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Possible interview date

Sir Archibald

Registered Users (C)

My wife received the first letter (DV2008) last week in the UK; we have already sent the documents back to Kentucky. The case number is 2008EU000042**. Can anybody tell me when we are likely to be invited for an interview?

Thanks a lot for your help!
Oh goodness!

I thought if I was lucky enough to get an interview (just sent my papers back yesterday after receiving my NL last week) that it wouldn't be until say August 2008 - now reading back that means that with my number OC000009XX that it could actually be August this year... as in August 2007?!?!?!? :eek:
Oh goodness!

I thought if I was lucky enough to get an interview (just sent my papers back yesterday after receiving my NL last week) that it wouldn't be until say August 2008 - now reading back that means that with my number OC000009XX that it could actually be August this year... as in August 2007?!?!?!? :eek:

J & G...I see some confusion here. the likely interview for this case number is october/november 2007
OC000009XX may get an appointment in June-July 2008.
2008EU000042** may get an appointment in November-December 2007.
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How about AS000010XX? We will send our Application some time next week, how does this going to affect our interview date?
look at the previous year's visa bulletins - when did AS000010xx become current?


October-November of the previous fiscal years, so it could happen that it will become current in Oct-Nov 2007. Sometime in late August you need to check the current bulletin, and if your number is listed as current for Oct or Nov, you need to contact KCC to find out if an interview has been scheduled.
LucyMO, I am quite new in this forum, so is it possible you can either explain to me or refer me to different thread about how to read that bulletin? Thanks a million~
You have to check the numbers in B. DIVERSITY IMMIGRANT (DV) CATEGORY
section of the visa bulletins starting from October of the previous year.

I have already checked October, November 2006 bulletins for you. Here is the situtation for last year for the winners from Asia:

ASIA 1,550 2,600 3,500

Your number is AS1xxx, so your interview is expected to be on October or on November for sure.

Interview date?

Can Somebody tell me my possible interview date?
My case number is AF000014xx.
Thanks for the help,