Project Kashmir:WAC-02 all I485 case status

scanners (or scanned data) wanted

As some people had already mentioned,
we need to scan the following data.
033 50001-59432 : 9,432 cases
034 50001-59237 : 9,237 cases
040 50001-57590 : 7,590 cases
041 50001-59281 : 9,281 cases
042 50001-56550 : 6,550 cases
044 50001-58817 : 8,817 cases
totally 50,907 cases

Can somebody scan these cases ?
Can somebody post or e-mail the result if you have already had ?

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CAn we add WAC-02-049 to that list?

If someone can tell me how to scan, I am willing to do the same.
Thanks for your Help guys.
Ignore my prev post. WAC-02049 is already there on the list. Sorry.

Also I am not unable to delete my prev post.
Hi, Eager2000,

> CAn we add WAC-02-049 to that list?

We have already had WAC-02-049 case numbers.

> If someone can tell me how to scan, I am willing to do the same.
> Thanks for your Help guys.

My Java program is not user friendly,
however, off-patience wrote a script for Excel,
and many people in this forum seem to scan cases by off-patience's script.
kashmir, Sillyman, offpatience,

When u do the first time scan where do u start the WAC nos.

I see most WAC nos starting with 5 for the last five digit ?

WAC-02-063-5**** if that is what u have observed we can scan nos from

WAC-XX-XXX-50000 to WAC-XX-XXX-59999 and can save some time.

any input from others on the forum.
Family Based Vs Employment Based

Do we know which of these cases are Family based or Employment based ? Do they carry same priority? Whats the PD effect on this?

Just curious !!!
Hi, RM_CSC and cao,

> I see most WAC nos starting with 5 for the last five digit ?

> all CSC cases started from 5, regardless of case type

If the number of cases for a single day is less than 10,000, it should be 5xxxx.
We have only two exceptions for WAC-02.

WAC-02-053 has 11,282 cases, and 9 of them are I-485 cases with 6xxxx.
WAC-02-064 has 10,219 cases, but I have no data.
Transferred apps

er, this might be dumb - but what is the meaning of the status 'Transferred' in these summaries. Does it mean these apps are transferred to the local office ?

these 'transferred' numbers look large. What are the known reasons apps get transferred ?

What is the impact of an app being transferred on its processing time ?



INS algo to process 485 apps quickly in like 2-4 weeks.

for (int ctr=1; ctr < 2; ) // no, thats not a bug



/* if a problem is ignored hard enough and long enough it gets solved somehow */



exclude holidays

guys, i'm sure you must've taken care of this already but i'll mention it anyway - we need to skip the wac ranges for saturdays, sundays and public holidays when running the scams - will save some time.


desensitized with all this waiting......
Re: Transferred apps

Originally posted by bade_babuji
er, this might be dumb - but what is the meaning of the status 'Transferred' in these summaries. Does it mean these apps are transferred to the local office ?

these 'transferred' numbers look large. What are the known reasons apps get transferred ?

What is the impact of an app being transferred on its processing time ?


Hi, bade_babuji,

It's matched with "transferred your I485" string in the application.
Here is an example:
On October 28, 2002, we transferred your I485 Application to Register Permanent Residence or to Adjust Status to another BCIS office for them to schedule and conduct y our interview. Scheduling can take several months. That office will notify you when they schedule your interview or take other action on your case.

> Does it mean these apps are transferred to the local office ?

I think so.
my second application for summary report

% wc -l wac02046-i485.txt
    513 wac02046-i485.txt
% cat wac02046-i485.txt | java -jar > wac02046-i485-raw-20030406.tsv
% cat wac02046-i485-raw-20030406.tsv | java -jar
Approved/Completed ... 224 (44%)
Transferred ..........  36 ( 7%)
RFE Received .........  32 ( 6%)
RFE Sent .............   9 ( 2%)
Resumed/FP Received .. 140 (27%)
FP Sent ..............   8 ( 2%)
Received .............  53 (10%)
Denied/Withdrawn .....   4 ( 1%)
Misc .................   7 ( 1%)
Total ................ 513

You don't need to rename it to kashmir2.jar .
It includes source code, too.
TO: Who shared your data with me;

I want to share all data that I have collected such as the list of I485 case numbers and (scanned raw data if you want)
at first with who had already posted (or sent me) some series of I485 case numbers.
Can you send me e-mail ?
I will reply it, attaching data.
WAC-02-030,054,055 status as of 4/8/2003

WAC-02-030 .. no I485 cases

WAC-02-054 status as of 04/08/2003
Approved/Completed ...  21 (19%)
Transferred ..........   6 ( 5%)
RFE Received .........   9 ( 8%)
RFE Sent .............   1 ( 1%)
Resumed/FP Received ..  52 (46%)
FP Sent ..............   5 ( 4%)
Received .............  16 (14%)
Denied/Withdrawn .....   1 ( 1%)
Misc .................   2 ( 2%)
Total ................ 113

WAC-02-055 status as of 04/08/2003
Approved/Completed ...   8 ( 9%)
Transferred ..........   4 ( 5%)
Resumed/FP Received ..  63 (73%)
FP Sent ..............   3 ( 3%)
Received .............   5 ( 6%)
Misc .................   3 ( 3%)
Total ................  86
WAC-02 status table as of 4/9/2003

WAC02    Aprv         RFE   RFE    FP    FP  Appl  Dend             
 scanned Cmpl  Trns  Rcvd  Sent  Rcvd  Sent  Rcvd  Wtdr  Misc Total
001       224    25    10     2    17     1    19     1     4   303
   04/08  (74%)  (8%)  (3%)  (1%)  (6%)  (0%)  (6%)  (0%)  (1%)
002        20    17     3     -     4     -     1     -     9    54
   04/08  (37%) (31%)  (6%)        (7%)        (2%)       (17%)
003        17     2     1     2     7     -     -     -     3    32
   04/08  (53%)  (6%)  (3%)  (6%) (22%)                    (9%)
008         2     -     -     -     -     -     -     1     -     3
   04/08  (67%)                                     (33%)      
009        76     6     -     2    10     -     4     -     -    98
   04/08  (78%)  (6%)        (2%) (10%)        (4%)            
010        90     2     3     -     5     -     3     1     -   104
   04/08  (87%)  (2%)  (3%)        (5%)        (3%)  (1%)      
014         2     -     -     -     -     1     -     -     -     3
   04/08  (67%)                         (33%)                  
015         -     -     -     -     -     -     2     -     -     2
   04/08                                     (100%)            
019         -     1     -     -     -     1     1     -     -     3
   04/08        (33%)                   (33%) (33%)            
020         6     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     6
   04/08 (100%)                                                
subtotal  437    53    17     6    43     3    30     3    16   608
          (72%)  (9%)  (3%)  (1%)  (7%)  (0%)  (5%)  (0%)  (3%)
031        16     9     5     1    10     -     4     -     -    45
   04/08  (36%) (20%) (11%)  (2%) (22%)        (9%)            
032        77    14    20     4    63     4    19     -     2   203
   04/08  (38%)  (7%) (10%)  (2%) (31%)  (2%)  (9%)        (1%)
035       129    38    33     3    59     2    34     -     1   299
   04/09  (43%) (13%) (11%)  (1%) (20%)  (1%) (11%)        (0%)
036        45     7    24     5    32     -    11     4     -   128
   04/09  (35%)  (5%) (19%)  (4%) (25%)        (9%)  (3%)      
037        66    11    16     8    34     2     7     -     7   151
   04/09  (44%)  (7%) (11%)  (5%) (23%)  (1%)  (5%)        (5%)
038        24     2     4     2    14     -     5     -     5    56
   04/09  (43%)  (4%)  (7%)  (4%) (25%)        (9%)        (9%)
039        40     6     -     -    10     3     2     1     -    62
   04/09  (65%) (10%)             (16%)  (5%)  (3%)  (2%)      
043        98    14    21     3    73     2    13     5     5   234
   04/09  (42%)  (6%)  (9%)  (1%) (31%)  (1%)  (6%)  (2%)  (2%)
045       204    24    43    11   116     9    49     -     2   458
   04/09  (45%)  (5%)  (9%)  (2%) (25%)  (2%) (11%)        (0%)
046       225    39    30     9   138     8    53     4     7   513
   04/09  (44%)  (8%)  (6%)  (2%) (27%)  (2%) (10%)  (1%)  (1%)
047       124    35    28    16    88     5    23     3     1   323
   04/07  (38%) (11%)  (9%)  (5%) (27%)  (2%)  (7%)  (1%)  (0%)
048        18     1     4     1     6     -     -     -     -    30
   04/07  (60%)  (3%) (13%)  (3%) (20%)                        
049       125    14    28     4   120    10    31     3     2   337
   04/05  (37%)  (4%)  (8%)  (1%) (36%)  (3%)  (9%)  (1%)  (1%)
050       144    15    15     2    86     2    30     2     3   299
   04/05  (48%)  (5%)  (5%)  (1%) (29%)  (1%) (10%)  (1%)  (1%)
subtotal 1335   229   271    69   849    47   281    22    35  3138
          (43%)  (7%)  (9%)  (2%) (27%)  (1%)  (9%)  (1%)  (1%)
053        29     2     2     1    25     1     2     -     -    62
   04/07  (47%)  (3%)  (3%)  (2%) (40%)  (2%)  (3%)            
054        21     6     9     1    52     5    16     1     2   113
   04/08  (19%)  (5%)  (8%)  (1%) (46%)  (4%) (14%)  (1%)  (2%)
055         8     4     -     -    63     3     5     -     3    86
   04/08   (9%)  (5%)             (73%)  (3%)  (6%)        (3%)
057         5     -     1     -   136     8    34     1     1   186
   04/05   (3%)        (1%)       (73%)  (4%) (18%)  (1%)  (1%)
059         -     -     1     -    62     -     7     -     -    70
   04/06               (1%)       (89%)       (10%)            
063         2     5     1     -    77    10    19     -     -   114
   04/05   (2%)  (4%)  (1%)       (68%)  (9%) (17%)            
065         9     -     -     -    57     1    19     1     -    87
   04/06  (10%)                   (66%)  (1%) (22%)  (1%)      
066         2     1     -     -    83     4    13     -     1   104
   04/08   (2%)  (1%)             (80%)  (4%) (13%)        (1%)
067         4     2     -     1    64     3    20     -     1    95
   04/08   (4%)  (2%)        (1%) (67%)  (3%) (21%)        (1%)
070         9     3     -     -   107     6    26     1     -   152
   04/05   (6%)  (2%)             (70%)  (4%) (17%)  (1%)      
073         3     1     -     3    76     2    16     -     -   101
   04/06   (3%)  (1%)        (3%) (75%)  (2%) (16%)            
subtotal   92    24    14     6   802    43   177     4     8  1170
           (8%)  (2%)  (1%)  (1%) (69%)  (4%) (15%)  (0%)  (1%)
076         -     -     -     2    79     5    18     -     1   105
   04/08                     (2%) (75%)  (5%) (17%)        (1%)
083         -     -     -     -    79     1    15     -     3    98
   04/05                          (81%)  (1%) (15%)        (3%)
087         2     1     -     4   130    13    32     -     1   183
   04/06   (1%)  (1%)        (2%) (71%)  (7%) (17%)        (1%)
089         2     2     -     4   149     5    43     2    12   219
   04/05   (1%)  (1%)        (2%) (68%)  (2%) (20%)  (1%)  (5%)
100         7     -     -     1   132     -    49     -     5   194
   04/05   (4%)              (1%) (68%)       (25%)        (3%)
subtotal   11     3     -    11   569    24   157     2    22   799
           (1%)  (0%)        (1%) (71%)  (3%) (20%)  (0%)  (3%)
103         5     -     -     -   136     -    36     -     -   177
   04/06   (3%)                   (77%)       (20%)            
105         5     -     1     -   131    27    35     -    11   210
   04/05   (2%)        (0%)       (62%) (13%) (17%)        (5%)
117         -     -     -     -   110    36    38     -     6   190
   04/06                          (58%) (19%) (20%)        (3%)
124         -    10     -     -   173     1    74     -     1   259
   04/05         (4%)             (67%)  (0%) (29%)        (0%)
subtotal   10    10     1     -   550    64   183     -    18   836
           (1%)  (1%)  (0%)       (66%)  (8%) (22%)        (2%)
150         3     1     -     -   123    13    33     1     4   178
   04/05   (2%)  (1%)             (69%)  (7%) (19%)  (1%)  (2%)
subtotal    3     1     -     -   123    13    33     1     4   178
           (2%)  (1%)             (69%)  (7%) (19%)  (1%)  (2%)
200        15     1     2     -    44     -    10     -     3    75
   04/05  (20%)  (1%)  (3%)       (59%)       (13%)        (4%)
subtotal   15     1     2     -    44     -    10     -     3    75
          (20%)  (1%)  (3%)       (59%)       (13%)        (4%)
271         -     2     1     1   124    43    34     2    21   228
   04/05         (1%)  (0%)  (0%) (54%) (19%) (15%)  (1%)  (9%)
273         4     2     -     -   113    70    42     4     4   239
   04/05   (2%)  (1%)             (47%) (29%) (18%)  (2%)  (2%)
275         4     1     -     -   108    39    42     4    15   213
   04/06   (2%)  (0%)             (51%) (18%) (20%)  (2%)  (7%)
subtotal    8     5     1     1   345   152   118    10    40   680
           (1%)  (1%)  (0%)  (0%) (51%) (22%) (17%)  (1%)  (6%)
total    1911   326   306    93  3325   346   989    42   146  7484
          (26%)  (4%)  (4%)  (1%) (44%)  (5%) (13%)  (1%)  (2%)

WAC-02-001..046 updated since the previous table.
Attached is HTML version.
approvals since 3/31/2003

We can see some approvals.

01 : On ***, after approving your application, we ordered you a new card.
02 : This case has been approved. On ***, an approval notice was mailed.

As my program is not perfect yet,
the same case may have both 01 and 02 lines.
case number stat date
WAC020375**** 01 2003-04-08
WAC020375**** 01 2003-04-08
WAC020375**** 01 2003-04-08
WAC020375**** 01 2003-04-08
WAC020395**** 01 2003-04-08
WAC020395**** 01 2003-04-08
WAC020435**** 01 2003-04-08
WAC020435**** 01 2003-04-08
WAC020435**** 01 2003-04-08
WAC020455**** 01 2003-04-08
WAC020455**** 01 2003-04-08
WAC020455**** 01 2003-04-08
WAC020455**** 01 2003-04-08
WAC020465**** 01 2003-04-08
WAC020545**** 01 2003-04-08
WAC020545**** 01 2003-04-08
WAC020015**** 01 2003-04-07
WAC020015**** 01 2003-04-07
WAC020105**** 01 2003-04-07
WAC020355**** 02 2003-04-07
WAC020355**** 02 2003-04-07
WAC020355**** 02 2003-04-07
WAC020355**** 02 2003-04-07
WAC020355**** 02 2003-04-07
WAC020355**** 02 2003-04-07
WAC020355**** 02 2003-04-07
WAC020355**** 02 2003-04-07
WAC020365**** 02 2003-04-07
WAC020365**** 02 2003-04-07
WAC020365**** 02 2003-04-07
WAC020375**** 01 2003-04-07
WAC020375**** 01 2003-04-07
WAC020465**** 01 2003-04-07
WAC020465**** 02 2003-04-07
WAC020015**** 01 2003-04-04
WAC020095**** 01 2003-04-04
WAC020325**** 01 2003-04-04
WAC020355**** 01 2003-04-04
WAC020375**** 01 2003-04-04
WAC020435**** 01 2003-04-04
WAC020465**** 01 2003-04-04
WAC020635**** 01 2003-04-04
WAC020435**** 02 2003-04-03
WAC020435**** 02 2003-04-03
WAC020435**** 02 2003-04-03
WAC020435**** 02 2003-04-03
WAC020505**** 02 2003-04-03
WAC020015**** 01 2003-04-02
WAC020035**** 02 2003-04-02
WAC020355**** 01 2003-04-02
WAC020355**** 01 2003-04-02
WAC020355**** 01 2003-04-02
WAC020365**** 01 2003-04-02
WAC020435**** 01 2003-04-02
WAC020465**** 02 2003-04-02
WAC020505**** 01 2003-04-02
WAC020505**** 01 2003-04-02
WAC020505**** 01 2003-04-02
WAC020505**** 01 2003-04-02
WAC020505**** 01 2003-04-02
WAC020545**** 01 2003-04-02
WAC020545**** 01 2003-04-02
WAC020545**** 01 2003-04-02
WAC020355**** 01 2003-04-01
WAC020355**** 01 2003-04-01
WAC020355**** 01 2003-04-01
WAC020355**** 01 2003-04-01
WAC020355**** 01 2003-04-01
WAC020355**** 01 2003-04-01
WAC020355**** 01 2003-04-01
WAC020355**** 01 2003-04-01
WAC020355**** 01 2003-04-01
WAC020375**** 01 2003-04-01
WAC020375**** 01 2003-04-01
WAC020375**** 01 2003-04-01
WAC020375**** 01 2003-04-01
WAC020395**** 01 2003-04-01
WAC020435**** 02 2003-04-01
WAC020455**** 02 2003-04-01
WAC020455**** 02 2003-04-01
WAC020465**** 02 2003-04-01
WAC020465**** 02 2003-04-01
WAC020465**** 01 2003-04-01
WAC020495**** 02 2003-04-01
WAC020495**** 01 2003-04-01
WAC020495**** 01 2003-04-01
WAC020505**** 01 2003-04-01
WAC020505**** 01 2003-04-01
WAC020505**** 01 2003-04-01
WAC020705**** 01 2003-04-01
WAC020015**** 02 2003-03-31
WAC020015**** 02 2003-03-31
WAC020325**** 01 2003-03-31
WAC020355**** 01 2003-03-31
WAC020355**** 01 2003-03-31
WAC020355**** 01 2003-03-31
WAC020365**** 02 2003-03-31
WAC020375**** 01 2003-03-31
WAC020375**** 01 2003-03-31
WAC020375**** 01 2003-03-31
WAC020385**** 02 2003-03-31
WAC020395**** 01 2003-03-31
WAC020455**** 01 2003-03-31
WAC020455**** 02 2003-03-31
WAC020475**** 01 2003-03-31
WAC020475**** 01 2003-03-31
WAC020495**** 02 2003-03-31
WAC020495**** 02 2003-03-31
WAC020495**** 02 2003-03-31
WAC020495**** 02 2003-03-31
WAC020495**** 01 2003-03-31
WAC020495**** 02 2003-03-31
WAC020495**** 02 2003-03-31
WAC020495**** 02 2003-03-31
WAC020495**** 02 2003-03-31
HI, This is great job by all my fellow " waiters" for GC. Can someone include
wac - 02 - 126 in this list plzzzzzzzz.
Thanks in ADVANCE!! Waiting anxiously to see it
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Kashmir can you post full wac numbers for approvals

Kashmir can you post full wac numbers for approvals...I don't think you need to worry about any confidentiality matters because this is public information provided on a public site....
can you please include 062 as well - there is a gap there... Thank you very much. You are doing a great job!
Re: Kashmir can you post full wac numbers for approvals

Originally posted by bankebihari123
Kashmir can you post full wac numbers for approvals...I don't think you need to worry about any confidentiality matters because this is public information provided on a public site....

Hi, bankebihari123,
Thanks for your advice.
I understand what you wrote.

However, I have one concern about posting full case numbers of approval cases.
The BCIS seems to limit the number of inquies per day per case number,
although I have not confirmed yet.
It may be 10.
If posting full case numbers of only several approval cases,
it's easy to exceed that limitation.

For the list of all I485 case numbers to scan,
it may be OK.
But I may have to consider about it, too.