Possible Mumbai April-May Interview

Qns about dates and PCC

My lawyer mailed my application for CP to the Mumbai Consulate on Feb 4, 2002. Some questions here -
* How do you find out when (and whether) the application has reached the Mumbai Consulate?
* Other than checking up the consulate\'s website every 15th of the month, is there any other way to find out the interview date (or atleast the month)?
* I have lived in India and the US only. Is a Police Clearance Certificate from the the Indian Consulate, New York sufficient?
send an e-mail to Mumbai consulate

Give your case number , get the e-mail from Mumbai website, you will get your interview date in 1-2 days .
Airtickets + Anybody having interview date 04/24/2002 at Mumbai


Has anyone booked airtickets as yet. Let me know if there are any good agents with good deals.

My interview date is 04/24/2002. Let me know if there is anybody else scheduled on the same day at Mumbai.
Mumbai interview on Apr 23

I have my interview scheduled at the Mumbai consulate on Apr 23.

I saw notices from some other people who have their interviews around that date. Can we co-ordinate just so that it is easier getting things in order? Plus, sharing of information (about documents, tickets, procedures) would likely help everybody.

We can do that offline in YahooGroups (Do not want to hijack this forum for our specific purpose).

AJ702 - My interview is on 23rd april too

Mine is at 10:30 am.

Maybe we could start another topic here for April Mumbai interviews or April 15 - 30 Mumbai interviews.
Agreed ... new forum created

I have created a new forum called \'Confirmed Mumbai Interviews from Apr 15-30\' in the \'Consular Processing Issues\' section. For everyone having interviews during those dates, refer to the new forum.