (6%)  (1%)
045 11/20  217    28    48   119    41     5    458
    05/11  (47%)  (6%) (10%) (26%)  (9%)  (1%)
046 11/21  245    43    37   136    45     7    513
    05/11  (48%)  (8%)  (7%) (27%)  (9%)  (1%)
047 11/23  137    40    41    82    20     3    323
    05/11  (42%) (12%) (13%) (25%)  (6%)  (1%)
048 11/24   18     1     5     6     -     -     30
    05/11  (60%)  (3%) (17%) (20%)            
049 11/25  135    18    31   123    27     3    337
    05/11  (40%)  (5%)  (9%) (36%)  (8%)  (1%)
050 11/26  156    16    18    79    24     6    299
    05/11  (52%)  (5%)  (6%) (26%)  (8%)  (2%)
051 11/27   41    18    22    53    15     7    156
    05/11  (26%) (12%) (14%) (34%) (10%)  (4%)
052 11/28   10    11     2    18    10     1     52
    05/11  (19%) (21%)  (4%) (35%) (19%)  (2%)
053 11/29   30     2     5    23     2     -     62
    05/11  (48%)  (3%)  (8%) (37%)  (3%)      
054 11/30   25     9     9    54    13     3    113
    05/11  (22%)  (8%)  (8%) (48%) (12%)  (3%)
subtotal  2710   519   577  1588   445    89   5928
  11/2001  (46%)  (9%) (10%) (27%)  (8%)  (2%)
055 12/03    8     4     -    66     5     3     86
    05/10   (9%)  (5%)       (77%)  (6%)  (3%)
056 12/04   18     -     1   126    22     -    167
    05/10  (11%)        (1%) (75%) (13%)      
057 12/05   12     5     9   128    30     2    186
    05/10   (6%)  (3%)  (5%) (69%) (16%)  (1%)
058 12/06    5     -     1    35     4     2     47
    05/10  (11%)        (2%) (74%)  (9%)  (4%)
059 12/07    1     -     1    59     7     2     70
    05/10   (1%)        (1%) (84%) (10%)  (3%)
061 12/10    3     1     2    71     8     -     85
    05/10   (4%)  (1%)  (2%) (84%)  (9%)      
062 12/11    3     -     7   125    39     6    180
    05/10   (2%)        (4%) (69%) (22%)  (3%)
063 12/12    2    10     -    84    18     -    114
    05/10   (2%)  (9%)       (74%) (16%)      
064 12/13    1     1     2    40    14     -     58
    05/10   (2%)  (2%)  (3%) (69%) (24%)      
065 12/14    9     4     1    69    23     1    107
    05/10   (8%)  (4%)  (1%) (64%) (21%)  (1%)
066 12/17    2     1     4    83    13     1    104
    05/10   (2%)  (1%)  (4%) (80%) (13%)  (1%)
067 12/18    4     5     1    67    17     1     95
    05/10   (4%)  (5%)  (1%) (71%) (18%)  (1%)
068 12/19    6     6     2    83    27     2    126
    05/10   (5%)  (5%)  (2%) (66%) (21%)  (2%)
069 12/20    3     4     -    63    14     1     85
    05/10   (4%)  (5%)       (74%) (16%)  (1%)
070 12/21    9     8     4   106    24     1    152
    05/10   (6%)  (5%)  (3%) (70%) (16%)  (1%)
071 12/26    1     2     8    91    11     -    113
    05/10   (1%)  (2%)  (7%) (81%) (10%)      
072 12/27    3     4     1    85    32     1    126
    05/10   (2%)  (3%)  (1%) (67%) (25%)  (1%)
073 12/28    3     1     4    77    16     -    101
    05/10   (3%)  (1%)  (4%) (76%) (16%)      
074 12/29    -     2     2    93    26     -    123
    05/10         (2%)  (2%) (76%) (21%)      
075 12/30    1     6     -     7     -     -     14
    05/10   (7%) (43%)       (50%)            
subtotal    94    64    50  1558   350    23   2139
  12/2001   (4%)  (3%)  (2%) (73%) (16%)  (1%)
076 01/02    -     3     4    81    16     1    105
    05/10         (3%)  (4%) (77%) (15%)  (1%)
077 01/03    -     5     1    67    15     -     88
    05/10         (6%)  (1%) (76%) (17%)      
078 01/04    3     4     2    57    14     6     86
    05/10   (3%)  (5%)  (2%) (66%) (16%)  (7%)
079 01/05    1     1     -    35    16     3     56
    05/10   (2%)  (2%)       (63%) (29%)  (5%)
080 01/07   15     3     -    75    13     6    112
    05/10  (13%)  (3%)       (67%) (12%)  (5%)
081 01/08    5     -     3    53    16     1     78
    05/10   (6%)        (4%) (68%) (21%)  (1%)
082 01/09    4     2     1    51     5    11     74
    05/10   (5%)  (3%)  (1%) (69%)  (7%) (15%)
083 01/10    -     2     -    78    15     3     98
    05/10         (2%)       (80%) (15%)  (3%)
084 01/11    5     4     1    92    20     1    123
    05/10   (4%)  (3%)  (1%) (75%) (16%)  (1%)
085 01/12    -     -     -    17     1     -     18
    05/10                    (94%)  (6%)      
086 01/14    6     8     2    83    20     8    127
    05/10   (5%)  (6%)  (2%) (65%) (16%)  (6%)
087 01/15    2     1     6   141    32     1    183
    05/10   (1%)  (1%)  (3%) (77%) (17%)  (1%)
088 01/16    4     2     1   105    33     -    145
    05/10   (3%)  (1%)  (1%) (72%) (23%)      
089 01/17    2     2     9   151    43    12    219
    05/10   (1%)  (1%)  (4%) (69%) (20%)  (5%)
090 01/18    3     -     2    31     4     2     42
    05/10   (7%)        (5%) (74%) (10%)  (5%)
091 01/19    -     5     1    40    11     -     57
    05/10         (9%)  (2%) (70%) (19%)      
092 01/22    1     -     1    60    12     -     74
    05/10   (1%)        (1%) (81%) (16%)      
093 01/23   10     -     -    77    41     3    131
    05/10   (8%)             (59%) (31%)  (2%)
094 01/24    5     4     1   140    55     1    206
    05/10   (2%)  (2%)  (0%) (68%) (27%)  (0%)
095 01/25    3     -     -    69    29     2    103
    05/10   (3%)             (67%) (28%)  (2%)
097 01/28    -     -     1    86    62     1    150
    05/10               (1%) (57%) (41%)  (1%)
098 01/29    2     8     5   151    75     7    248
    05/10   (1%)  (3%)  (2%) (61%) (30%)  (3%)
099 01/30    4     1     3    79    45     8    140
    05/10   (3%)  (1%)  (2%) (56%) (32%)  (6%)
100 01/31    7     -     4   132    46     5    194
    05/10   (4%)        (2%) (68%) (24%)  (3%)
subtotal    82    55    48  1951   639    82   2857
  01/2002   (3%)  (2%)  (2%) (68%) (22%)  (3%)
WAC-02 status table as of 5/11/2003 part-2

  scanned Aprv  Trns   RFE    FP  Rcvd  Othr  Total
101 02/01    9     7     4    57     5     9     91
    05/10  (10%)  (8%)  (4%) (63%)  (5%) (10%)
102 02/02    -     1     1    38    11     -     51
    05/10         (2%)  (2%) (75%) (22%)      
103 02/04    5     4     3   133    32     -    177
    05/10   (3%)  (2%)  (2%) (75%) (18%)      
104 02/05    6     5     1    95    12    14    133
    05/10   (5%)  (4%)  (1%) (71%)  (9%) (11%)
105 02/06    6     3     2   153    35    11    210
    05/10   (3%)  (1%)  (1%) (73%) (17%)  (5%)
106 02/07    8     -     3    94    20    16    141
    05/08   (6%)        (2%) (67%) (14%) (11%)
107 02/08    3     5     1   126    29     9    173
    05/08   (2%)  (3%)  (1%) (73%) (17%)  (5%)
109 02/11    -     2     1    39    11     7     60
    05/09         (3%)  (2%) (65%) (18%) (12%)
110 02/12    -     1     -    54    12     -     67
    05/10         (1%)       (81%) (18%)      
111 02/13    1     2     -    74    18     5    100
    05/11   (1%)  (2%)       (74%) (18%)  (5%)
117 02/22    -     7     -   141    34     5    187
    05/10         (4%)       (75%) (18%)  (3%)
118 02/23    -     -     4    51    21     -     76
    05/10               (5%) (67%) (28%)      
121 02/27   10     1     -   148    42     4    205
    05/10   (5%)  (0%)       (72%) (20%)  (2%)
122 02/28    7     2     -    94    34     -    137
    05/10   (5%)  (1%)       (69%) (25%)      
subtotal    55    40    20  1297   316    80   1808
  02/2002   (3%)  (2%)  (1%) (72%) (17%)  (4%)
123 03/01    -     4     -   128    25    11    168
    05/10         (2%)       (76%) (15%)  (7%)
124 03/02    -    10     2   173    73     1    259
    05/10         (4%)  (1%) (67%) (28%)  (0%)
125 03/03    -     2     -    90    31     -    123
    05/06         (2%)       (73%) (25%)      
126 03/04    2     -     6   119    24     -    151
    05/06   (1%)        (4%) (79%) (16%)      
131 03/09    3     -     -    47     6     -     56
    05/06   (5%)             (84%) (11%)      
137 03/16    -     -     4    23     5     -     32
    05/06              (13%) (72%) (16%)      
143 03/23    -     -     -    29    18     3     50
    05/06                    (58%) (36%)  (6%)
subtotal     5    16    12   609   182    15    839
  03/2002   (1%)  (2%)  (1%) (73%) (22%)  (2%)
150 04/02    3     6     6   130    28     5    178
    05/06   (2%)  (3%)  (3%) (73%) (16%)  (3%)
156 04/09    4     4    14   139    49     5    215
    05/06   (2%)  (2%)  (7%) (65%) (23%)  (2%)
165 04/19    2    13     -    81    13     4    113
    05/06   (2%) (12%)       (72%) (12%)  (4%)
subtotal     9    23    20   350    90    14    506
  04/2002   (2%)  (5%)  (4%) (69%) (18%)  (3%)
176 05/03    -     -     3    96    13     -    112
    05/06               (3%) (86%) (12%)      
180 05/08    7     7     1   136    21     3    175
    05/08   (4%)  (4%)  (1%) (78%) (12%)  (2%)
182 05/10    1     7     1   142    23     8    182
    05/06   (1%)  (4%)  (1%) (78%) (13%)  (4%)
183 05/13    3     -     -    66    11     5     85
    05/10   (4%)             (78%) (13%)  (6%)
184 05/14    4     -     -   156    21     9    190
    05/05   (2%)             (82%) (11%)  (5%)
192 05/23    -     2     2    69    13     1     87
    05/06         (2%)  (2%) (79%) (15%)  (1%)
subtotal    15    16     7   665   102    26    831
  05/2002   (2%)  (2%)  (1%) (80%) (12%)  (3%)
200 06/05   15     1     2    44    10     3     75
    05/06  (20%)  (1%)  (3%) (59%) (13%)  (4%)
205 06/11    -     3     1   186    40     8    238
    05/06         (1%)  (0%) (78%) (17%)  (3%)
218 06/26    3     -     1    56    15     -     75
    05/06   (4%)        (1%) (75%) (20%)      
subtotal    18     4     4   286    65    11    388
  06/2002   (5%)  (1%)  (1%) (74%) (17%)  (3%)
225 07/05    -     -     -    91    15     4    110
    05/06                    (83%) (14%)  (4%)
242 07/26    2     -     -    57     7     -     66
    05/06   (3%)             (86%) (11%)      
subtotal     2     -     -   148    22     4    176
  07/2002   (1%)             (84%) (13%)  (2%)
252 08/07    -     7     -    65    17     -     89
    05/06         (8%)       (73%) (19%)      
267 08/28    -     3     -    45     5     -     53
    05/06         (6%)       (85%)  (9%)      
subtotal     -    10     -   110    22     -    142
  08/2002         (7%)       (77%) (15%)      
271 09/04    -     2     2   169    34    21    228
    05/06         (1%)  (1%) (74%) (15%)  (9%)
273 09/06    5     2     -   187    41     4    239
    05/06   (2%)  (1%)       (78%) (17%)  (2%)
275 09/10    4     1     1   151    41    15    213
    05/06   (2%)  (0%)  (0%) (71%) (19%)  (7%)
276 09/11    -     6     -    95     9     4    114
    05/11         (5%)       (83%)  (8%)  (4%)
279 09/16    -     4     3   130    28     9    174
    05/07         (2%)  (2%) (75%) (16%)  (5%)
284 09/23    -     -     -   164    33     9    206
    05/10                    (80%) (16%)  (4%)
285 09/24    -     3     -    93    19     4    119
    05/05         (3%)       (78%) (16%)  (3%)
289 09/30    -     -     1   163    24     7    195
    05/06               (1%) (84%) (12%)  (4%)
subtotal     9    18     7  1152   229    73   1488
  09/2002   (1%)  (1%)  (0%) (77%) (15%)  (5%)
total     3450   814   769  9757  2486   434  17710
          (19%)  (5%)  (4%) (55%) (14%)  (2%)
Data for Kashmir om WAC 02-119

WAC Status Date Status Group
WAC02119XXXXX Resumed 9/28/2002 Resumed/FP recvd
WAC02119XXXXX Received 2/25/2002 Received
WAC02119XXXXX Received 2/25/2002 Received
WAC02119XXXXX Received 2/25/2002 Received
WAC02119XXXXX Received 2/25/2002 Received
WAC02119XXXXX Resumed 4/15/2003 Resumed/FP recvd
WAC02119XXXXX Received 2/25/2002 Received
WAC02119XXXXX Rejected 2/25/2002 Misc
WAC02119XXXXX Resumed 5/7/2003 Resumed/FP recvd

Question: Although my AVM says that results of FP check were received on 12/11/2002, this scan shows only "Received". Is any follow up required by me?
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Project Kashmir

There are still 144 days left to be scanned. I think "Project Kashmir" will be done by June 20th.I am hopeful we will have all information by this date.

I really hope BCIS will pick up atleast by then.

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WAC-02-135 status as of 5/12/2003

WAC-02-135 status as of 05/12/2003
Approved .............   1 ( 1%)
Transferred ..........   2 ( 1%)
RFE ..................   1 ( 1%)
Fingerprint .......... 119 (63%)
Received .............  49 (26%)
Others ...............  16 ( 9%)
Total ................ 188
It started at the last evening scanning all known WAC-02 I485 cases, and it's in the middle.
Originally posted by niladri30
Data for Kashmir om WAC 02-119

WAC Status Date Status Group
Question: Although my AVM says that results of FP check were received on 12/11/2002, this scan shows only "Received". Is any follow up required by me?

Please do not post the WAC numbers as is.