Please help any advice


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I filed my I-485 this july and had just finished FP this sept. no greencard yet. My family and I are bathered relative of my brother in-law whose a USC. He battered my sister already. Everytime he's drunk he's threatening us to be hurt and killed. We have proofs of documents w/c he keeps on sending us. If we complain this to the police and have him blottered, will this have problem with the FBI co'z our papers are now being process? But we can't sit here and wait of what he'll do to us. Even my kids are traumatized and having bad dreams of him. Because last time we are instructed by my sister to hide when they fought.
I filed my I-485 this july and had just finished FP this sept. no greencard yet. My family and I are bathered relative of my brother in-law whose a USC. He battered my sister already. Everytime he's drunk he's threatening us to be hurt and killed. We have proofs of documents w/c he keeps on sending us. If we complain this to the police and have him blottered, will this have problem with the FBI co'z our papers are now being process?
----file Police complaint against him, no harm to your I-485 it is his fault
But we can't sit here and wait of what he'll do to us. Even my kids are traumatized and having bad dreams of him. Because last time we are instructed by my sister to hide when they fought.

-Call the police next time he visit or report it now with all the evidence and documents
Pls. help any advise

Thank you for your info....So if we go to the police and make a police report, will it not cause any delay in our GC processing incase FBI checked that we have complains. I don't remember exactly but there's a portion there that we have to answer no or yes in our I-485 regarding lawsuit(?) whether we are participant or just a witness? How about my wife who's my derivate is under 245i and also applied GC with me she'll not get affected with this. I don't know what is the status after filing the GC and it's already current and HI-B is 6th year expiring jan 2008. We are advised by our lawyer not to extend our H1-B anymore since we'll received our ead at least before thanksgiving and we're all 245i covered. Will it not jeopardize my application for GC?
Thank you for your info....So if we go to the police and make a police report, will it not cause any delay in our GC processing

in case FBI checked that we have complains.
--------------- FBI will have that person record if he igets arrested
I don't remember exactly but there's a portion there that we have to answer no or yes in our I-485 regarding lawsuit(?) whether we are participant or just a witness? How about my wife who's my derivate is under 245i and also applied GC with me she'll not get affected with this.
-----------------why she will have problems?
I don't know what is the status after filing the GC and it's already current and HI-B is 6th year expiring jan 2008.
We are advised by our lawyer not to extend our H1-B anymore since we'll received our ead at least before thanksgiving and we're all 245i covered. Will it not jeopardize my application for GC?
------------------ why YOU and YOUR wife will have problems for GC or pending I-485 if someone threatening you to be hurt and killed? the other party will be arrested

FYI your immigration lawyer cant give you a guarantee that you will get EAD before XYZ date, employer wants to save money filing H1 extension, it is better to be on H1 status so that if anything goes wrong with I-485 you will have back up of H1