Please help me........


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I filed the petition for my wife in June 09 and I got a good news from her that she is pregnant.

What should I do in this type of situation?
is there is any restriction by immigration not to allow her to travel to US in the pregnancy?

By any chance she got the visa after the delivery what is the process to bring both in US?

Please help meeeeeee..
But she will be giving birth in India not in US.

Can she bring the child with her once she got the visa?
Don't the immigration can question whose child is this?
what proof are required?
Irrelevant where the child is born. Once the child is born, your wife should go to the nearest US consulate and apply for a "Consular record of birth abroad". She will need the child's BC, her marriage certificate, proof of your US citizenship and proof that you have spent 5 years physically in the US.

But she will be giving birth in India not in US.
another question..

Suppose she got the visa and everything.. and she is at the stage when she couldn't fly and give the birth to the child in india.. what is the expiration date of visa? can we extend it?