Plastic Card Tracker...Stamped location, date, VSC, waiting...

Card received on 5/18, PP stamped 4/29, wife still waiting

Card ordered on 5/11 Per AVM,
Card received on 5/18,
PP stamped 4/29,
wife is still waiting
Cards received on 5/20

for both myself and my wife. Stamped on 4/19. Approved on 4/12.
Plastic Received

Transfer to Local INS 5/01
Interview 10/01
Approval 5/2/02 (Delay due to I-140 for CP)
Stamped 5/10/02
Plastic Received 5/20/02
Lucky you. Mine and family PP was stamped on 3/19 at Newark NJ

My kids have received their cards. For me and my spouse the AVM still
says "This case has bee approved ...."
Called up IIO yesterday. Says it will take 30 days!!!!!!!!!!
finally got the cards

passport stamped 2/5/02 in Boston. Called INS in April still nothing happened. Filed G731 on 5/6/02. Cards ordered on 5/14, received cards
on 5/20.
what can you expect for INS?
Card Order Date?

How does one find out when the card has been ordered? Through AVM at VSC? If that was the case, it would mean the signature/finger-print form actually gets transferred back to VSC from local INS office, and VSC would wait till they have a bundle of those forms before sending out an order. Is that how it works?
Cards Received both wife and me.

After 11 years of living in U.S. i finally received a "Welcome to USA" letter with cards. Our passports were stamped on 3/11/02 in garden city, lucky us they forgot to take our I-89 index finger prints. They called us again on May 3rd 2002. for I-89 processing. and right on 24th may we recived our cards.
I sometimes ask myself " is it over ??"
Please add me

485 Approval : 04/23/2002
PP Stamped : 05/06/2002
LOC : Boston

AVM Still says "Case has been approved.. "

Waiting for plastic card.
help needed for passport stamping.......

Gurus, please advise…….

I have received the courtesy copies of approval notice for me and my wife……waiting for original from the lawyer……

I wanted to go for stamping to Newark but had the following questions…..

1.Can I go for stamping with courtesy copies?
2.Also, I am planning to shift my residence to Charlotte after 1 month…..So can I give change of request at the time of stamping itself?… it possible to do that?…..because I am not sure if the physical card will arrive within 1 month or not
3.Or what do you guys think would be the best to do?….go for stamping in Charlotte once I move there?……is it possible to even do that?....

Please guys if you can help me out on this one……..
I am running out of time….so got to decide one way or the other…..

thanks a lot for all your help…….