Processing delay could be \'cause of new additional security checks

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I am waiting for your case to be approved. I am using your case as an yard stick in estimating the delay in this new process (to find oug if it has any impact, and if it has, how much..). Normally your case should be approved today or tomorrow based on past data on similar cases and I am hoping that your case will be approved today or tomorrow.

- PCee
Another thought...

For a second lets think that setting up the new security check will take some time (may be few days/weeks) then what these IIOs will be doing in the mean time? Since it is on almost all cases, they cannot go and approve some other type of cases (also note that there isn\'t any large number of approvals in any other category), I am sure they are forced to work on some thing! If it is the case then they will go through the cases as they usually do and do all required preprocessing and once that new security check system is ready then probably we will see a huge number of approvals! Note that in the recent past in case of RFE, once required documents are received, INS is able to approve those cases almost immediately because the case is already processed.

This may not be good news for people with Sept ND or before but can be some hope for people with Oct or later NDs.


Yes - Your thoughts and My thoughts are identical. The Officers will be doing their work and all data will be on hold untill cleared by the new security department and then it will go to the processing department for printing and mailing the approvals.

Only problem that I see in this is which cases go to new department first - Normal / rfe/ I-140/ others

We all have to wait and watch.

Earlier we had been seeing 40 approvals per week and now for last two weeks - nothing

Maybe after a gap of 4 weeks suddenly you will see double or triple the expected approvals.

Just speculation - no real information.

Hope they start clearing things fast.
additional info

well this new security process is expected to take 60-90 days. This is applicable for all cases except citizenship applications.

This information is not present on any website and therefore I feel it is speculation and it is anybody\'s guess as to what is really happening in INS.

Of Course every one has questions

will this affect I-140 ?
will this affect RFE cases
will this affect Labor applications ?
will this affect I-140 applications ?
will this affect H1 Transfers ?
will this affect H1 applications ?

It has definitely affected Employment based cases I-485

How long is this going to take ?

Has INS issued some information about this ?

To all the above questions - I have no answer and can only say
"Wait and Watch"

Suggestion - contact your attorneys and enquire about the new security process and how long does your attorney expect the delay is going to be ?

Also people could log onto murthy chat and ask Attorney Sheela Murthy ?

all of you guys please try your best to get concrete information about this.

This new security process is going to delay all our AOS applications.
message of kmohan

485 Processing stopped at CSC till Nov
kmohan - 10:39pm Apr 22, 2002 EST

One of my colleagues spoke with his attorney and according to him, no 485 application will be processed till Nov 2002 because of Restructing and Extra Security Checks.

Is it true?

kmohan "485 Processing stopped at CSC till Nov" 4/22/02 10:39pm
from fragomen website

04/08/2002 - INS Intensifies Background Checks

April 8, 2002 – The Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) has advised that "appropriate background checks" are now being performed on all applications and petitions currently pending at Service Centers and District offices. Generally, name checks will be performed utilizing IBIS, the Interagency Border Inspection System. IBIS is a multi-agency database of lookout information started in 1989 to improve border enforcement and facilitate inspection of individuals applying for admission to the United States. More extensive background checks utilizing other databases and resources may take place if INS personnel believe that they are warranted. Most of the initial focus will be on changes of nonimmigrant status applications filed on Form I-539 and I-129 Petitions for Nonimmigrant Workers.

While the additional background checks may cause some delays, they are not expected to severely affect processing times for most applications and petitions, and cases filed for "premium processing" should continue to be adjudicated within the guaranteed fifteen business day time period. INS has advised, however, that all parties listed on INS applications and petitions should list their full names, including full middle names on documents, and that not doing so could result in significant processing delays and possibly requests for evidence (RFEs).

In addition to the background checks, individuals entering the United States have been subjected to more arduous questioning by immigration inspections officers upon entry to the United States. Immigration inspectors and officers have been stripped of much of the discretion that they previously had to admit foreign nationals whose documentation was not fully in order.

INS has been increasingly security-minded since the September 11, 2001 attacks on the United States. The stepped-up efforts, however, come on the heals of embarrassing reports about the posthumous notices of approval of changes of status sent in regard to two of the foreign nationals involved in the terrorist hijackings. INS was further placed on the defensive by reports about the disappearance of four foreign national crewman from a vessel in Norfolk, Virginia
my thoughts

Well - From the above posts it looks like there will be an initial delay for setup and that a new department has been formed which will check peoples names and other details against known criminals and then approve or ask for more details.

It sounds like it should not be long before CSC starts approvals once again.

Lets hope for the best
No Title

I don\'t think processing delay is caused by the new security checks. I belleve the new security check will effect Non Immigrant VISAS. Previously for non immigrant application they were not used to ask a declaration about our Terrorist activities ( Asking question whether we involved in any one of those). Now they all need to submit the form. The delay is cuasing because INS is working on the Infrastructure of the new process for other applications. But for I485 I think we already go thru all the checks. I think number of application that we are tracking in September (left) onwards is less when you comapre with number before (Jun, JUL, AUG) so we may be seeing the less approvals in our site but may the true flow is OK. May PCEE can give us some info on this
my thots

security checks for non-immigrant VISAS wont be easy to implement. INS has no easy way of getting correct information from the individual\'s country. I think I485 applications may be subject to checks. EB I485 applicants have been in the US for some time and INS can go thru their actions in the US easily.
message of kotag kris

Talked to attorney : AILA has a
Posted By: kotag kris 4/23/02 2:17 PM
(#6 of 6)
meeting with CSC on 24th We might know more than..
Good Luck to ALL

kotag kris "485 Processing stopped at CSC till Nov" 4/23/02 2:17pm
Some posting from for VSC. Looks reasonable.

Subject: called VSC, process delay
Posted By: 52000 Level 4 member
Posted At: 4/23/02 12:44:16 pm
Just called VSC, they are not processing application now, bascially they are just waiting for instruction from headqaunter
INS cannot and WILL NOT .... stop processing I485 cases ...come what may....

INS is coming under heat to improve its operations like any other typical Govt agency , it is now forced to PERFORM and SHOW results in terms of faster approvals , better efficiency .......
Again I485 folks stand a better chance when comes to Additional checks because we guys are already done with FBI clearance what MORE CHECK DO THEY WANT ?

So bottomline is " INS cannot and WILL NOT .... stop processing I485 cases ...come what may..."

PS: We folks are the future citizens of this country ., GC is the crucial step towards that ....I am sure INS also understands this point .

interesting info from the MSC.

Missouri Service Center Updates -04/23/02

The INS has instituted additional service-wide security measures which require a name check in the IBIS system. As a result of this new requirement, the MSC had to stop processing applications in order to install the necessary equipment and train their personnel. The MSC processing of cases were interrupted for a 21-30 day period. As of APRIL 15, 2002, the MSC is back up and operating in a normal manner. They have a backlog as a result of the shut down and going forward the processing times will be impacted due to the additional security clearance procedures required for each case.
No Title

Approval on 04/23/2002
bachipra - 09:59am Apr 24, 2002 EST

Priority Date : October 22, 1998
VSC :: I-485 ...
Mailed on : July 06, 2001
Received Date : July 09, 2001
Notice Date : August 21, 2001
Fingerprinting : December 06, 2001
Approval Date : April 23, 2002
EAC Number : EAC-01-251-53???
Details : EB2/India/MA

Good luck to all.

lamborghini "Approval on 04/23/2002" 4/24/02 10:02am

well well well - This is a posting at VSC

It looks like after 15-20 days of silence each centre starts approvals once again. Maybe they are going through retraining in the new IBIS system.

Hopefully CSC will also start again.

please check greaty-k\'s website regularly

I have seen recent approvals for TSC/VSC/NSC but no approvals for CSC.
Last one on for CSC is Hasiru.

Looks like other centres have started approvals.
CSC I hope will start soon.

It is very easy to navigate on \'s website.

very cool - greaty-k

Hats off to you.
CSC takes time to learn the new process, but

once they start they will leave the other center\'s behind with regard to approvals. CSC has so far been the fastest INS center (my view, no proof).
Hope it stays this way. However, we still complain..


CSC has been approving cases of wac-01-290 series. also csc has moved its date to april 01 2001 for the JIT report.

This is far far better compared to other centres VSC/TSC/NSC.

CSC shoule be doing 25 percent of the approvals but it is in such a zone that it does greater than its share. This is because a lot of immigrants blend in here very well. California is best.
rsrgc, I differ on the JIT dates for I485

The JIT date for I485 is better at NSC(05.21.01) and VSC (06.01.01)
However CSC is approving much faster than NSC and VSC.
