Previous Company Labour and I-140


Registered Users (C)
        I joined my current company with less than a year left in my H1. Labour has been filed in latest company.
But in my previous company, Labour was filed in June 2000 and approved, I-140 was filed in Jan 2001 and approved.

Can my previous company\'s labour and I-140 approvals be used for 7th year extention now ?

Has anyone encountered this scenario ?

Also, A lawyer said that the previous company\'s LAbour and I-140 approvals qualify me for AOS under Section 245(a) and 245(i) of LIFE Act.

Any ideas ?


Am in the same boat

Hi Immanual,

I am in the EXACT same boat as you. According to my lawyer, I
qualify for LIFE act and for 7th year extension. I have a new
LC pending though (filed a couple of weeks ago). Am planning
to file 7th year extension next month. Keep in touch to xchange
info. My advice to you: file a new LC ASAP.


That is correct. Both of you qualify. I got mine renewed recently. As long as the previous LC\'s and I140\'s were not withdrawn, they qualify for 7th year extension even with new company.
Ab and r_ross, Details please

Ab and r_ross, I was also told by an attorney that I might qualify under LIFE Act Section 245(a) and as last resort under Section 245(i) . Any ideas about this ? I heard that 245(a) is better than 245(i). Also, do you actually have to go out of status to apply under LIFE Act ?

And, what happens if Im laid off now ? Can I still file under LIFE Act ?

r_ross, could you please post us your details ?, I mean, was your case similar to ours ?

Did you use previous company\'s I140 + Labour, + were you
More info

Could you direct me to a website or some other place where I can get more information on 245(a)?
Thanks in advance,
Sorry, It is Section 245(k) not Section 245 (a)

The lawyer said, it allows someone to adjust even after 180 days of unauthorised employment etc.

There is an article called "Never say i" which discusses the differences between 245(i) and 245(k) in the following website

Click on "Publications" in this site.
