Philadelphia Transferees New Thread - Interview date tracking

Have you got your approval ?

Hi nsp,

Congrats !!
In another thread I saw your posting about
PP stamping. Have you got your interview/approval?
Pl. post your interview experience, when you got the interview letter intimation etc., when you get time.

No interview

Thanks Syu02. I directly got the approval notice ( My case was transferred in August 2001). Therefore I dont have any interview experience.
         Though that also means, case transfer to local office not always results in Interview. So keep your fingers crossed.
That\'s nice

Oh, that\'s very very nice to hear !!
My heartiest wishes to you...having
endured a long journey. Let me also sit tight
and wait for an approval without an interview...

Thank you
7 month ago

My case has been transferred to PA office 7 month ago (Sep. 2001). still hear nothing. anybody have any idea?
No Title

I am interested to understand why some cases get transferred to local it pure random or any patterns can be attributed to transfers...

No Title

My case(eb-3) got transferred to philadelphia in January,2002 due to unclassifiable finger prints (it was taken 2 times). I received a letter from ins philadelphia today that I should submit/bring clearances (on records checks) from each local police department of each place I have lived in US (for six months or more) during last 5 years. I have been given a time frame of 12 weeks during which I should appear in person at local ins office along with the clearance certificates and my passport.
No news yet !!

Guess the files in Philly have gone to bottomless pit. Did anyone go to the Philly office personally or talk to an IIO there to get an update? Please post details. Thanks.
i did, but they just tell you they received the file and other 10 month waiting

Received approval

Sorry for not updating sooner. But after a long wait(485 was transferred to Philly local office in August 2001), I received the approval notice. Got PP stamped on 4/3. Though the transfer notice said an interview would be scheduled, I was not called for one. Case details are the same as nsp, except there was no RFE before transfer.

Though at the time of PP stamping, they said the card would arrive in 9 to 12 months, I received the plastic card within a month.

Wish you good luck. Got to be patient
Dzou and others - pl. answer

Is there a chance for Philly office to close on July 5th, because
that\'s the day I can go there to get my iEAD (90 days). Pl. post.

Philly Interview update

My id is c13723, I was among the ground who started this thread in Nov 2001. My case was transferred in Nov\'01 to Philly INS office. I have made two visits, always the same answer your interview will be scheduled during the end of year\'02. Wrote 3 letter to INS to find out the status. They replied in feb\'02 saying it may another 10 months to schedule an interview and I should not contact them till then.

The latest update is, I was asked to give my finger prints for the second time. I gave them second week of this month. Just like others I am also waiting to hear from INS. Hopefully everything will be alright. Hang in there. I am sure we all will get our green cards. Good luck to you all. Keep this thread alive.
Any good news from philly local transfer

Is anybody get interview notice from philly local INS?
485 transfered to local INS office (Philadelphia)

Same state as you all:

RD - 27th June 2001
RFE - RD - 1 April 2002
RFE received by INS - 21 May 2002
485 transfered - 2nd July 2002

-What may be expected in the interview?

-I am not sure if this is a "stupid" idea but I have heard other people contacting Senators to speed up the process. Will that help here and if so who and how can this be done?


Philadelphia Interview scheduled - Please help me

I received an interview letter. My interview is during November'02. My details are as follows. APplied GC in Oct'99, got transferred to Philly in Aug'01.

I have the following questions.

1)My GC was filed by Company A. Now I am working for Compnay B. Does it make any difference during the interview? I am thinking of taking letter from B. Similar job and responsiblity.

2)Do I need to file AC21 (not sure about the number) , that change of employer is needed?

3)In th mean time I sent a letter to INS with change of address. I never received interview letter. But my attorney received it. That's how I came to know about it. Does it make any difference for the interview.

4)If needed I can get letter from Company A as well - may not be interested to join them - will it have any impact after the approval?

Your replies would be appreciated.