Please guide - What is the best way


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Hi all, I am posting this for my brother. I have no knowledge in this field, so please try to explain as much as possible.

Little background about him, he did B. Pharmacy (2 year diploma) after 10th grade. Hi is a registered prarmacist.

Now he wants to come here (USA) and work as a pharmacist. What are the options he have.

1. Is 2 year diploma sufficient. (if not, is it possible to get a position as pharmacy technician based on his qualification and he can study at the same time. if yes, will someone sponser him a Visa).
2. If he need to study more, what is the best option, do B. Pharmacy in India or do it here.
3. If does his studies in India, how he can come here to give the exams
4. Are the companies applying H1 for pharmacists
5. What is salary range.

Please explain in detail, all the possible options for him including the Visa issues.

Thankyou very much for your time
a two year diploma is not sufficient, the national Association of Boards of Pharmacy (NABP) requires forgein and non-forgein graduates to hold a minimum of a 5 year Bachelors degree. whether your brother should continue his education in India or the U.S. I think if he affords to study in the U.S and has time by his side, then he's better off graduating from a U.S School... firstly he'll probably graduate with a pharmD degree and secondly he's guarenteed a work permit for one year after graduation which is easy to renew. graduating from India might take less time as they are more likely to give him more credit for his two year diploma and he'll be studying for a bachelors degree only. but then after graduating he'll have to go through the process of applying to NABP, passing the FPGEE(exam), finding a Pharmacy to sponser his working visa (which isn't hard to find).For more information about examination procedures for forgein graduates go to As for the Salary range, Its in the range of 75000-80000 $ per year.
P.S I don't have any info about studying and working as a pharmacy technician and their related visa issues.
Thanks Singor - few more questions

singor said:
a two year diploma is not sufficient, the national Association of Boards of Pharmacy (NABP) requires forgein and non-forgein graduates to hold a minimum of a 5 year Bachelors degree. whether your brother should continue his education in India or the U.S. I think if he affords to study in the U.S and has time by his side, then he's better off graduating from a U.S School... firstly he'll probably graduate with a pharmD degree and secondly he's guarenteed a work permit for one year after graduation which is easy to renew. graduating from India might take less time as they are more likely to give him more credit for his two year diploma and he'll be studying for a bachelors degree only. but then after graduating he'll have to go through the process of applying to NABP, passing the FPGEE(exam), finding a Pharmacy to sponser his working visa (which isn't hard to find).For more information about examination procedures for forgein graduates go to As for the Salary range, Its in the range of 75000-80000 $ per year.
P.S I don't have any info about studying and working as a pharmacy technician and their related visa issues.

Thanks a lot for the detailed reply
I have few more questions.

1. If he decide to study here in US. How many years does is take to complete, if he studies full-time.
2. After completion, what is the procedure to get pharmcist licence (Exams, internships etc)
3. Is it easy to find employers that ready to file H1 for you after your 1 year OPT.

Thanks again
msstl said:
Hi all, I am posting this for my brother. I have no knowledge in this field, so please try to explain as much as possible.

Little background about him, he did B. Pharmacy (2 year diploma) after 10th grade. Hi is a registered prarmacist.

Now he wants to come here (USA) and work as a pharmacist. What are the options he have.

1. Is 2 year diploma sufficient. (if not, is it possible to get a position as pharmacy technician based on his qualification and he can study at the same time. if yes, will someone sponser him a Visa).
2. If he need to study more, what is the best option, do B. Pharmacy in India or do it here.
3. If does his studies in India, how he can come here to give the exams
4. Are the companies applying H1 for pharmacists
5. What is salary range.

Please explain in detail, all the possible options for him including the Visa issues.

Thankyou very much for your time

Two yrs course in Pharmacy in India is not B Pharm , it is called D Pharm (Diploma In Pharmacy), any one can study after 10th grade. (Diploma is not awarded by any Indian university)

To do pharmacy course in US , it is called DPharm (Doctor of Pharmacy).,
one has to complete High School Diploma (i.e) 12th Grade pass and an accredited 4 years BS degree course in any university in any major but having the core courses as mentioned below.

However BS is not required but highly recommended most of the schools, but must complete following courses from any US community college before start applying D Pharm course in US.

Prerequisites Semesters/Quarters
Calculus (for science majors only) 1/2
Statistics 1/1
General Chemistry with lab (for science majors only) 2/3
Organic Chemistry with lab (for science majors only) variable 2/3
Physics with lab (for science majors only) 2/3
General Biology (for science majors only) 2/3
Microbiology with lab 1/1
Mammalian Physiology with lab 1/1
Molecular Biology 1/1
Biochemistry 1/1
English Composition 2/3
Interpersonal Communication 1/1
Psychology or Sociology 1/1
Economics 1/1
*Social and Behavioral Sciences 2/3
*Humanities 2/3

*Applies only to applicants who will not be earning a BS degree
Thanks Great_guru

Thanks for the detailed reply.
I am sorry, he did D Pharm not B Pharm.

The courses (community college) you listed will take approximately 2 years to complete. How many years will it take for the D-Pharm.

As I mentioned earlier, he did D Pharm after 10th grade, so he did not complete 12th grade.

Will that be a problem, if he wants to study here in US. Will his 2 year diploma after 10th grade will be counted as 12th grade equivalent.

msstl said:
Thanks for the detailed reply.
I am sorry, he did D Pharm not B Pharm.

The courses (community college) you listed will take approximately 2 years to complete. Take some time 3 years too.How many years will it take for the D-Pharm.

usually 4 years, extra ordinary student can finish it with in 3 years,if he/she take additional courses each year, depends on the school.
As I mentioned earlier, he did D Pharm after 10th grade, so he did not complete 12th grade.

He should have completed High School level Algebra I & II, Geometry, Biology, Chemistry, Pre Calculus, Calculus, Physics, 4 yrs English and other social studies. Mandatory to have TOEFL too.
Unless you do course by course educational evaluation, no body can come to any conclusion.

Did you keep DPharm Syllabus hand book with you, it may be required for course by course credential evaluation by (

Will that be a problem, (YES) if he wants to study here in US. Will his 2 year diploma after 10th grade will be counted as 12th grade equivalent. Read above reply.
