Philadelphia SESA Tracker


I wanted to know how does the DOL work.
Also there a confusion at the ows site shows the date as May'03 (updated in Sept) while shows the date as July'03 (updated in Sept).

My state approved in Aug'03. So I wanted to know how it is working right. My case was filed from Harrisburg.

Could you please mention the category?
Mine is supposedly in Philly SESA applied in early March'2003.
I have called the AVM today and it said "Can't find the tax id" when I entered the tax id under option2.
I guess that means it has not moved to DOL yet.
were you able to call SESA for your info?
Where to file SESA???

I found an employer that is willing to sponsor me for green card. The work place is at Aston, PA. Where is the best place to file the SESA if there is a choice??
Needs Advice

All !!

I need advice from you guys here.

Though my application is pending at Atlanta DOL ( RIR case ).
But by seeing the processing speed, I can predict they will take anywhere between 8-12 months to process my application
and again there is no guarantee whether the application will get approved or not according to market situation.

In the mean time, my company is willing to file the another application from "Philadelphia", But as a NON-RIR case.

should I go for that or not ? As I've to pay for that, though not much but still around $500-$600..

Can you guys suggest whether I should file it or not and
can you guys please update me like what dates are they processing At SESA level for Non-RIR cases.
and what Dates they are processing at DOL for Non-RIR cases..
processing date

I saw that Philly processing date is current, even faster than Harrisburgh and Pittsburgh. Is that true? Any approved petitions filed recently?
IT or fishing ?

I was checking the Philly DOl #'s ad randomly checked to see if they have started any work on Sept cases. Found out that a case received by the Phily DOL on 16th Spet and certified on 29th Sept.
The DOT CODE was 521.687-122. So out of sheer curiosity, I found out what this code stood for. And this is what I found out.

DOT CODE was 521.687-122
TITLE(s): SHELLFISH SHUCKER (can. & preserv.) alternate titles: shucker
Shucks fresh or steamed shellfish, such as oysters, clams, or scallops (bivalves), preparatory to canning, freezing, or fresh packing: Holds shellfish firmly or against block and forces shucking knife between halves of shell at hinge juncture. Twists knife to sever muscles holding shell closed and pries open. Cuts shellfish from shell, flips it into container, and discards shell. May break off edges of shells before shucking, using hatchet. May be designated according to shellfish shucked as Clam Shucker (can. & preserv.); Oyster Shucker (can. & preserv.); Scallop Shucker (can. & preserv.).

hmmmmmm....a career change from IT to fishing might not be such a bad idea ! :) What say? :D
impact of employer change / layoff

what happens if an employee gets laid off / changes employment during the labor process? since it is for intended future employment, I guess the labor process can continue.
can this be used when approved for next stages of GC?what additional documents will be required in such a case?
urgent request

I had read about the format for experience letter in one of these threads.Any body here has an example format?.
I beleive if the employer does not exist any more / not available for reference, we can take it from a client / senior at the company.
is this right?
please post any info
FYI got a letter from State(???) asking for experience letter.
Is it strange because exp letters would normally be asked at
the 140 stage?
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Labor moved to Regional Office

My labor was file on 8/18/2003 in RIR for S/W Engineer. My lawyer called me yesterday saying it has moved to Regional Office on Oct 15,2003.

Dear all, I am preparing RIR petition (from Philly). I am not sure what kind of Ads required for RIR. I think 3 days newspaper and internal posting are necessary. But how about others? Does Philly require Ad at What did you guys do? Our company doesn't like to post more except the newspaper and internal posting.

Your help is greatly appreciated! Best wishes to all.
Does anyone know ?

Hi all,
does anyone know how long it takes for a non-rir case to move from SESA to DOL after the ad response report is filed back with SESa ?

Thanks in advance.
My lawyer says my case (EB2-RIR) must have moved to Philli Fed processing center from Delaware state processing in Nov2003. Either the employer or the lawyer didn't get any case number or receipt number or even any communication either from Delaware or from Philli processing center.

Can you pl. let me know if
1) any one of you did get a case number from Philli LC processing center Fed level
2) If your LC has been completed recently from Philly processing center

your reply is much appreciated ...

thank you,
Dear SRJ,

My lawyer told me the same (that Phili DOL does not give you a case number or receipt #). My case is an RIR one SESA application date 08/15/2003 and according to my lawyer it was transfered to the DOL sometime in Oct 2003.

Can someone please tell us how you get the "dot number" or any sort of tracking number from the Phili DOL
(thru employer/lawyer/otherwise ) that can be used to track cases on their AVM.

I have a friend who has been transferred to Philly DOL from Richmond in August 2003. He has not received any updates from DOL regarding his application. Anyone has a clue what dates they are processing as of today. Please let us know.