Philadelphia Transferees New Thread - Interview date tracking


Registered Users (C)
Friends, Let us track Philadelphia interview dates. My details are PD 10/99, 485 ND 10/00, RFE 9/26/01 replied 10/19/01. Case transferred to Philly 11/1/01. Let us all share the interview date information. Thanks for the cooperation
sorry just saw this today

My case has been transferred to philly on 15th of october 2001.
No call for interview yet.
Any idea how long this nightmare will last.
Lets keep in touch since we\'re in the same boat.
I called the Philli office but nobody is picking up the phone

I live in Pittsburgh. If somebody is in Philadelphia, please go to the office and inquire. That\'s the only way to contact
sure! Let\'s keep in touch - Sunno & Muppo


I will keep you informed about the developments from my end. Please post your details. How can we get in touch with each other?

Muppo, if I get a chance I will surely find about the approximate interview dates.
sorry for the dealy in replying

all: my email is

you can email me there and we can stay in touch. if I don\'t check my email for some time, it\'s because I\'m busy. i will definitely get back in a day or 2.
Take care. I\'ll also try and go to PINS when I get the time.
ND 02/15: Case transferred to Philadelphia on 11/09

My case also been transferred to Philadelphia on 11/09. Please post your experiences with INS Philadelphia and currently what dates are running for interviews.

hi sssgopal

did you get an interview date yet. I have not. My case was transferred on oct 15th. what I have heard about the time it takes to get an interview call is scary. Many months.
No Info.

Hi Sunno

I didn\'t receive any info. My case is just transferred on 11/09. I have no idea what dates are going on in Philadelphia.

Did you call Philadelphia INS? Please post the latest info. on your case. I will also post if there is any progress on my case.

hi sssgopal

my email is if you want to correspond.
I do not check the bulletin board very often. let us use email instead. also if you can convince others, we can forma mailing list for this to be more aware.
Freinds need your cooperation

Let\'s all track the Philadelphia interview dates. If anyone get their interview dates please some time to post the details. We can form a mailing list if you all wish. To start with my email address is \'\'. My details are as follows. Applied 11/99, I485 RD 12/00, RFE 9/01, Replied on 10/19/01. Case got transferred to Philadelphia 11/1/01. God only knows.......... what\'s in store........Waiting continues........
Dear Philly interview waiting friends.. let\'s have our ownmailing list

Let\'s all track the Philadelphia interview dates. If anyone get their interview dates please some time to post the details. We can form a mailing list if you all wish. To start with my email address is \'\'. My details are as follows. Applied 11/99, I485 RD 12/00, RFE 9/01, Replied on 10/19/01. Case got transferred to Philadelphia 11/1/01. God only knows.......... what\'s in store........Waiting continues........
hi c13794

I replied your an email. Yes, lets start a mailing list if another person joins. Did you talk to your lawyer about this?
any new transferees to Philadelphia , please join our mailing list. Thanks!!!!!!!!

Visited Philadelphia INS today

It may take about 1 year for the interview. Currently they are scheduling interviews of Sept-2001 cases for Sept-2002.
My cas was transferred on 11/9 from INS Vermont but till date they didn\'t receive my file.
My case got transferred too...

Just found out yesterday that my case got transferred.
Details PD 2/98 - ND 2/00 - FP 3/01 - TD 12/01.
Any ideas on how long it will take?
I visited INS Philadelphia last week

It may take about 1 year for the interview. Currently they are scheduling interviews of Sept-2001 cases for Sept-2002.
    My case was transferred on 11/9 from INS Vermont but till date they didn\'t receive my file.

Good Luck
Please post any new update here for PHILI...........

What is the minimum time to get the interview from PHILI. CASE was transfered on 9/20/01.......
My case was transferred on Oct 15th 2001

TD Oct 15 2001
ND Nov 17 2000
RD Oct 16 2000
PD July 7 1999

Please let me know if the mailing list is still active. I would like to join it ....