Please Response


Registered Users (C)

I live in Seattle and would like to go to Vancouver tomorrow. I have my green crad already (based on asylum). I don't have a refugee travel document or reentry permit.

Will my green card be enough to come back to USA or do I still need RTD or RP? I really want to go to Vancouver.

I know if you are going to Europe or Asia, you would need RTD or RP, but I don't about to Canada.


If we are driving back to USA from Canada, do we have to get out of our car and go see the IO to show our GC or IO comes to you in order to check your GC and lets you get passed if everything is ok?

And how does it work with the people who are taking a bus? Greyhound etc. Does the officer hop on the bus for inspection or we off load and get in some sort of line to show our GC? Thanks
Did you do it???

CPA said:

I live in Seattle and would like to go to Vancouver tomorrow. I have my green crad already (based on asylum). I don't have a refugee travel document or reentry permit.

Will my green card be enough to come back to USA or do I still need RTD or RP? I really want to go to Vancouver.

I know if you are going to Europe or Asia, you would need RTD or RP, but I don't about to Canada.


CPA , let us know if you did it? Tell us your experience.

I want to visit Canada with all my family members but I don't want to pay for 5 RTDs to go there, is GC enough? Any other experience?

Flashington said:
CPA , let us know if you did it? Tell us your experience.

I want to visit Canada with all my family members but I don't want to pay for 5 RTDs to go there, is GC enough? Any other experience?


GC is enough if you enter directly from the US.
Flashington said:
Thankful, what about coming back to US, won't they ask for NP or RTD or something beside the GC??

No NP/RTD.GC is enough.But you should have a second piece of ID like a Driver Licence just in case IO would like to make sure that you're the right person.What happenned to me is canadian IO and US IO didn't care about my GC.They were caring about my New York State Driver License.I mean on both side,I hand over my GC and DL.My GC was put aside and I've been tracking by the system on my DL.

RTD Aug 22,2001
Approved Sep 15,2005
GC received Sep 20,2005
what if you fly on an airline from US directly to Canada? I think you still need RTD IN ADDITION to GC, correct?
