Phone call from USCIS!!!!


Registered Users (C)
Just had a call on the cell from CIS!!! WOW!!!!!! Sent Level II Inquiry and a very nice lady named Gloria called me to tell me that she was pulling our files and was giving them to an officer to adjudicate. I was so gobsmacked, I couldnt say anything except that you so much!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
Only if you have sent level 4 inquiry she would have sounded like...

"toonarmy baby , i am picking your file out right now...its sooooooo hot...hold on your breath before i give you approvall" few kisses...and hang the phone

toonarmy said:
Just had a call on the cell from CIS!!! WOW!!!!!! Sent Level II Inquiry and a very nice lady named Gloria called me to tell me that she was pulling our files and was giving them to an officer to adjudicate. I was so gobsmacked, I couldnt say anything except that you so much!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
Probably they got scared u will send in ur army of toons

Probably they got scared u will send in ur army of toons led by Mickey mouse
toonarmy said:
Just had a call on the cell from CIS!!! WOW!!!!!! Sent Level II Inquiry and a very nice lady named Gloria called me to tell me that she was pulling our files and was giving them to an officer to adjudicate. I was so gobsmacked, I couldnt say anything except that you so much!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

:eek: :eek: :confused: :confused: :eek: Are you sure it was not sales call from a credit card compnay or long distance carier but a call from real USCIS?
Anyway, good for you. You already replied your RFE. Hope you will get approved within a FEW days.
LOL. Man its funny. but, watchout mygcwaiter100, you may hurt someone's fealing here (or you may have already done so).

mygcwaiter100 said:
Only if you have sent level 4 inquiry she would have sounded like...

"toonarmy baby , i am picking your file out right now...its sooooooo hot...hold on your breath before i give you approvall" few kisses...and hang the phone

Yep a level II inquiry - sent the fax form plus a letter asking to be adjudicated (please : ) ). I totally couldnt believe it - I thought of about a million things to ask her after she hung up but I was so shocked!!!!

Last touched date!!!???? More like a massage with a happy ending ;) ;) ;) @!!!!!
Does your wife know about Gloria? :)

toonarmy said:
Just had a call on the cell from CIS!!! WOW!!!!!! Sent Level II Inquiry and a very nice lady named Gloria called me to tell me that she was pulling our files and was giving them to an officer to adjudicate. I was so gobsmacked, I couldnt say anything except that you so much!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
He is both man and woman (in other words .... ). Can't you tell from his style of management and policies such as "adjudicate new petitions first and backlog will be gone"?

pralay said:
Hmmm, girly thingy!!! Can we try to replace Don Neufled with a woman/girl?

toonarmy said:
Used the Level II coversheet, one for myself, one for husband plus the letter for both.

Where did you find level 2 cover sheet, it's not in the CSC manual (or am I missing something)? So you actually sent 3 pages, cover, level 2 and letter, right? times 2?
Oh! Gloria. Call me Call me

My GOD, another day where I think my head will explode. She's over in her usual chair and I have no recourse but to sit here and sulk at my own pitiful lifestyle choice. She has no idea how I feel about her, she probably thinks I'm just another student in class, passing the time away listening to the teacher lecture on an on. She doesn't know the pain I feel when I look at her, or how badly I want to talk to her. I've tried to convince myself it's just a lustful desire for her, or maybe the need for a lasting relationship. But thats simply not it. It's much less than that. I have a signifcant other that I am very happy with. However, this woman sitting across the room from me is the most beautiful human I have ever seen.