Program on Gujarat @9:00 on PBS on 9/19

Hello dma_va,

I thought I'll not post anything further on this but could not resist.

I wish I had half of your writing skills! I may not able to meet your writing skills but if you want I can debate over the issue on one-to-one level. Before going further let me emphasize that I'm very much impressed with all your postings except the few
in this thread.

I do realize we stand for different idealogies and therfore differents in opinion are quite natural.

I myself had been into RSS camp and also in a different point of time I was victimised being against their ideolgies. Further from my personal experice I can say and have seen how RSS demlosihed the properties of south indians(this was in bomaby - not a communal violence). If i remember correctly this was sometime back in late 80's. There was a riot and was told
bombay is for bombaities and the rest should go. This was collectively well planned and organized by ShivaSena/RSS leaders.

Further I have a known a RSS Swayamsevak person who had participated in the demolition of the structure commonly known as Ramjanmabhoomi-Babri Masjid, situated at Ayodhya. According to him and as well as widely know fact to public that Advani was one of the front-end leader who were behind the whole incident. And when you claim he is one of the good leader I feel pity on you. It's a cruel joke to say that this person who
went on to demolish the above mosque finally converted to Islam. Unbelivable. Isn't it?

This was one of the incident which made me to do a comparitiy study of relegion and their faith. I have spent few years on this and to my understanding as a relegious faith(not a fanatic) christanity(bible) and islam(quarnic) stands much above than what's been practised now-a-days. You can not blame a relegion without knowing about the fundamental details of it. You can go to any church/mosque to learn anything, but I can tell you there are atleast dozens of temples in kerala where non-hindus are prohibited to enter. The most famous Guruvayoor temple is one of that.

I think I'm going a way from the subject. One of your posting you have stated: "Hindus in Pakistan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! U must be kidding." Eventhough the ratio is much less do you know howmany hindus and christians are there?. I had worked with Pakistani Christian and hindu when I was in Dubai.If you don't know pleas don't speak about it.

I would also urge you to read the following

As far as missionaries and their work. If you want to understand their work get into the soul of india. India's soul lies in rural area. Why only missionaries or social workers reach these people but not any political (other than votebank) or RSS kind of organisation?

I don't point blank say RSS is not doing any good. It is doing like any other political party, but more than that their involvment is in criminal and gunda activities. If you study history (without biased) you would definetly understand it.

Infact, I was reading an article about Mother Theresa and if people read that article in India they might kill that person.

See, the aim of missionaries is to convert people into christians. So now how can you do that.

Tell, How can I convert you to christianity. Put up a game plan.

1) I need to be nice to you.
2) I need to talk to you and be in constant touch with you
3) Do good PR work etc etc.

Have you heard about dating. Don't they sound similar qualities ofcourse on romantic side. But, I guess, you understand my point.

So these people go to these poor countries and try to convert them. Which I don't think is wrong, if the country allows it and India is an anarchy, no rules nothing. So anybody can do anything. These people come here and do mass conversions.

I have studied in Christian schools and have met lot of converted peoplel, so don't convice me about their good work.

Missionaries people are like used car salesman. He will talk to you very nicely ll he can sell the car.

You need to read some of the white papers about conversions and you will be appalled. Believe me. They will always have a inner motive and then work on that plan.

RSS is gunda etc.

I was a RSS activist and participated in shaka etc but will tell you they don't teach you gunda gardi etc.

Kerela temples: So how do they not allow non-hindus into the temple. Do you carry a vote id aying you are a hindu and a muslim, so they wont allow you.

I will tell, no temple, I have seen has a ID checking.

On the lighter side: May be they have intelligence that muslims/christians are going to attack the temple. So are not allow people of other religion inside.

But one thing for sure, missionaries might be doing some good but they have an objective to convert people to christianity and they will do anything to convert people. That is a fact.

Also did you ever think why they want to do service, may be they are gays or lesbians so would want to solicit s** from people. Are u following the cases in US against fathers/missionary ministers.