Please join with me in prayer

ho Hi hum. look at dengdeng. Just when ppl. came near october as he predict, he now seek refuge in god. he a phony before but now he praying to hide his mistake. do not take him seriously anymore. he will chicken out of his comitment at last moment. he will lead pl to failure if u listn to him.

god is great . help us all.
now u dont care, but first u made us wait till october, and now u want us to pray. why u not pray in silence for everyone. u want to show that it is not your fault by blaming god. u are a evil man. u r using god to hide your mistakes.
god help him ovrcome his evil desires.

Originally posted by dengdeng
I don't care what you say, God only helps those who believe in him, not copycats.
What's going on here?

Dengdeng has done nothing wrong. Who made you wait until October? No matter what Dengdeng says you may have to wait much longer depending on your RD? Why don't you go to BCIS and shout at IIOs to have your cases approved?

Dengdeng is of great help to many people. Please don't shove your frustrations on innocent people here.

To be or not to be!

ke dum-dum baaje dol, ke deng-deng baaje dol. Get the coconuts ready!:rolleyes:
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super_dengdeng, you are nuts. Do you think dengdeng is God when he/she said we will get approvals starting from Oct? He/she came to that conclusion based on some things.
ho Hi hum. look at dengdeng. Just when ppl. came near october as he predict, he now seek refuge in god. he a phony before but now he praying to hide his mistake. do not take him seriously anymore. he will chicken out of his comitment at last moment. he will lead pl to failure if u listn to him.
What are you blabbering? What commitments?

dengdeng, please ignore this person.
for not letting us do other things and giving us false hope. in a month it will be november(thnsgiving) and christmas holiday.
Originally posted by dengdeng
Escape what blame! Don't assume something you wish for.
I'm not as superficial as you.
In contrary to what you asserted, I take people's words with my brains. If someone told me my 485 would be approved next month, I'll take it as an educated guess and don't get crazy about it. On the same token, if my case is not approved next month, I'll not blame anyone for giving me inaccurate prediction.

Originally posted by super_dengdeng
your brain is washed too. u will not understnad, yjay. he make us pray so that he will not b blamed. plz cee.
Originally posted by super_dengdeng
your brain is washed too. u will not understnad, yjay. he make us pray so that he will not b blamed. plz cee.

Lets stop the discussion right here,

sai-2367, where did you guys get these ideas of creating a new ID like 'super_dengdeng' to criticise people? You did this before to criticise one more member.