Philadelphia Regional DOL Tracker

Priority Dates to Retrogress in January

Source: US Visa News -

What on earth is a "Priority Date" anyway?
The "Priority Date" of a visa case is the day it is officially placed in queue (or, as we Americans say "in line") for the permanent residency process. Priority dates are given to persons immigrating through relatives who are permanent residents or through employment with a U.S. company. In PT and RN cases, the date is set when the I-140 Petition is filed with the INS. In all labor certification cases, it is set when the labor cert is filed with the state job service. ("Immediate Relatives" are not subject to an annual numerical cap, so they don't get priority dates. That means that if 10,000,000 U.S. citizens marry foreigners, all of them can immediately immigrate.) Since employment based categories are "preference" visas, they have an annual numerical allotments per country. In countries with very little immigration (such as Iceland, for example), numbers are usually available. In countries with high rates of immigration to the U.S.- such as India- the number of people applying annually exceed the amount of available a backlog develops. The higher the number of applicants, the longer the backlog.

How Do Priority Dates Work?
Many variables come into play in the progression of a priority date: a family of five will take up 5 visa slots, while a single person will take only one. That means that if 10,000 visas are available for, as an example, India, and the first 2000 principal aliens (the employee) each have four family member (plus themselves), those two thousand petitions will use up the whole 10,000! On the other hand, if everyone had been single, 10,000 principal aliens would have gotten in and there would be no backlog. In addition, people drop out of the wait, some have spouses get their green short, a million variables. In October, when the new fiscal year begins, more numbers become available. Sometimes, the State Department goes back and learns that the projected usage of visas has varied substantially in the past few months, and then they make adjustments causing dramatic retrogressions.

What Do We Mean When We Say The Priority Dates Will Retrogress?
For the last few years, employment-based applicants have been very lucky. If you visit the Visa Bulletin published by the Department of State to track priority dates, you will notice that there is "C" next to all categories. The "C" stands for current, meaning that there is no wait to file for permanent residence. If you look at the family-based petitions, you will see a very different story.

For example, if you look at the 4th preference category from India, brothers and sisters of United States citizens, you will see a date of February 15, 1992. That means that right now they are accepting I-485 applications and consular process applications from Indian brothers and sisters for whom an I-130 was filed on February 15, 1992.

What this means is that as of January of 2005, you will also see that dates for some employment-based categories, particularly the EB-3 category for India, the Philippines and China will go backwards. How far back? We do not know.

Here is an example to illustrate how this might work: let's say that you are an Engineer from India. Let's say that your labor certification was filed on January 1st of 2001. Your labor certification has now been approved and you are ready to file your I-140 and I-485. If the priority date has gone backwards beyond January 1st of 2001, it means that there aren't any visa numbers available for you. You can file the I-140 but you cannot file your I-485 until the priority dates move forward to January 1st of 2001 or beyond.

Who Should Be Concerned?
If you were born in mainland China, India or the Philippines and you are an employment-based applicant, you should be concerned. Note that the key is where you were born. For example, you were born in the Philippines but you are now a Canadian citizen the priority date that applies to you is the priority date for the Philippines NOT Canada.

What Can You Do?
If you were born in any of the countries mentioned above and you are eligible to file your I-485 but have not done so, you should endeavor to file it before the end of this year. Remember, you are eligible to file your I-485 if your labor certification has been approved.

If you are Physical Therapist or a Registered Nurse and you are in the United States either with a non-immigrant visa, you should apply for your I-140/I-485 before the end of the year if it is at all possible. For example, you are a PT presently in the U.S. in OPT status, you should apply for your I-140/I-485. Another common example would be a PT who does not have the Visa Screen and who will not be able to renew the H-1B when it expires in a few months. If that is you, you should apply for your permanent residence before the end of the year

Where Can I Look At The Priority Dates?
The State Department publishes a monthly Visa Bulletin to keep us apprised about the priority dates. You may find it on the following web page:

Remember, the employment-based categories are current for the time being. You will probably not see a change until January. Once more, please remember that this will probably only affect professionals from India, the Philippines and mainland China.

If you believe that you, or one of your employees, will be affected by the priority date retrogression, please contact our office.
I got my labor approved from SWA Va on last Sep 15, 2004 and they forward it to DOL Philly ( i'm a non -RIR applicant same as u )
My Piority date is April 11, 2003
dcmetro22042 said:
Thanks for the reply spidey. Now I want to know there is anyone in this thread who got their labor approved at the VA SWA as well and who non a non-RIR applicant. But atleast now you gave me an estimated time frame. Anyone from VA (non-RIR) here?
Questions regarding BEC and NPC and Labor

Hi Gurus,

I have applied my labor under RIR from MD in Mar 2002. Recently my case was remanded by SWA and was submitted back with desired response. It's been two months so far and I have heard anything back from SWA. I am not sure if my case is still stuck with SWA or it is sent to Philly DOL. I tried the DOL auto status check hoping that I can find my case in DOL but the phone continuously rings but no response.

Does anyone have any idea where my case will be processed for federal labor i.e. at BEC, NPC or Philly.

And what is the difference between BEC and NPC..

Any help would be highly appreciated.
Urgent Help

My question is not relevant to this thread, but I visit this thread regulerly and I feel there are some smart guys here who could help me to come out of my problem..

I have been working as a contractor for Client C through Employer E1 from past 4 years. Last year employer E1 filed my GC. As you know nothing is happening in Philly DOL and my labor is struck at BRC.
Last month my Client C offered permanent position, but I should have GC to take that position.
Then I requested my Client C to hold that position for few months, so that I can look for some other employer who has pre approved labor. Finally I found employer E2 who has pre approved labor and I moved to new employer E2 .i.e. I switched my vendor at my clients place.

Now my previous employer is creating problems saying I am breaching my employment contract and spoiling his client relations. I tried to convince him in all possible ways. Even Client C also warned him to leave me.
Now Employer E1 says he is going to file law Suit against me.
My Question is
1. Is it possible to enforce non-compete agreement.
2. He didn’t pay my medically fully and he didn’t pay my dental at all, but it was there in my contact that he would pay medical and dental for me and my family.
3. According to contract, he has to review my performance every year. He only did once in past 4 years.
4. Also he is in to dirty business, like he brought few guys on H1 and placed at client C on billing but he didn’t put them on payroll and he used to give personal checks to them.

I am not sure whether I have valid points If I also go against Employer E1.
Please advice.
SprintGC said:
My question is not relevant to this thread, but I visit this thread regulerly and I feel there are some smart guys here who could help me to come out of my problem..

I have been working as a contractor for Client C through Employer E1 from past 4 years. Last year employer E1 filed my GC. As you know nothing is happening in Philly DOL and my labor is struck at BRC.
Last month my Client C offered permanent position, but I should have GC to take that position.
Then I requested my Client C to hold that position for few months, so that I can look for some other employer who has pre approved labor. Finally I found employer E2 who has pre approved labor and I moved to new employer E2 .i.e. I switched my vendor at my clients place.

Now my previous employer is creating problems saying I am breaching my employment contract and spoiling his client relations. I tried to convince him in all possible ways. Even Client C also warned him to leave me.
Now Employer E1 says he is going to file law Suit against me.
My Question is
1. Is it possible to enforce non-compete agreement.
2. He didn’t pay my medically fully and he didn’t pay my dental at all, but it was there in my contact that he would pay medical and dental for me and my family.
3. According to contract, he has to review my performance every year. He only did once in past 4 years.
4. Also he is in to dirty business, like he brought few guys on H1 and placed at client C on billing but he didn’t put them on payroll and he used to give personal checks to them.

I am not sure whether I have valid points If I also go against Employer E1.
Please advice.

OK since you know this is not the right thread, I wont mention it :p

But seriously, you need to move quickly. This is a common situation for many.

1) Contact your local bar association and set up an appointment with an attorney who specializes in HR litigation. Going through the bar association has two benifits, one, you get a much lower and affordable rate and two, the preliminary meeting is usually for 1 hour or so with no obligation if you dont need the attorneys services after that.
2) Get all the facts of the case to the attorney. The key is not if you can 'win or lose the case'! The point is to evaluate how strong the relative positions are on the bargaining table for settlement.
99.99 % , your old emp would want to settle since actually taking it to court is stupid unless you are a top executive worth millions.
Be totally truthful with your attorney, show all docs etc. Did he make you sign the agreement Before you got your first paycheck or After? (this is very imp!).. of course, the attorney will check these things out. Make a list together of all possible labor law violations in your case and in case of other employees.
3) Is he planning to sue your new employer too?? Discuss this in detail with your new employer and his lawyer, and check out scenarios if your old really does sue. (If he sues both of you seperately, you cannot hire the same lawyer to handle the cases together.. conflict of interest.)
4) Once you have all the research ready, you would be in a much more better position to decide what to do next. Its entirely possible that your best response would be to do nothing and call your old employers bluff.. see if he really does anything. But of course, all that depends on your position, and how the old employer calculates his chances.

In any case, Dont Panic! Dont get angry! Panic and anger will only make you do things you will regret later or worse, will paralyze you. Dont worry, many have gone through this (yours truly included.. ).. its pretty common, and in almost all cases, everything works out ok in the end.
Called the good lady

Ok I called the lady (the same obe whom I guess Tomshu calls).
She is not at all happy with anyone calling her. We are asking the same questions and she is tired of giving the same answer (that become wrong over time).
She might have been angry so she gave the answers she gave or it might reflect reality better...anyway here they are --
1. It will take another two weeks before the letters go out. It seams a new computer system has been installed (what new, newer than the last new or the same one...I don't know).
2.No process has been defined yet, who goes first, they will cross the bridhe once they come upon it.
3.Hopefully letters go out before Dec Christmas.


Ps- Please stop calling them, I will too, let Tomshu ask.
akela said:
Ok I called the lady (the same obe whom I guess Tomshu calls).
She is not at all happy with anyone calling her. We are asking the same questions and she is tired of giving the same answer (that become wrong over time).
She might have been angry so she gave the answers she gave or it might reflect reality better...anyway here they are --
1. It will take another two weeks before the letters go out. It seams a new computer system has been installed (what new, newer than the last new or the same one...I don't know).
2.No process has been defined yet, who goes first, they will cross the bridhe once they come upon it.
3.Hopefully letters go out before Dec Christmas.


Ps- Please stop calling them, I will too, let Tomshu ask.

every week they say letters will go out in 2 weeks, it has been like that for last 3 months or so for so many reasons ( once a new computer program, once printer problems, once i don't know what). later when they send the letters, if they will ever do , they will say we need a new program to process the cases which will take another 3 months. i think DOL said that the backlog will be eleminated in 2 years from july.we r now in november close to dec so we r left with 1.5 yrs to clear the backlog, it is a joke. it is all bureaucracy and it is going nowhere.
I think no one should call anymore for another month or so


Let us face the issue. No amount of calling is going to speed up anything for us. They will send the letters when they want to. They could have all the letters and then plan to post it only in Feb2005. Can we do anything? "NO"

So let us all just wait and post in this forum when each of us get the letter. Will any answers provide any value for us ? "NO" only actual progress will help us. so let us just wait and hope we get those letters and then hope for our LC.

I am a guy who waited for 2.5 years for LC from Philly but due to April 2001 rusch got frustrated and then moved to another employer and have been waiting for LC for another 2 years. I am running out of time but can i do anything? No... I can just wait .... :)
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After a liaison meeting with DOL officials, the American Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA) announced the following updates on DOL Backlog Reduction Centers:

l. The Backlog Reduction Centers have not yet sent out any Center Receipt Notification Letters due to an issue with their software.But we can expect to see these letters in about two weeks or so. This explains why we have not seen any of these letters.

2. The DOL is now considering the move of the next set of cases to the Backlog Reduction Centers. BRC may move some cases from the processing centers in Atlanta and Chicago. They will be looking at the SWAs from which they will be pulling cases consistent with their first-in-first-out (FIFO) policy. DOL will be issuing written guidance to the states to advise them of the FIFO policy and taking the oldest cases and giving them instructions on what to do with the cases (shipping, etc.).
3. In the next week or so, DOL should be publishing a notice in the Federal Register with the addresses and contact info for all the offices.

"Another two weeks?"

Oh, please, give me a break! How many times have we heard these words?

Do they think we are just so naive and are so easy to play with?
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I read it too on Nov 17, but I would rather believe your source is more reliable...55555555
tomshu said:
After a liaison meeting with DOL officials, the American Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA) announced the following updates on DOL Backlog Reduction Centers:

l. The Backlog Reduction Centers have not yet sent out any Center Receipt Notification Letters due to an issue with their software.But we can expect to see these letters in about two weeks or so. This explains why we have not seen any of these letters.

2. The DOL is now considering the move of the next set of cases to the Backlog Reduction Centers. BRC may move some cases from the processing centers in Atlanta and Chicago. They will be looking at the SWAs from which they will be pulling cases consistent with their first-in-first-out (FIFO) policy. DOL will be issuing written guidance to the states to advise them of the FIFO policy and taking the oldest cases and giving them instructions on what to do with the cases (shipping, etc.).
3. In the next week or so, DOL should be publishing a notice in the Federal Register with the addresses and contact info for all the offices.

Question about Philly BEC

Hello all,
I have a question. Philly DOL has transferred 10,000 cases to BEC, does anyone know till what date it includes? If somebody's case has moved to DOL in August/Spetember 2004, will it be in BEC database, did they cover all cases till date or just upto particular date?
First amandment for immigrants "Patience is a Virtue"...

allaboutgc said:
"Another two weeks?"

Oh, please, give me a break! How many times have we heard these words?

Do they think we are just so naive and are so easy to play with?
So based on this update, really nothing has been decided or clarified. including whether Philly Regional cases will be processed before state level cases, how they are going to distribute the case load, the role of national centers of Altanta and Chicago...

I don't think DOL has figured it out itself! Calling the good lady is not helping much either. First all, she is pretty upset about all the calls and may stop giving answers; Secondly, I assume she is just a regular employee there and probably doesn't know the details until the policy is decided and distributed. And again, even if we have all the information, all we can do is just stay in line and wait, wait and wait... for them to process the cases. We cannot do their work for them.

At this point, until one of us receive a notice letter, we can just assume no progress has been made.

tomshu said:
After a liaison meeting with DOL officials, the American Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA) announced the following updates on DOL Backlog Reduction Centers:

l. The Backlog Reduction Centers have not yet sent out any Center Receipt Notification Letters due to an issue with their software.But we can expect to see these letters in about two weeks or so. This explains why we have not seen any of these letters.

2. The DOL is now considering the move of the next set of cases to the Backlog Reduction Centers. BRC may move some cases from the processing centers in Atlanta and Chicago. They will be looking at the SWAs from which they will be pulling cases consistent with their first-in-first-out (FIFO) policy. DOL will be issuing written guidance to the states to advise them of the FIFO policy and taking the oldest cases and giving them instructions on what to do with the cases (shipping, etc.).
3. In the next week or so, DOL should be publishing a notice in the Federal Register with the addresses and contact info for all the offices.

VAhoper said:
So based on this update, really nothing has been decided or clarified. including whether Philly Regional cases will be processed before state level cases, how they are going to distribute the case load, the role of national centers of Altanta and Chicago...

I don't think DOL has figured it out itself! Calling the good lady is not helping much either. First all, she is pretty upset about all the calls and may stop giving answers; Secondly, I assume she is just a regular employee there and probably doesn't know the details until the policy is decided and distributed. And again, even if we have all the information, all we can do is just stay in line and wait, wait and wait... for them to process the cases. We cannot do their work for them.

At this point, until one of us receive a notice letter, we can just assume no progress has been made.

Its the start of holiday season so I think we should not be expecting much for this year atleast, hopefully next year turns out little better for all of us.
VAhoper said:
So based on this update, really nothing has been decided or clarified. including whether Philly Regional cases will be processed before state level cases, how they are going to distribute the case load, the role of national centers of Altanta and Chicago...

I don't think DOL has figured it out itself! Calling the good lady is not helping much either. First all, she is pretty upset about all the calls and may stop giving answers; Secondly, I assume she is just a regular employee there and probably doesn't know the details until the policy is decided and distributed. And again, even if we have all the information, all we can do is just stay in line and wait, wait and wait... for them to process the cases. We cannot do their work for them.

At this point, until one of us receive a notice letter, we can just assume no progress has been made.
I guess those contract are manually entering data from truck loads of papers. I am wandering what the federal officials are doing, probably just telling those contractors "Job Well Down!".
EB3 PD Retrogression

Hi All

With Priority date retrogression for EB3 sure by Jan 2005, Can someone guide me if there are things on Labour Certification petition which decides a case as EB-3 or that can be decided only at the time of filing I-140/I-485 and needs to be proven while filing I140/I485 only.

I am not sure what my labour Certification case is, is it EB3 or EB2? So I want to know if I can still have the option of going for EB2, somehow. If I cannot file I485, I think having a Labor approval is useless.

loma said:
Hi All

With Priority date retrogression for EB3 sure by Jan 2005, Can someone guide me if there are things on Labour Certification petition which decides a case as EB-3 or that can be decided only at the time of filing I-140/I-485 and needs to be proven while filing I140/I485 only.

I am not sure what my labour Certification case is, is it EB3 or EB2? So I want to know if I can still have the option of going for EB2, somehow. If I cannot file I485, I think having a Labor approval is useless.


Your Labor Petition is EB2 if Item 14 on form ETA 750-A mentions that the MINIMUM REQUIREMENT for the job is a Master's degree. Alternatively, it can mention that the MINIMUM REQUIREMENT for the job is a Bachelor's degree + 5 years of experience.

So the labor petition must require BS+5 or MS+0 at a minimum to qualify to apply under EB2 for I-140. Also, the condition is that the alien must qualify with at least BS+5 or MS+0 (if labor asks for MS+0).

I don't know whether they verify this immediately when I-140 is filed.
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Sometimes I feel that Tomshu is giving us false hopes, even though I believe he does not intent to do that. I know he is also a victim of DOL just as the rest of us. But his overly optimistic information/prediction and the harsh/contrary reality really turn me down. There is a saying that says, "the more hope you bear, the more disappointments you will suffer".

I remember Tomshu mentioned something WILL happen on Nov. 22, which is TOMORROW.
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