Plastic Card Tracker for entire Nebrasca

Here are my details:

State: MI

RD: Jul/01
AD: Feb/03

Approved from NSC. Not a local transfer.
Card status updated Jul 21, 03.


Thanks for the info.

If I go by your RD, as mine is October Case, I may have to wait for another 3 months to get the plastic card. Or, if I go by your AD, it might be just one month.

Card ordered

My online status was changed today to :
"On ..., after approving your application, we ordered a new card. "
My wife's status is still not changed. The saga never ends.....

RD 10/01/01
ND 10/31/01
AD 02/24/03
STMP 03/04/03

I just checked online and the message says your card was ordered on Jul 21. My AD is March 4, no local interview. How long usually does it take from the card ordered date to actually receive card in mailbox?
anybody knows?
wow folks...wonder where my

"application" is,as my approval date was 02/24/2003 and ppt stamping was on 03/03/2003.

No change in status...waiting continues...
hey BP*'re u doing man

quick question - i'm assuming there was no change in ur status..I see folks with RD Oct getting their just isnt over till it's over is it?
I want to change my address,and tho some folks here have had no problem,I dont want to take the chance,since I am hoping the card will arrive soon..I mean what is up with NSC ..why the hell does it take so long?
Hope all's well with u bud.
Hey Jack...

Nope, no change in status. One of my buddy got AD: 2/5/03 and stamped somewhere in the middle Feb got his card 07/22/03. Dunno what the deal is....I am in the same boat as you are. From reading the threads, they say just inform the local BCIS and Nebraksa SC and fill the AR-11 for addy change and that should take care of it. Hopefully we'll get ours soon....I know the feeling... Otherwise all is good, is Jill still in GA?
hey bp..that was quick

yeah..I know abt the AR -11..but it's always a risk- let's c - shall wait a couple of weeks longer.
Good to hear u're doing ok..Jill is inching her way towards me - she's now in denver ;)

So the call for us is - either I move to Denver,or she moves to California - with house prices as they r in CA - the former seems more likely..let's c - first I want to get this BCIS crap over and done with
Originally posted by j1234
Here are my details:

State: MI

RD: Jul/01
AD: Feb/03

Approved from NSC. Not a local transfer.
Card status updated Jul 21, 03.

Received: 7/25
Cards recvd

Hi Guys!!!

My wife and I received our cards on 26-jul-2003.
Cards were ordered on 22-jul-2003.

RD 10/01/01
ND 10/31/01
AD 02/24/03
STMP 03/04/03
Cards 07/26/03

Saga over - Good riddance from bad rubbish.

Hey Jack bud, Hang in there you shud see a status update pretty soon, since we were approved same day.


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Plastic card - Address change


I changed my address (local change - same city, state) recently and filed AR11. From online status I found that staus turned to 'Cards - ordered on July 21'. I found this on July 22 and called BCIS and informed the address change. So, I think, BCIS would have sent to old address.

Does any body know, that these cards would be forwarded to new address or not. If not forwarded, what action should I take ?

Thanks in advance for advice !!

:rolleyes: :confused:

Yup Jack bud, hang in there, you should see your card soon. Agree with u -- get the BCIS out of the hair and then proceed with the next level.
I have been asked to come for ADIT processing again.
Aaarghhh! The saga never ends.

RD 08-17-2001
ND 09-17-2001
AD 01-30-2003
PP Stamped 02-14-2003

ADIT again ??????????

EB1- Cincinnati, OH
AD 2/22/03

AD 2/22/03
normal EB3 NSC cases
stamped: 3/10/03 (Chicago)
received mine 6/9/03 (< 3 months)
7/29/03: wife and kid 's cards are ordered (< 5 months since stamped)
