Possible March Mumbai Interview Tracker!!!

AC 140

Bluegrass....i wish i could tell you more about it...but it seems AC-140 has got a totally different route for such cases.....keep trying...

Hi JJ Forms at immihelp.com is not a sample!!!


The form at immihelp.com is not a sample form but it\'s a fillable form.I had seen somewhere a sample filled I-134 form.I couldn\'t find it now.

Details regarding Interview dates

How can I find out when is my case is in Mumbai and when it is entered in the system?
Got my P4 from Mumbai consulate

Got my Interview letter along with P4 from Mumbai consulate. But it doesnot have my spouse name.Is is suppose to be like that OR I have to call them and add my spouse name?
Hi gcworth..my interview date is march 18th at Bombay -I have a question?


I just received packet 4(employment-based). My wife and myself have an interview on March 18.In Packet it says...
3. Please read carefully the requirements regarding evidence of financial support in the U.S. Please bring ALL required documents from the petitioner and (if required) the joint sponsor on your FIRST visit. AVOID THE EXPENSE AND INCONVENIENCE OF A SECOND TRIP TO THE CONSULATE. NO EXCEPTIONS WILL BE MADE REGARDING SPONSORS\' MINIMUM INCOME REQUIREMENTS.

Could you please explain what does this mean and what is the sponsors minimum requirement? Also do I have to have get an affidavit of support for my wife?
Thank you for your help.
Do I have to present 1-134 for my wife?

Do I have to present I-134 for my wife for counselor processing(employment based).I thaught that I do not need that. Please advise.
Thanks for your help?
No Title

the lady at the consulate told me (i am not processing in india) thaT once my salary is able t support my spouse and I then thaTs all we need. She said more than likely it will be enough (health professional)
Also they told me they sent my pkt4 to the lawyer on file and i asked her to send one to me to.
I have done all mt test preliminary and have all my vaccination record
Interview March 18th 2002
I am also on March 18th 9:30AM

Pappe and Rashid
Keep in touch. We all are on same day.
Did you guys set medical appointment?
I probabely will do today.
Request all of you to post details at www.cptracker.com

If you have already posted there please ignore this request. Otherwise plaase...
Got my Packet 4 today!!!


My Lawyer received my packet4 today at US address.I have my interview on March 19th.Anybody else on that date?

Got my P4 today need some clarification...

I recd my packet 4 today at my home address in u.s.. it clearly states that i need a police clearence from RPO and local police station...where r u guys getting PCC from is anyone trying from local Police station...also did anyone manage PCC from CGNY recently...my interview is on 20th March

I set my medical yesterday
Its oon the 12th and they said results will be ready on the 14th march.
I now have to get the immigration style photos.
I have not worked in the US so where do i get W2s from?