Yuo right LucyMO but i d send back form very fast.. And i followed all the people whic been interviewed Ankara Turkey Embassy i dont think i ll be interviewed after october . If consulate decide to start ınterview in decmeber u rıght but when its do normally like past years its will be october definately.
it may be scheduled any time AFTER the number is current, but will not necessarily be scheduled for the month when it becomes current. If your consulate has time for you in December, that's when they will schedule your interview, even if your number is current in October.
Yuo right LucyMO but i d send back form very fast.. And i followed all the people whic been interviewed Ankara Turkey Embassy i dont think i ll be interviewed after october . If consulate decide to start ınterview in decmeber u rıght but when its do normally like past years its will be october definately.