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Probably a dumb question but post GC approval advice needed


Registered Users (C)
Hi Everyone,

I have just received the big brown envelope from the Embassy and my passport now is ready to let me enter the country. Its a pretty scary/daunting thing now. I am going to be looking for work etc close to the end date of my entry time (mid september) and will prepare to continue my life out there at that point.

However my question is how long does it take once you enter to get your GC etc? If I will be staying with a few friends out there before I land on my feet then should I give an addy for them to send it to although im not going to be spending too long on at each place? What else do I need to get ready before I leave? Sorry just freaking out a bit as I can't quite believe it!

Not a silly question.

The stamp in your passport will be validated upon entry. It will then serve as a temporary green card for six months, so you can freely enter and leave the country. The actual card will be sent to the address you provided in the interview. They say it can take up to two months, but most people have the card within a month. Some even have it in a matter of two weeks.

You're all set for your new life!
Thanks for the info, so would I be able to fly into the US before the card expires to activate it and leave the country during the period before i receive my actual card? Also I cant actually remember what the address that I gave then was, what is the best way to check this or would I find out when I land?

Absolutely! With the temporary card in your passport you can do what any other green card holder can do.

About the address. I'm not sure. I think your best shot is to call the embassy. I think they'll be able to retrieve it for you.
You might find out at customs what address they have for you or call KCC. As the other poster has stated you can travel freely since you are a perminent resident. Make sure you get a SSN as fast as you can after you have gotten your GC. My friend got her GC in 12 days but did AOS and I don't know if that makes it different or not.

The SSN will be sent to your address, the address you provide to them and the best thing to do is to go and get a Drivers License or ID card. Almost every where you go they ask for it. Even if you pay with credit card, many stores will ask for ID and you can fly within the US without a passport if you have a DL. It isn't hard to get one. I remember getting the book on Wednesday and having to take the test on Friday, which freaked me out a little, but I succeeded and then you have to drive one block around the building and get your DL.

Good Luck and hopefully you land a job a.s.a.p.:)
First off congratulations on your GC!!! I see the previous posters have given you great advice and I want to add that I've seen it mentioned here that you can change the address you had given at the interview when you enter the US..just inform the Officer that you need to change your address for receipt of the actual GC. Can someone please verify this? Good luck in your job search!!!

P.S...If you don't mind can you post your interview experience so that others from your country can benefit from this info!!!
Thanks for the information guys! Really helpful. So to get a driving licence I have to re-sit my test? I have a UK driving licence and I know that especially when going out they dont accept this but is that going to help me in getting one out there or do I still need to re-sit?

Sonibago, where should I post my interview experience? Is there a thread or do I start my own one?
Carrasfe you can search and see if your country/region has a thread and post it there if not then I think you can start a new one and a moderator will put it where it belongs (if needed). Congrats again.
Thanks for the information guys! Really helpful. So to get a driving licence I have to re-sit my test? I have a UK driving licence and I know that especially when going out they dont accept this but is that going to help me in getting one out there or do I still need to re-sit?

Sonibago, where should I post my interview experience? Is there a thread or do I start my own one?

Yes you have to retake the written test and the driving test, but this is the US not Europe where it takes months to pass the tests...If you fail the test on the comp at the DMV, you can retake it the same day or a day later...just a few signs are different and of course they drive on the "right" side instead of the left side...lol.

If you buy a car over here, most ins. companies don't except having an over seas DL. Friends of mine need new DL's every 3 months since they are here on tourist visa's and own a home and a car and their ins. requires an American DL as well....we never asked since we have American DL's from the second week of getting here.

For the driving you need to show proof of car ins. and you are using your own car for the test (rental or friends/family car is also okay)...we used our rental since we didn't have our own car for the first 2 weeks. I had to go back to the rental comp. since the car. ins. for the rental was in 1 name and I couldn't do the test until my name was added on the rental...
Hi Everyone,

I have just received the big brown envelope from the Embassy and my passport now is ready to let me enter the country. Its a pretty scary/daunting thing now. I am going to be looking for work etc close to the end date of my entry time (mid september) and will prepare to continue my life out there at that point.

However my question is how long does it take once you enter to get your GC etc? If I will be staying with a few friends out there before I land on my feet then should I give an addy for them to send it to although im not going to be spending too long on at each place? What else do I need to get ready before I leave? Sorry just freaking out a bit as I can't quite believe it!


felix, whats the plan. how you getting job, house. etc. you have any plan for it
Thanks for your info....I have added my information about the interview/the saga that followed it!

bentlebee, if I take the taste in an automatic would I be able to drive a manual car when I am out there?

currycrab - im going to wait until after the summer as have a holiday booked already and then try and get a transfer through work to one of the US offices and start to look to rent once I have found somewhere for work.....
Thanks for your info....I have added my information about the interview/the saga that followed it!

bentlebee, if I take the taste in an automatic would I be able to drive a manual car when I am out there? No problem, nobody ever asks what car you later will buy and you can take the test in a car with a stick if you prefer. They just care that you make a complete stop at the stop sign, if not you will fail the test so stop completely and you will walk out with your DL:)

currycrab - im going to wait until after the summer as have a holiday booked already and then try and get a transfer through work to one of the US offices and start to look to rent once I have found somewhere for work.....

My answer is in red:)