Philadelphia Regional DOL Tracker

Do BEC include federal processing or only state level processing?

I have a doubt - do the BEC inlcude the federal level processing as well or only the state level processing? If they do include state level processing - what happens to the cases that have been processed by the state(say) - will those cases be forwarded to the Feds or will they be sent to BECs?

Appreciate any input.

allaboutgc: Although I can relate to your frustation, only thing I can say is that don't loose your hope. Thats all you have, in your control! You cannot do anything in this scenario just like all of us. And don't shoot the messenger (Tomshu/Akela) my friend! They are only bearer of the news. Personally I consider Dec as a washout month due to holiday mood. Therefore I am hoping some activity in Jan. Letters may (hopefully) start going out anytime now but at a slower pace...and if that happens...shall be a good christmas gift for all! Good Luck to all!
Its wrong to blameTomshu...

Why are we blaming Tomshu, he is just passing the information that he gets from the DOL employees. Whether the information he gets is right or wrong he as as sure as all of us.

He might well keep the information to himshelf, right? Do you want that.

Yes, if his information never proves to be true.
I know I shuld not blame him, but the fact is that my emotion gets up and down so much with his words.
I don't like this game.
To be frank, by visting this forum once or multiple times a day is the cause of this pain/emotion. If you just visit it once a week, trust me, you shall be more stress-free. You shall hopefully see more developments over a week than over a day. And I am speaking from my experience. Just my opinion.

...if you don't believe the postings here, you shouldn't read the posts. There are lot of people (including myself) who are optimistic and take the posts positively to keep our hopes alive.

We waited for years and don't expect miracles to happen just like that. They won't...

gc_pain: I think he believes but just coz he does not see much activity, its makes him frustated. I guess all of us have gone thru that, at some point of time (or even now at times). We're all prisoners of this idiotic process.
allaboutgc said:
Yes, if his information never proves to be true.
I know I shuld not blame him, but the fact is that my emotion gets up and down so much with his words.
I don't like this game.
Well, if you do not want your emotion up and down, please don't come here. Just wait at home for the mail to come.
allaboutgc said:
Sometimes I feel that Tomshu is giving us false hopes, even though I believe he does not intent to do that. I know he is also a victim of DOL just as the rest of us. But his overly optimistic information/prediction and the harsh/contrary reality really turn me down. There is a saying that says, "the more hope you bear, the more disappointments you will suffer".

I remember Tomshu mentioned something WILL happen on Nov. 22, which is TOMORROW.

The truth is no one knows what is going on in DOl right now. Not Tom Shu, he is as frustrated as everyone of us. Neither does the good lady. Everything is still being discussed, planned... I think. And we know how reliable DOL's plans are ;-). We should still thank Tom Shu for his info. He provides the only sneak peek into the whole process for us anyway.

I guess after this long painful waiting, and the countless ups and downs of our emotions, we have to realize that blames, frustrations and whining cannot really help. We need to keep hoping, at the same time, if there is anything, I mean anything, that we can do to constructively speed up the process, we must do it. Hope is a good thing. By coming to this forum, I have to say it has become my workday rountine now, I know there are many people hanging in there, having the same hope as I do, sharing all they know to keep our hope alive. That to me, is the biggest emotional support for now.
Hi guys,

I was only trying to pass some information I received from BEC as clear, as objective as possible. I am not their decision maker, neither is the lady I was asking for information from. Their guideline changes every week, believe it or not. If you feel my information frustrated you, please forgive me, that's not what I intend to do. In fact I wish we all can get what we are wishing for as quickly as possible.
If most of you do not like the information I posted, I may consider not to post what I received from BEC in this thread any more.

Good luck to everyone!

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hi tomshu,
please ignore folks who don't like the information you share. for every one person who doesn't, there must be at least 5 of us who appreciate your effort. please continue sharing any new information you come accross...

tomshu said:
Hi guys,

I was only trying to pass some information I received from BEC as clear, as objective as possible. I am not their decision maker, neither is the lady I was asking for information from. Their guideline changes every week, believe it or not. If you feel my information frustrated you, please forgive me, that's not what I intend to do. In fact I wish we all can get what we are wishing for as quickly as possible.
If most of you do not like the information I posted, I may consider not to post what I received from BEC in this thread any more.

Good luck to everyone!


People should know how to control their emotions and as dcmetro22042 said "don't shoot the messenger"... they are just trying to give us the exact situation as to how it is.. if there is a delay in sending the letters no one has control of it.. not Tomshu.. not Akela.. not the lady who is giving information to Tomshu or Akela..

There are many things which go into this process and we have to be patient... and as they say "Anger is only one letter short of danger.".. lets cool off a bit and as dcmetro22042 suggested visit this site once a week.. it could help..

Tomshu.. please do not stop your information pipeline just because of this as you must be aware that many people are in need of the information that you give.. So dont deprive others for the information that may be benificial for them..

Patience is a virtue...
Tomshu...please ignore those who are complaining. As far as I am concerned I want something instead of nothing which is what we have run with so long. Please, please please continue your delicate enquiries to keep us informed of current status.
I will have to agree with others, Please do not block the pipeline, you are the only source of information we have for now. So please ignore whatever negative comments you hear and just keep sharing information whenever you think you have one, it has been valuable so far and I appreciate it very much, even my lawyer doesnt have all this info. ;)
I do not think anyone in this forum should panic and frustrated, look at my situation I am currently in Deportaion Proceeding desperatly waiting for my LC to get approved. My Lawyer said nothing can stop my depoartion except the approved labor certification and 1-140 filed. My court date is 21 January 2005. I guess I should be more eligible to frustrade and Panic. Tomshu is in same boat as we all are, he is doing his level best to get some information so that we will continue with our hope live. Remember Tomshu not getting all information for us in his will or desire, we are all request him to do so. I would like to request all of you here please keep continue your patience for another couple of weeks, yelling each other will not expedite the LC process first.
Hi Tomshu,

I am following your posts since long time.I assume that you are doing your best to gives us the latest information.Thanks for that.You shud not worry abt some one who lost his control b'coz of this stupid lazy labor officers who are not working and keep saying s/w problem etc etc.Plz keep posting any valuable information you get from your sources.

Your help is appreciated.

Hello Tomshu

Hello my friend, as you can see all of us aprecieate all the information you share with us. If allaboutgc dont belive you, he should get out of this forun and let the positive and optimistic people alone.
regards Choclito ;) ;)

tomshu said:
Hi guys,

I was only trying to pass some information I received from BEC as clear, as objective as possible. I am not their decision maker, neither is the lady I was asking for information from. Their guideline changes every week, believe it or not. If you feel my information frustrated you, please forgive me, that's not what I intend to do. In fact I wish we all can get what we are wishing for as quickly as possible.
If most of you do not like the information I posted, I may consider not to post what I received from BEC in this thread any more.

Good luck to everyone!

Here is my vote

Tomshu, Please keep up your good job, keep us informed. As you easily see what's the majority are. If somebody feel frustrated, he/she is free to get off this forum and start another one somewhere else.

tomshu said:
Hi guys,

I was only trying to pass some information I received from BEC as clear, as objective as possible. I am not their decision maker, neither is the lady I was asking for information from. Their guideline changes every week, believe it or not. If you feel my information frustrated you, please forgive me, that's not what I intend to do. In fact I wish we all can get what we are wishing for as quickly as possible.
If most of you do not like the information I posted, I may consider not to post what I received from BEC in this thread any more.

Good luck to everyone!

Changes In Foreign Labor Certification Processing

It is clear that there is going to be an imminent sea change in the processing of foreign labor certification applications.

Current Foreign Labor Certification Procedures

In most employment-based immigration cases, an Application for Alien Employment Certification (Form ETA-750) has to first be filed by a US employer to the Department of Labor (DOL), which certifies it after establishing that the employer was unable to find qualified US workers for the position. Under the current rule, there are two different procedures for filing a foreign labor certification application. First, the traditional method, involving the US employer filing an application with a State Workforce Agency (SWA) and the SWA directly supervising the recruitment efforts to locate qualified US workers for the proffered position. Second, the Request for Reduction in Recruitment (RIR), which establishes unavailability of US workers through the employer’s own recruitment efforts prior to the filing of the labor certification with the SWA.

In both the traditional and RIR cases, the method of sequential state and federal processing is utilized. The application for alien employment certification is first reviewed by the SWA and subsequently forwarded to the federal Regional Office of the DOL (Regional Office) for final determination. It is the Regional Office that has the authority to certify or deny the foreign labor certification.


PERM is a final rule that streamlines the filing and processing of foreign labor certification applications. It is currently awaiting clearance by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). PERM is expected to be published before the end of 2004 and it will be operational within 60 days of its publication.

PERM aims at speeding up significantly the foreign labor certification processing. Instead of years, it will take a few weeks to process an application. Also, under the new regulations, the DOL will no longer supervise or review the prior recruitment of the employer; instead, the employer will have to attest to conducting good faith recruitment efforts in accordance with PERM. An employer’s recruitment efforts would be subject to DOL audits.

The DeRocco Memo of September 29, 2004

The DOL has recently issued a memorandum, which provides guidance and update on the streamlining activities in the foreign labor certification process during the transition period. The DeRocco Memo of September 29, 2004 (FY 2005 Transition Guidance) re-engineers the foreign labor certification programs in the context of changes proposed by the PERM regulations.

Assuming that PERM will be published without any further changes, the role of SWAs in the foreign labor certification process will significantly change during Fiscal Year 2005. Under the new rule, SWAs will no longer have the authority to accept applications for alien employment certifications. However, they will continue to perform other traditional SWA functions, most importantly, providing employers with prevailing wage determinations and administering the state role in the temporary labor certification programs, including the H-2A and H-2B programs. In the meantime, until PERM becomes effective, SWAs will continue to accept foreign labor certifications. SWAs will stop accepting Form ETA-750s from employers 61 days after the publication of PERM.

The FY 2005 Transition Guidance sets forth a Contingency Plan, stating that the role of SWAs will change even in the event PERM is not published. Regardless of whether PERM is published or not, instead of SWAs, from now on centralized federal locations will be responsible for processing foreign labor certifications. If PERM is not published, SWAs will continue to accept and process foreign labor certifications until January 1, 2005. After January 1, 2005, SWAs will not open any new permanent labor certification cases but will continue to “date stamp” and log in permanent labor certification applications they receive, establishing the filing date for subsequent processing.

The Employment and Training Administration (ETA) of the DOL accepted a center-based approach and established two temporary centers in Philadelphia, PA and Dallas, TX, initially to eliminate the regional office backlogs and then to handle cases currently backlogged at the SWAs.2 The Contingency Plan expects both Backlog Reduction Centers to be fully operational and adjudicating foreign labor certification backlogged cases by October 2004. These temporary backlog centers will be closed within two years upon completion of their work.

It is anticipated that by March 31, 2005, all SWAs will transfer their backlogged applications to the backlog reduction centers in Philadelphia and Dallas, or assign them to ETA foreign labor certification offices in New York, Boston or San Francisco. These applications will be processed using the first-in, first-out (FIFO) principle, in order of original filing dates, regardless of where a case was originally filed.

The ETA will also establish permanent National Processing Centers in Atlanta, GA and Chicago, IL that will be responsible for processing all foreign labor certification applications (except the backlogged cases processed in the temporary backlog centers in Philadelphia and Dallas). According to the Contingency Plan, both national processing centers will be operational by the end of 2004. New York cases will be processed by the Atlanta Processing Center.

Cases that are still open on January 1, 2005 will be worked upon until they are ready for forwarding to an ETA national processing center. SWAs will continue to accept but not open foreign labor certification cases filed after this date, and forward them for adjudication to either Atlanta or Chicago according to a schedule provided by the ETA. The ETA will issue further instructions on the exact forwarding process (including addresses and contact information).


Regardless of whether the PERM regulations will be published or not, the role that SWAs currently play in the foreign labor certification processing will dramatically change in Fiscal Year 2005. The shifting of the processing of foreign labor certification applications from the SWAs to centralized federal locations will hopefully be more efficient, as well as beneficial for US employers and foreign workers.

Tomshu, I appreciate your great Job.


I am a silent spectator of this forum since last two years.
Please do not stop sharing valuable information just because of some useless and negative posts.
We know, you are doing a great job for this forum.
Your contribution to this forum is priceless.

Note: Anybody who is frustated and cannot do good should avoid visiting this forum and post useless messages.

Tomshu, my vote is for you.


tomshu said:
Hi guys,

I was only trying to pass some information I received from BEC as clear, as objective as possible. I am not their decision maker, neither is the lady I was asking for information from. Their guideline changes every week, believe it or not. If you feel my information frustrated you, please forgive me, that's not what I intend to do. In fact I wish we all can get what we are wishing for as quickly as possible.
If most of you do not like the information I posted, I may consider not to post what I received from BEC in this thread any more.

Good luck to everyone!
