Project Kashmir #3

Originally posted by Dadagiri

First of all instead of hiding behind some imposterish id why dont u share your ÿears popular ID so everybody can know? why this type of diplomacy...are u afraid of the community or of your reputation......
Secondly I agree with some of your arguments that Kashmir cannot allure somebody to give money for his reports

Because this is free forum it is unfair to play with peoples emotions and anxiety to force them to give is Kashmir's data and every right to use way he wants but by doing this he is inadvertantly forcing people to think in way dont want to think
Personally I have not donated money because i DONT BELIEVE THAT THIS MONEY WILL BRING OUT ANY GOOD, i appreciate the tenacity and efforts of Kashmir's and Edisons of this forum and i respect their selfless acts and I myself participate as and when I feel like but money is a sensitive thing... and playing with people's emotions is a bad thing.
Kashmir's reports are his own property and no body has any right... but by playing games his is turning off from many people to visit the forum.... this I agree is is very childish and immature...
But again I respect Kashmir for his selfless act and will continue to respect him but sometimes i dont feel like visiting this forum beause I primarily visit for Kahsmir's report and kashmir posting the "blackmailing and marketing "commets( eventhough for not his personal gains, and selfless) really frustrate me.
anyways home every body things from a different angle
no offece to anyone
Hi, Dadagiri,
I'd appreciate your having taken the initiative in a couple campaigns and your participation in Project Ocean activities.

> Personally I have not donated money because i DONT BELIEVE THAT THIS MONEY WILL BRING OUT ANY GOOD,

Of course, it's up to you to donate or not to do.
I respect each one's decision even though one would not donate.

> ... but money is a sensitive thing... and playing with people's emotions is a bad thing.
> ... but by playing games his is turning off from many people to visit the forum.... this I agree is is very childish and immature...

I have posted all data absolutely for free.
But it might not be timely sometimes because I posted my messages only when I wanted like most of forum members.
I know some people feel it's game or marketing.
Honestly speaking, and as some people know, I am definitely not a marketing nor salesman type of person.

And, this is not a game playing within the community.
It is the fight against US Government for our own right and future.
I never compromise until achieving my goal.
And, I believe it's not only for myself but also contributing for the community's benefit.
hey indie

<<However let me explain myself - for years I have contributed freely to this community never asking anything in return.>>
What the heck did you contribue to this forum other than
browsing others efforts with your four posts ?

<<I was and am incredibly frustrated by you.>>
No one cares. If it is a problem for you u should stop
reading these forums.

<<But you behave like a spoilt child - you refuse to share the code with people, you constantly post scans off no use to anyone. For example you focus on 03 - claim you don't have 02 etc etc.>>

I personally have this code on my IDE.
Evil people!


How can you even write all that you did. Just reading it gives shows how evil one can think.
And with a thinking like that you condemn the efforts of a person who has taken out days of time to provide voluntary data to all of us?
Its people like you who don't do anything but also have an amazing ability to destroy the good work carried out by others. You make a nasty post and then shut up. Why don't you tell us what contribution you have made to the community. I don't know if Kashmirs effort will be successful ......... however, I admire him for trying....... at least he is doing something .... something constructive....... unlike you who is sitting around and destroying other peoples efforts.......

try to get evilness out and do something good !
My 2 cents

Hi Guys,

I have been reading these forums for last couple of years and I have found one noticeable thing - most of the discussions result in online fights. Why ? I have also seen people giving advice in an arrogant manner and thus resulting in fights too. Why ? My understanding of this forum is - people come here online to share experiences, read others' experiences and learn from it. They also come here to get practical information. The final interest of an individual is to read all the posts and find out where his/her case stands and how much time it will take to process his/her case. People come to this forum to ask questions and/or to post their experiences/share information.

So is there any place for any fight here ?

I am impressed by Kashmir's replies as in spite of all the heat it seems he managed to keep his cool. Sometime back Kashmir used to post the excel files with all the 2001 and 2002 data and anybody was able to read it. As people don't see it anymore people like Indie express their frustration.

If it is legitimate, legal and, Kashmir, if you have time to do this, why don't you post the data every few days (or periodically as you may find appropriate) as you used to earlier ? I guess those efforts will be highly appreciated.

For those who suggest others to contribute or participate to projects - I guess ,guys, there is too much of selling going on right now !! Marketing your ideas and asking people to contribute is alright if done moderately. But we have exceeded that moderation. Everybody on this forum is well-educated, well cultured and adults and they have all the wisdom to understand the signaficance of several projects, contributions etc. If they strongly believe in them, they will participate.

It is truly a sad state of affairs. And an absolute pity that you have been caught up in this. Looking at all the acrimony that is being slinged here truly just goes to show that no matter what you do, you cannot make everyone happy all the time! There are bound to be people who disagree and there is nothing you can do about it.

Some people have posted that they don't like being blackmailed, that they don't like being forced to do something, that you should give them the credit of intelligence to decide if they want to participate. And the funny thing is these are the very same people who NEVER/RARELY contribute to the growth of the forum. Either in terms of offering help and advise or contributing to the campaigns. When pier to pier networking first started, these kinds of people used to be called vampires. Who suck all the files they want but never help/participate/share, and they were usually banned.

Project Kashmir, fills a very important void in the information that INS provides us. And hence this debate and acrimony hurled at you. It is a fact, that ever since you started the "blackmailing" campaign participants have jumped, the "vampires" have come out of the closet to curse you and interest is up. But seriously speaking, you probably spend more time defending yourself from these attacks as compared to spending time collecting the information. And it is time to finally STOP.

There is no reason for you to put up with this, as some people requested, Why not give them the benefit of doubt and assume most people are intelligent enough to come to conclusions on the validity of the campaigns, support if they feel like or not, also assume that they are smart enough to write their own code and obtain the statistics and if they so free from all forms of selfishness, post the data here for all to view. Let us keep the campaigns running, request for support, drop the request for money contributions and focus on the immigration backlogs.

As we discussed on Thursday last, there are other ways to garner money for, and let us pursue those options.

So my personal request and if asked vote, goes towards stopping Project Kashmir all together. Let everyone shift for themselves and then they will realize that inspite of all the presumptiveness of Project Kashmir, it is always better to have the information at some price than no information at any price.

Thanks for taking the trouble to read through this post, and here is hoping for a quick approval for you.
here my 2 cents for Indie7068

1. The total number is messages posted by Indie7068 in this fourm is 4. Therefore when he/she says "for years I have contributed freely...." is not true. Either he/she is a LAIR or he/she is an old member but hiding behind a new fake ID (and that's intentional because he/she knows that he/she is doing something not so good).

2. Everybody comes to this fourm is adult and has his/her own common-sense and judgement. So I don't see if there is wrong with data provided by Kashmir. It is HIS data, therefore it can be biased towards "something" (I don't agree the bias-alligation, but I can take it for a sake of argument). And I believe this bias is natural and acceptable because he is not providing any "professional service" in exchange of money or anything else. Use your head (if you have any) to qualify/disqualify Kashmir's data. If you don't agree with his data, this forum provided enough space for you to provide the data or make your point what you feel not NOT BIASED. Be constructive.
I myself don't agree with some of Kahsmir's comments and I just ignore them.

3. If Kahsmir has a child-like behavior, that's him and that's his character. You can either accept that fact or you can ignore him or it's OK to whine about it. But there is no excuse of posting inflamatory comment on this issue.
I feel that Kahsmir is passionate about the immigration issues and dedicates lots of his time for it.
I don't find surprising that a person who did not show any passion of ANYTHING throwing mud on someone who has one. From my experience starting my school/college days I have seen some typical fellows who taunt/discredit those who are passionate about any issue - social, environment, politics, student issues.

4. In future I would be looking forward to the "free contribution" from Indie7068 (that he/she claimed).
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I once again request all those who are strongly marketing the campaigns, projects etc. to go little slow. Your intensions are not bad at all and I guess people acknowledge them. It's just the way in which things are presented is not appropriate or polite.

On one side we use the words 'vampire' to our fellow colleages and on the other side we expect them to participate. Is it going to work ?

Therefore, Kashmir and others, my request is to keep posting data as you were sometime back - easily accessible to everyone - and if legal and only if you want to and in whichever format you think appropriate. Also continue your efforts on campaigns, projects etc. They are highly appreciated. However my request is to those who post angry or unfriendly messages to their fellow colleagues of the forum for not participating. Such posts are not going to do any good and maybe the 'vampires' were not coming out because of such posts !

Anyway. what Indie did was not justifiable and he/she absolutely has no right to post such messages and threats. However we all need to understand the basic purpose of the forums like this.
Hi Kashmir,

It is general tendency of certain people, that if you give a piece of pie for taste they want the whole for themselves. Nothing can be done. Remember this famous line "Just that the way it is, somethings will never change".

Now, I believe and want to reiterate that, move this important information (your stats) to and under their ownership for signed up members (and by singed up members, i mean who contributed to the to view. If the website only publishes it like a weekly newsletter on the site, only for reading, no feedbacks entertained) it will be the first step to stop these cat fights.

This site then would remain primarily for sharing experiences and questions and campaigns. If campaigns are started either by you or others, lets not put a target number of people to call it successful but whoever participates, we will consider that campaign successful. This has to be a one-way street. I STARTED A CAMPAIGN, AND IT IS UPTO YOU TO PARTICIPATE kind of a methodology.

Last but not least, getting contributions for, we can put our brains together and come up with many different ways and means to get that.

It is upto the members on this forum to decide whether their journey is till they get GC or do they foresee further than that. The question will be is "Do you want to stay as a userid on a forum who come and go OR do you want to be a person identifiable and with respect and remembered?"

As for me, I will keep contributing to everything that makes best sense to me.
my 2 cents.

1. Stop Project Kashmir.
2. Let's not attach any strings to any of our campaigns or donation. It will be voluntary effort as always. Just we can remind everyone to participate in the community efforts but I understand that people are offended when we force them to join our efforts.
Hi Kashmir,

Inspite of people's advise you are still inclined to continue your work of providing statistics to the forum. So many people are wasting their enegy and time just to express their views on this issue created by the great indie7068.

Please stop project kashmir and utilize your enery for your family and personal work. You have participated in so many threads and helped many people. Why do you want to take the mud on your face now? It is not the question that you are brave and want to fight with these type of guys.

Please put a stop to this thread.

If you are offeneded by any of my comments, please accept my sincere apology in advance.

best regards.
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There is nothing special about Project Kashmir. With little effort
you can crank up the code yourself to scan the data.

Its just Kashmir manages to religiously do it every two days
religiously that makes him so wonderful.

I have met the man. He is not driven by thoughts of making
money. He wants to improve the process and wants everybody
to contribute to it.

You should not feel that you have been held for a ransom by

Let me help you with the code. Do you know httpunit and little
Java? Then you can utilize the following code to get data out
of the USCIS website. And just build your own scanner on that.
Okay? And stop complaining and threatening Kashmir.
We are all suffering from being messed around by the INS. So I object when I feel like one of our own seems to want to manipulate me. Note this is how I feel, you may not feel the same but you cannot tell me how I feel.

Project Kashmir has often brought me a ray of hope and real info instead of the INS tales. But when I have participated in Project Ocean campaigns, and sent money to .org what am I meant to do to see the data ?

I feel like Kashmir enjoys the control of not releasing info, sending out stats about WAC-03 and not WAC-02, sending out bits of info. Many have agreed with me on this point.

So having done everything Kashmir wanted of me and still not seeing the data - I thought I would see what happened when I manipulated Kashmir by my childish threat - (I guess you all missed the smiley).

Now you know what its like to be manipulated, this is what you do to everyone searching for information about processing times.

Kashmir has every right to withhold information - he does not owe me or anyone anything. My suggestion if you cannot contribute information to this forum without asking for donations then don't. Your contributions will be missed but I would prefer this
forum stays as a free forum not requiring contributions or if you make the contribution the data is not withheld waiting more money

On a practical note I believe the INS will withdraw the open access feature of the website as it allows too many to know what they are doing - check out theT&C's when you sign up for e-mail notification. I'm a medical doctor I guess I need to learn Java.
It does not help if you are a Doctor. I can't expect to know
anything about Java.

I think you agree that without Kashmir Report you will be lost.
You will never know anything about future trends or anything
that is happening at CSC.

Now I know that you are dying to get Kashmir data and you feel
frustrated when he makes you do something and keeps
stretching the date to publish report.

But my question is this. You are a Doctor. Ain't nobody gonna
fire your ass. Whats the rush to get the GC dude? Why don't
you go back to earning half a million a year and think about
blowing all that money on some Mercedes S600 and chicks.
You probably have one already in that case buy something else. You will get your GC when it comes. What is your problem?

Poor blokes like us are in constant danger of getting laid of
and we want to have all the info that we can get about when
something will happen so that we can take measures to
get a new job. Hence we rely on Project Kashmir. I just wait
for him to do publish his reports. And he usually does every week
whether I participate or not. Thats pretty good isn't it?
Hi indie7068, First of all whatever Kashmir is doing is a volunteer job. Is asking to donate generously for is a crime? No. There are so many organizations that ask for funding. If you go to some trade fairs, they say that they will give a freebie to you only if you give your e-mail address to them. Are you going to complain about them also to higher ups? You might have observed that even though Kashmir says that he will not reveal the information unless there is a funding, he is continuously updating the scan results.

Did you think that by making a threat you can make him release the data. So sad to see that such an educated person couldnot visualize the effects of such mail and finally saying that it is a joke. What is the service that you did to this community so that you can threaten this guy? I do understand that we all are suffering here because of INS. One guy told me in this forum that he wanted to fire me, but I can understand his frustration of not getting the GC in time, but your threat is not something that cannot be taken so lightly. Did you ever imagined what effects your threat could have made on this person and his family?

Kashmir, it was really nice meeting you last week. As 140_takes_4ever mentioned, let us work on the plan that we had discussed about how to pool money for I haven’t seen a person working so hard without expecting any thing in return other than just a thanks.

It is not everyday that we meet people like you. Please stop publishing your scan results here as I don’t want a nice person like you to hear this kind of remarks. As a mark of respect to you I decided to stop working on your results and present them in my thread even though you had posted the latest scan results.
All Gurus -

From the Terms and Conditions of USCIS site

Your Liability
If you cause a technical disruption of the site or the systems transmitting the site to you or others, you agree to be responsible for any and all civil and or criminal penalties, including but not limited to attorneys fees, actual and consequential damages arising from the disruption of the sites, all efforts taken to correct and restore the site, and to defend the rights of the U.S. Government.

Unauthorized Use
Unauthorized access is a violation of U.S. Law and Department of Homeland Security policy, and may result in criminal or administrative penalties. Users shall not access other users' files or system files without proper authority. Absence of access controls is not authorization for access.

To All Gurus of this Forum,

If we run the scripts to get the status from the INS site, we are actually increasing the number of hits on the INS Server. I guess we should stop running these scripts.

The terms says that user should not access other user's files. please see the clause "Absence of access controls is not authorization for access".

Looking at the above two conditions, I feel that we should stop scanning the INS database through the scripts.

I may be wrong in understanding the clauses. But you all can read the complete terms and conditions and decide the best.

best regards.
Originally posted by jokerpoker_us
It does not help if you are a Doctor. I can't expect to know
anything about Java.

I think you agree that without Kashmir Report you will be lost.
You will never know anything about future trends or anything
that is happening at CSC.

Now I know that you are dying to get Kashmir data and you feel
frustrated when he makes you do something and keeps
stretching the date to publish report.

But my question is this. You are a Doctor. Ain't nobody gonna
fire your ass. Whats the rush to get the GC dude? Why don't
you go back to earning half a million a year and think about
blowing all that money on some Mercedes S600 and chicks.
You probably have one already in that case buy something else. You will get your GC when it comes. What is your problem?

Poor blokes like us are in constant danger of getting laid of
and we want to have all the info that we can get about when
something will happen so that we can take measures to
get a new job. Hence we rely on Project Kashmir. I just wait
for him to do publish his reports. And he usually does every week
whether I participate or not. Thats pretty good isn't it?

sorry don't own a car - in huge debt from school and work contract to contract....must have got me confused with the .com guys
Kashmir, Longwait,

Please don't stop what you're doing. There are thousands of us who log in and appreciate your efforts. While Indie may have been frustrated, his tantrum was out of order and clearly he will never admit to crossing the line. Forget about him and any other critics of your efforts, there are always a few bad apples.

For some, the data you provide is simply great information but some of us use it to help in the battle. I helped Kashmir with the original scans to find the 485 wac numbers and now I use the data to help push CIS along. Recently I have been facilitating correspondence between Senator John McCain and the owner of my sponsor company to try and move things along. I figure a Republican voting business owner may add more pressure than an immigrant can bring. The data from your efforts has been invaluable to rebut the bull that CIS tries to pull on the Senator.

Your work is valuable, please don't stop.
Doctor Doctor

Well, I'm a Dr. too... well a PhD. I'm an EB1 applicant and in the 485 queue that makes no difference (even as a 485 applicant married to a US citizen!) An old friend of mine who's also a Dr. (as well as being one of the most well known people in his research area, and married to a US citizen) is stuck like me in the 485 queue...

The only person I know who's not stuck in the queue as a Dr. is a Nobel prize winner -- the INS still seems to have a fast track for that...

Originally posted by indie7068
sorry don't own a car - in huge debt from school and work contract to contract....must have got me confused with the .com guys

Hi Indie, life must be very hard without a car, now I know why you focus on the money but igore the extraordinary job that Kashimir has done to this community.

take a guess who is the happiest person right now if Kashimir stop his project? I bet he is laughing at all of us.

Kashimir, no matter you continue your project or not, thanks for the great work.