pls advice asap.....


New Member
my h4 stampings r valid till june 2010 n i want to travel outside of US ..i come to us in 07 oct n got my h1b in oct08 n changed my status to h4 in i want to visit India but i heard that u should hav couple of mnths valid stampings while u want to come back...also my husband's stamping has also expired n he is not intending to travel at least this year...Please let me know is there any way by which i can get my stampings done without him n come back?I also heard that there are many problems at the port of entry for h1 n h4 visa holders is it true?also can there be problem cause i was having h1 status n now i am on h4 will they cancel out my h1b?will they question me on that?finaly please let me know is it a good idea to travel in this uncertain situation as i have never been to india since i came in 07?
my h4 stampings r valid till june 2010 n i want to travel outside of US ..i come to us in 07 oct n got my h1b in oct08 n changed my status to h4 in i want to visit India but i heard that u should hav couple of mnths valid stampings while u want to come back...also my husband's stamping has also expired n he is not intending to travel at least this year...Please let me know is there any way by which i can get my stampings done without him n come back?I also heard that there are many problems at the port of entry for h1 n h4 visa holders is it true?also can there be problem cause i was having h1 status n now i am on h4 will they cancel out my h1b?will they question me on that?finaly please let me know is it a good idea to travel in this uncertain situation as i have never been to india since i came in 07?
---------- you came to US on H4 and has valid H4 visa stamp. you changed from H4 to H1 and again you changed from H4 to H1. if you want to enter on H1 status then you will need to get H1 Visa stamp. if you want to enter on H4 status (your spouse should be on H1 status) and have valid H4 visa stamp then no need of H4 visa stamp and you can enter on H4 status.
Thank u...

---------- you came to US on H4 and has valid H4 visa stamp. you changed from H4 to H1 and again you changed from H4 to H1. if you want to enter on H1 status then you will need to get H1 Visa stamp. if you want to enter on H4 status (your spouse should be on H1 status) and have valid H4 visa stamp then no need of H4 visa stamp and you can enter on H4 status.

Hello ginnu
thanx for ur reply........