Philadelphia Regional DOL Tracker

Any updates from BEC/BPC?


Hotline Guru’s keep us all posted if you have any updates from BEC/BPC?

Thanks in Advance


AwardMyGC said:

Hotline Guru’s keep us all posted if you have any updates from BEC/BPC?

Thanks in Advance


Hi AwardMyGC,
Congratulations. This is your 300th posting. Triple century.
Estimated time


1) I am following the other threads also. I am not able to estimate the approximate processing time for my case with the CA, RIR,EB2, PD Aug 2002, which has been transfered to BPC. Please let me know.

2) I have seen only one case got certified in the other thread, that too his friend's/ family memeber's case which got transferred to BPC. Any latest updates/approvals??

Thanks in advance.
With your PD my guess is waiting time 4-6 months. for mine PD 9-12 Months. Thx

sacbee said:

1) I am following the other threads also. I am not able to estimate the approximate processing time for my case with the CA, RIR,EB2, PD Aug 2002, which has been transfered to BPC. Please let me know.

2) I have seen only one case got certified in the other thread, that too his friend's/ family memeber's case which got transferred to BPC. Any latest updates/approvals??

Thanks in advance.
Guessing game at best!

Unfortunately, this is still a guessing game for us all and incredibly frustating. Initial indications said BEC will start processing when they receive the response to the 45 day letters, now they say it'll start only after all data entry in completed which won't be till summer. (Yes, we have seen a couple of cases being approved but those would be the exceptions - dating back to the 2001 PD - we're yet to see any mainstream approvals yet).

My attorney says he's cautiously optimistic about mine coming around by end of the year. I have a Mar 2003 PD and would still consider it fast if I get to hear by end of the year!!

On a different note, do you guys feel PERM may not inundate the LC scene after all, compared to what was the initial feeling? There are already reports of PERM denials (may be due to software glitches) and it's very difficult for EB2 in PERM. Keeping these in mind, is EB2 (or even EB3) in RIR/BEC not too bad??

Anand_Mishra said:
With your PD my guess is waiting time 4-6 months. for mine PD 9-12 Months. Thx
Orissa, Tomshu , Icarus, Alkea

Hello my friends,
Please tell us if is true that the BEC have given the order to all the employyes and oficers of not give any information to the people like us that call them by phone. :confused: :confused: :confused:
Maybe someone who lives near the BEC can go there personally???

If you have any updates please le us know. :rolleyes:

Thank you very much for your cooperation ;) ;)

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Got my 45 days letter

Finally my attorney fax me my 45 days letter!

It says "If the response is UNTIMELY or INCOMPLETE", your case will be closed.

I know I have to return letter in 45 days, what "INCOMPLETE" means? I thought I only need to ask my boss to check the box "I wish to continue" and sign and date.....any other things we need to do with this letter?

Pleaes advise


State date: 1/2003
Regional Date: 6/2004
45 letter date: 3/30/05
Some Info

I was told, and I guess it is correct.

Employer received couple of approvals from PA (- BEC I must guess) some days back. But only a couple and the applications were old ones. About recent applications no news. It seems to be very slow, but some positive signs at least. Hold on my friends.
Applied in July 2003
Letter Recd in Jan 2005(?)

LedBy said:
I was told, and I guess it is correct.

Employer received couple of approvals from PA (- BEC I must guess) some days back. But only a couple and the applications were old ones. About recent applications no news. It seems to be very slow, but some positive signs at least. Hold on my friends.
Applied in July 2003
Letter Recd in Jan 2005(?)

thank you for sharing!!!!

it would be VERY helpful if there is anyway you could find out from employer (i suppose it's your own employer?) the following on the approvals: what PDs (year) and what types (irr or non-irr).

thanks again!
45 day letter question

Hi guys
I havent received the 45 day letter yet , my details are as follows

State labor : Harrisburg Dec 12th 2002
Regional rcpt dt : Philly Aug 8th 2003

Did any one with around the same date, get their 45 day letter? Does the letter come to the employer or the attorney?

My company doesnt allow my direct communication with my attorney even though I am paying for the GC process!!!!! it sucks!!!!!
LedBy said:
I was told, and I guess it is correct.

Employer received couple of approvals from PA (- BEC I must guess) some days back. But only a couple and the applications were old ones. About recent applications no news. It seems to be very slow, but some positive signs at least. Hold on my friends.
Applied in July 2003
Letter Recd in Jan 2005(?)

Can you post more info about this approved labor? What year is it rir or non rir etc., Would be helpful if you post more information on this?
harrisburg012 said:
Hi guys
I havent received the 45 day letter yet , my details are as follows

State labor : Harrisburg Dec 12th 2002
Regional rcpt dt : Philly Aug 8th 2003

Did any one with around the same date, get their 45 day letter? Does the letter come to the employer or the attorney?

My company doesnt allow my direct communication with my attorney even though I am paying for the GC process!!!!! it sucks!!!!!

I have applied from Harrisburg in Sept 2003, I received letter long back and I know few other people who received letter from same place. You must have got it by now check with your attorney or send an email to philly BRC and they will reply with your case number.
DFLC Backlog Processing Centers Update

:) As we reported earlier, DFLC initially focused on performing the data entries in order to identify and establish the national queue and to process cases on first in first out basis. DFLC reported to the AILA that as of mid-March 2005, the Backlog Processing Centers were able to complete transfer of 250,000 cases from the states and the Regions and worked on the data entry. As the earlier cases completed data entry, the Backlog Processing Centers also started processing of actual cases with old priority dates. Since the DFLC reportedly had over 300,000 backlog cases, it is anticipated that the initial step of shipping and data entry may be completed in the near future. It is also anticipated that for the next few months, actual decision of cases may not be that visible at least until the end of September 2005.

:D One way to reduce the backlog was to encourage applicants to refile under the PERM system without taking too much risk and without losing priority dates, but so far the PERM initiative has failed, leaving the mountain of backlog cases behind. At this juncture, applicants want to hear from the leadership of DFLC its policy on the affect of refiling on the pending cases, but they refuse to clarify this policy issue in both "identical" case refiling as well as "not idential" case refiling by the same employer for the same employee. This indecision also hurts indirectly its efforts to reduce the backlogs. We hope to see DFLC's decisive actions on various issues in the near future to achieve its goal of the foreign labor certification system reengineering smoothly and successfully.

:mad: As the DFLC gradually moves from the data entry stage to the actual processing stage, it should also clearly define the processing rule of "first in first out." In a number of occasions, it insisted that there would be no separate queues for different type of cases such as RIR vs. Regular Applications. However, considering the fact that these two cases involve a distinctly different type of work, a single queue of FIFO is not going to work when it comes to the order of actual certification. Probably, the analysts may be able to pull out files on the basis of "first in" (priority date), but since RIR cases practically do not need any work other than review and decision, meanwhile the regular applications must go through the time-consuming supervised recruitment process, it will be absurd that the RIR cases should remain a hostage pending the decision of regulation application cases with older priority dates. Accordingly, unless the DFLC adopts separate queues for different type of cases, a single national queue ignoring different type of cases will result in the extreme ineffective and inefficient management of processing of backlogs with no purposes served what-so-ever. This is particularly true that out of 300,000 or so backlog cases, the number of RIR cases appear to small. Again, we want to remind the DFLC that all it takes to make a decision on the RIR cases is to "review and decide," period! Reasonable minds do not understand why these cases will have to sleep in the storage boxes pending processing of the mountain of regular application cases. The regular application cases need different type of processing work and processing time because of the different type of process the applicants will have to go through under the law in terms of "supervised recruitment process." The concept of "FIFO" processing rule will work only if the DFLC recognizes different type of cases requiring different type of work and processing time, and process the cases on "FIFO" basis for each type of cases separately. In other words, each type of cases should have a separate national queue and be processed on FIFO for that type of cases only.

:( In our opinion, the processing at the "front end" may be performed on a single national queue and on "first in" basis, but when it comes to the "back end" processing, there cannot be a single first in first out processing regardless of different type of cases. Even the front end work, it may be more efficient to process the cases in different queue for different type of cases. We hope that DFLC recognizes this issue as soon as possible before they move from the step of data entry to the next step of actual processing. For the back-end processing, a single national queue isn't going to work!!!!

source: immigration-law
harrisburg012 said:
Hi guys
I havent received the 45 day letter yet , my details are as follows

State labor : Harrisburg Dec 12th 2002
Regional rcpt dt : Philly Aug 8th 2003

Did any one with around the same date, get their 45 day letter? Does the letter come to the employer or the attorney?

My company doesnt allow my direct communication with my attorney even though I am paying for the GC process!!!!! it sucks!!!!!

My receipt date is vey close to yours. August 11th , 2003. iI received my letter in early Janaury. the letter was received at the lawyer's office. i suggest you follow up with your lawyer if you have not already done so.
They are waisting our time

DOL knew people are not going to convert to PERM so easily. They are creating more work for themselves. If they want through BRC the RIR cases can be cleared within no time. They dont want to do so for unknown reasons.
God Forgive their sins as they are screwing up our lives.

orissa said:
:) As we reported earlier, DFLC initially focused on performing the data entries in order to identify and establish the national queue and to process cases on first in first out basis. DFLC reported to the AILA that as of mid-March 2005, the Backlog Processing Centers were able to complete transfer of 250,000 cases from the states and the Regions and worked on the data entry. As the earlier cases completed data entry, the Backlog Processing Centers also started processing of actual cases with old priority dates. Since the DFLC reportedly had over 300,000 backlog cases, it is anticipated that the initial step of shipping and data entry may be completed in the near future. It is also anticipated that for the next few months, actual decision of cases may not be that visible at least until the end of September 2005.

:D One way to reduce the backlog was to encourage applicants to refile under the PERM system without taking too much risk and without losing priority dates, but so far the PERM initiative has failed, leaving the mountain of backlog cases behind. At this juncture, applicants want to hear from the leadership of DFLC its policy on the affect of refiling on the pending cases, but they refuse to clarify this policy issue in both "identical" case refiling as well as "not idential" case refiling by the same employer for the same employee. This indecision also hurts indirectly its efforts to reduce the backlogs. We hope to see DFLC's decisive actions on various issues in the near future to achieve its goal of the foreign labor certification system reengineering smoothly and successfully.

:mad: As the DFLC gradually moves from the data entry stage to the actual processing stage, it should also clearly define the processing rule of "first in first out." In a number of occasions, it insisted that there would be no separate queues for different type of cases such as RIR vs. Regular Applications. However, considering the fact that these two cases involve a distinctly different type of work, a single queue of FIFO is not going to work when it comes to the order of actual certification. Probably, the analysts may be able to pull out files on the basis of "first in" (priority date), but since RIR cases practically do not need any work other than review and decision, meanwhile the regular applications must go through the time-consuming supervised recruitment process, it will be absurd that the RIR cases should remain a hostage pending the decision of regulation application cases with older priority dates. Accordingly, unless the DFLC adopts separate queues for different type of cases, a single national queue ignoring different type of cases will result in the extreme ineffective and inefficient management of processing of backlogs with no purposes served what-so-ever. This is particularly true that out of 300,000 or so backlog cases, the number of RIR cases appear to small. Again, we want to remind the DFLC that all it takes to make a decision on the RIR cases is to "review and decide," period! Reasonable minds do not understand why these cases will have to sleep in the storage boxes pending processing of the mountain of regular application cases. The regular application cases need different type of processing work and processing time because of the different type of process the applicants will have to go through under the law in terms of "supervised recruitment process." The concept of "FIFO" processing rule will work only if the DFLC recognizes different type of cases requiring different type of work and processing time, and process the cases on "FIFO" basis for each type of cases separately. In other words, each type of cases should have a separate national queue and be processed on FIFO for that type of cases only.

:( In our opinion, the processing at the "front end" may be performed on a single national queue and on "first in" basis, but when it comes to the "back end" processing, there cannot be a single first in first out processing regardless of different type of cases. Even the front end work, it may be more efficient to process the cases in different queue for different type of cases. We hope that DFLC recognizes this issue as soon as possible before they move from the step of data entry to the next step of actual processing. For the back-end processing, a single national queue isn't going to work!!!!

source: immigration-law
mamamiax said:
DOL knew people are not going to convert to PERM so easily. They are creating more work for themselves. If they want through BRC the RIR cases can be cleared within no time. They dont want to do so for unknown reasons.
God Forgive their sins as they are screwing up our lives.

You my dear sir (or maam) are more forgiving than I am and I know that if I have my word in front of God, none of their sins in this regard are going to be forgiven.

PERM-EB2 with US Master's Degree

Given the not-a-lot-of-hope situation at BPC currently, I was wondering what everyone here thinks about filing PERM EB2 case with US Master's degree, even at the cost of losing PD? What are the chances of success after initial technical problems with PERM system gets resolved? (Initial rejections we heard under PERM are for sure due to some technical glitch which should be resolved at some point)

EB2 not yet retrogressed, it might be worth taking this chance instead of waiting for 2 more years under BPC (u never know the economy and if we would have same jobs for next 2 years)

Anyone with thoughts on this, one way or other, please share opinions.

Is the Date of aceptance for Processing date is the PD? I do not know my exact PD?
how_long said:
My receipt date is vey close to yours. August 11th , 2003. iI received my letter in early Janaury. the letter was received at the lawyer's office. i suggest you follow up with your lawyer if you have not already done so.
fastergcwanted said:
Given the not-a-lot-of-hope situation at BPC currently, I was wondering what everyone here thinks about filing PERM EB2 case with US Master's degree, even at the cost of losing PD? What are the chances of success after initial technical problems with PERM system gets resolved? (Initial rejections we heard under PERM are for sure due to some technical glitch which should be resolved at some point)

EB2 not yet retrogressed, it might be worth taking this chance instead of waiting for 2 more years under BPC (u never know the economy and if we would have same jobs for next 2 years)

Anyone with thoughts on this, one way or other, please share opinions.

You know I have been struggling with this too. My situation is compounded by these facts:

1. I am EB2
2. My app was non-RIR
3. My PD is Apr 2002
4. All supervised recruitment is complete
5. I have been in Regional DOL for a year
6. I have recd and responded to 45-day letter

All of the above lead me to believe my case should clear the BPC in the very near future..... and PERM will require fresh advertising for 30 days + 60 days for adjudication.
Also, there is no guarantee on retaining PD.

What I am struggling with is, if PERM will adjudicate in 90 days (30 adv + 60 adjudication) - that is probably worse than what BPC may take....

Any takers on opinions...
spidey said:
You know I have been struggling with this too. My situation is compounded by these facts:

1. I am EB2
2. My app was non-RIR
3. My PD is Apr 2002
4. All supervised recruitment is complete
5. I have been in Regional DOL for a year
6. I have recd and responded to 45-day letter

All of the above lead me to believe my case should clear the BPC in the very near future..... and PERM will require fresh advertising for 30 days + 60 days for adjudication.
Also, there is no guarantee on retaining PD.

What I am struggling with is, if PERM will adjudicate in 90 days (30 adv + 60 adjudication) - that is probably worse than what BPC may take....

Any takers on opinions...

I have the same dilema, case has been with regional for over 15 months, should I wait or should I switch to PERM. If I do then what are my chances, lets says I convert the case then its no use since there is no fix time frame. If I file a new case then first its 90 days then 30 - 60 days and on top of that will my employer be willing to pay the PW???

I guess I would rather wait for another two months to see how PERM does, and meanwhile if I get another opportunity which solves my PW problem I will take my chances and switch my job. Its no use to suffer for nothing and besides who knows whether at the end of all this suffering u are denied the GC for some reason other then Labor.