Project Kashmir #3

Lets maintain the goodwill, and play it safe..

Hi Guys,

I think all of us (including Indie) agree that the reports
published by Kashmir provide great information, and all of
us (including Indle) are thankful to him for his services.

At least to me, it is clear that there is no difference of
opinion on the above premise.

That one post by Indie where he lashed out at Kashmir,
was in a fit of frustration and rage at the US immigraiton
system. I am sure we all have such moments.

Lets maintain the goodwill, and move on. This is my appeal
to all of you.

Through the discussion that followed because of Indie's
post, one good thing has come out, which is summarized in
Status Finder's post, where he points out an issue with the
legality of this report published by Kashmir. Dont get me
wrong, I am a fan of his reports myself, but, at the same
time, I dont want Kashmir or any one else getting in trouble
because of this.

StatusFinder writes:
Unauthorized Use
Unauthorized access is a violation of U.S. Law and Department of Homeland Security policy, and may result in criminal or administrative penalties. Users shall not access other users' files or system files without proper authority. Absence of access controls is not authorization for access.

To All Gurus of this Forum,

If we run the scripts to get the status from the INS site, we are actually increasing the number of hits on the INS Server. I guess we should stop running these scripts.

The terms says that user should not access other user's files. please see the clause "Absence of access controls is not authorization for access".

I think that we need to look deeper into this, maybe, talk
to Mr Rajiv and get his opinion on this, ie, whether or not
accessing INS website to publish this data is legally safe.

Now, I am investigating some technical and legal matters on Project Kashmir.
Anyway, I suspend this project for a while.
Re: Doctor Doctor

Originally posted by becky
The only person I know who's not stuck in the queue as a Dr. is a Nobel prize winner -- the INS still seems to have a fast track for that...

It's true, they have different (read "super-fast") priority - scientists with exceptional skill (nobel prize winners), international atheletes/sportstars (eg. Monica Seles), renouned artists and musicians (eg. Ustad Ali Akbar Khan)
OR people with ultimate laziness (eg. me).
Originally posted by kashmir
Now, I am investigating some technical and legal matters on Project Kashmir.
Anyway, I suspend this project for a while.

I absolutely agree. I think the Project Kashmir should be suspended until the legal implication/consequence is clear to us. We will miss it, but that's the way it is. Let's go back to phony CIS JIT report, dude (whether you believe it or not)!
Why do people discourage community service done by a good person like Kashmir? What did he gain for these reports that he was doing for last 1 yr (May be more)? All he was asking is, some support and that too not for him. If we need to do something for our cases, we should support him otherwise we should just shut up but should not comment.

I sincerely hope that Kashmir will find good support for some other service like this in future if not now.
Originally posted by indie7068
First off Kashmir let me apologize for threatening you - that was not my intention.

However let me explain myself - for years I have contributed freely to this community never asking anything in return.

I was and am incredibly frustrated by you.

You have written some smart code that helps us all keep intouch with what the INS is doing.

But you behave like a spoilt child - you refuse to share the code with people, you constantly post scans off no use to anyone. For example you focus on 03 - claim you don't have 02 etc etc.

I here lies everyday from the INS and now this Kashmir guy tries to play games with us every day - giving out a bit info - withholding info. Does that make you feel good ?

Why don't you just publish number of approvals a week ? or give up the code so someone else can do it ?

You are the only person who demands contribution in return for helping others.

Why does Kashmir withhold info from us ?

Why does he only publish the data that suits his agruments ?

Why will he not share the scanning code ?

Which comunity do you belong to ?

I withdraw my stupid threat !!!

Why don;t you help everyone for free ?

I haven't seen a more stupid than you in my entire life. Shame on you that you claim to be a Doctror and yet does not have either decency or maturity. You need some psychiatric help. Kashmir is not collecting any funds. He is leading a movement to fight the backlog issue and to change the immigration laws. As a true leader he is asking people to join this movement . Asking people to contribute towards a fund for their own good, is completely different from collecting funds for a selfish cause. You don't understand such a small thing. How did you become a Doctor ? Did you copy in the exams from others ? Did you pay a bribe for getting admission or are you the son/daughter of a powerful politician or did you get the admission based on some quota system ?
You are a pathetic loser. I hope that you are not logging onto the net from a Jail. Hard to believe that people like you exist among normal crowd.
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Project Kashmir Community Edition - Coming Soon !!

I am drafting the plan.
I think I can solve almost all technical, legal, and community moral issues.
I will ask opinions of the community for the detail.
Originally posted by kashmir
Now, I am investigating some technical and legal matters on Project Kashmir.
Anyway, I suspend this project for a while.
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Re: Terms and Conditions at

Originally posted by kashmir

Terms and Conditions

When this site is accessed, used, or viewed, you agree to the terms and conditions that follow. If you do not agree to these terms and conditions, you should immediately cease all actions pertaining to this site.

My conslusion is:
the access by Project Kashmir is not "Unauthorized access".
Kashmir and others

Whats your take on this one

Users shall not access other users' files or system files without proper authority. Absence of access controls is not authorization for access.

we are scanning other ppl numbers do we need authority from them . Its like when we give in writing to Senators to do the inquiry on our behave. Though i will like Project K to restart as much as everyone else here except few exceptions.
Project Kashmir Community Edition - Draft Plan

Originally posted by kashmir
I am drafting the plan.
I think I can solve almost all technical, legal, and community moral issues.
I will ask opinions of the community for the detail.
Project Kashmir Community Edition - Draft Plan

It requires contributions (participations) of this community members.
More contributors, better result.
Each contributor scans 900 cases with Project Kashmir program 2 or 3 times per week.
There are almost 60,00 pending I-485 cases for WAC-02 and WAC-03.
If we have 23 contributors and if each one scans 3 times per week, 900 x 3 x 23 = 62,100 cases can be scanned per week, so we can cover all pending cases.
If we have 45 contributors, we can update the report twice per week.
If we have more contributors, we can cover WAC-04, too.
Anyone can contribute this project.
Even non member of ImmigrationPortal.Com can contribute.

The process will be automated in future.
But I have no time to update the current system right now,
so I have to minimize its modification.
Some operations will be manually handled at the beginning of the project.
Here are steps:

1) The contributor registers by sending e-mail to kashmir (
2) The contributor receives the scan program and randomly selected 900 case numbers.
3) The contributor scans 900 cases with the program.
4) The contributor sends the scan data back to kashmir (within 36 hours).
5) kashmir creates a report from the latest data.
6) The contributor receives the latest report and another 900 case numbers.
7) go to 3).

Some steps will be automated in future, but it starts with e-mail base.
The contributor have to resister with e-mail address for the above communications.
The contributor may not have an ImmigrationPortal.Com user name.
If the contributor wants, one's user name is listed as one of contributors.
kashmir may become one of contributors.

The contributor must agree not to re-distribute the report.
The report may be posted at this forum, but it is not guaranteed.
The contributors will make a decision.

The program is written in Java and it requires Java2 Runtime Environment 1.4 or
later version.
For the security reason, its source code will be attached, too.
Internet access is required.
Nobody should not execute the program within the firewall of one's company's network.
A proxy server is not necessary, but you may use a proxy.

Not only a software engineer but also anyone including a doctor or a salesperson should be able to run the program,
I will not provide any technical support.
But you may get a support from the community.

Your comment and suggestion are welcome.
Re: Terms and Conditions at

Originally posted by kashmir
If you cause a technical disruption of the site or the systems transmitting the site to you or others, you agree to be responsible for any and all civil and or criminal penalties

Users shall not access other users' files or system files without proper authority. Absence of access controls is not authorization for access.
I kind of agree with ghost-rider on this one. The above two phrases bother me. If we are going to analyze the legal situation, we need to do a better job than just go by personal opinion. It is time to get the lawyers in, cause we just don't have the expertise.

Kashmir, We can check with Rajiv this weekend and ask him for his opinion before going forward. I am concerned that you could be setting your self up for a fall if the concerns turn out to be genuine.

But if all systems go, I do volunteer to run some scans myself. And I also volunteer Indie to not just scan 900 numbers but also ultimately collate it and publish it to the portal.

A suggestion, I would recomment instead of printing case by case data, it might be better to just post summaries with percentages of the subtotals for each day if necessary. But posting case by case data is tedious and provides no additional information, since the case numbers are masked in any case.
I would be more concerned about the "unauthorized access" clause than the "technical disruption" clause.

The software can be modified to become a more responsible crawler. For example, adding random delays between each hit, or pausing for 10 munites or so if it receives a server error page or the request timed out. This way they should not mistaken us for DOS attack.

On the other hand, whether our access is authorized or not, is not crystal clear from the terms presented. And we should probably get legal advice on this.
Project Kashmir 2 Community Edition Phase 1 starts on 5/10/2004

Project Kashmir 2 Community Edition Phase 1 thread is opened.
kashmir said:
Project Kashmir Community Edition - Draft Plan

It requires contributions (participations) of this community members.
More contributors, better result.
Each contributor scans 900 cases with Project Kashmir program 2 or 3 times per week.
There are almost 60,00 pending I-485 cases for WAC-02 and WAC-03.
If we have 23 contributors and if each one scans 3 times per week, 900 x 3 x 23 = 62,100 cases can be scanned per week, so we can cover all pending cases.
If we have 45 contributors, we can update the report twice per week.
If we have more contributors, we can cover WAC-04, too.
Anyone can contribute this project.
Even non member of ImmigrationPortal.Com can contribute.

The process will be automated in future.
But I have no time to update the current system right now,
so I have to minimize its modification.
Some operations will be manually handled at the beginning of the project.
Here are steps:

1) The contributor registers by sending e-mail to kashmir (
2) The contributor receives the scan program and randomly selected 900 case numbers.
3) The contributor scans 900 cases with the program.
4) The contributor sends the scan data back to kashmir (within 36 hours).
5) kashmir creates a report from the latest data.
6) The contributor receives the latest report and another 900 case numbers.
7) go to 3).

Some steps will be automated in future, but it starts with e-mail base.
The contributor have to resister with e-mail address for the above communications.
The contributor may not have an ImmigrationPortal.Com user name.
If the contributor wants, one's user name is listed as one of contributors.
kashmir may become one of contributors.

The contributor must agree not to re-distribute the report.
The report may be posted at this forum, but it is not guaranteed.
The contributors will make a decision.

The program is written in Java and it requires Java2 Runtime Environment 1.4 or
later version.
For the security reason, its source code will be attached, too.
Internet access is required.
Nobody should not execute the program within the firewall of one's company's network.
A proxy server is not necessary, but you may use a proxy.

Not only a software engineer but also anyone including a doctor or a salesperson should be able to run the program,
I will not provide any technical support.
But you may get a support from the community.

Your comment and suggestion are welcome.
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5/2/2004 Weekend Full Report

This is the last report at the original Project Kashmir.

Thank you,