Philadelphia Regional DOL Tracker

BEC's Please review carefully!!!!!!!!!!

RahulatDC said:
ybnyk, that what I believe and I wish that would be true.

As mentioned in the title of my post my lawyer told me that application already transferred to a regional office won't be sent to the BRCs.

I am lost and confused so please dont shoot the messanger :(

Your lawyer is misinterpreting rumor and misinformation. On November 29 in the Federal Register the DOL published that it is moving all Philly and Dallas DOL employed staff into the BEC's. I quote:

"All foreign labor certification processing activities previously conducted in the Dallas or Philadelphia Regional Offices will now be assumed by the corresponding Dallas or Philadelphia Backlog Processing Center."

You can check this out at the following link:

Federal Register 11/29

There is no Philly DOL....get it! Nobody there to do anything on your case. Everything other than work in progress at the time of this notice that was at a Federal level has been moved into the remit of the BEC.

If your lawyer actually bothered to try and contact the Director of the Philly BEC or read the Federal notices instead of relying on rumor and suposition to make wild assumptions then they would be serving you better. Let's all wait for the letters to come out.

There are too many rumors and red herrings floating around this board and it is frightening the "Children" (me included!!! :p ). Please do your own homework by reading all the information on this and associated threads before scaring everyone to death!!!. Use this bulletin board like any other a source. Journalism rule 101....

one source=rumor (even if its your lawyer)
two source=a line of inquiry to pursue
three substantiated and cross referenced sources (or the Federal Register/OMB) = a fact

Let's keep calm and wait til we see some of these letters come out. There is one reported on Murthy so far in Texas...more will follow!!

Thank you :D
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hemant2001 said:
Besides if they have to maintain FIFO they have to consider DOL cases also.

Is it just me or there are other people here also, who think that even SWA cases should be considered along with Regional...or else it's not a true FIFO. Cases at SWA would wait for a long long time..(after already waiting for a long time) for lot of relatively new regional cases to get processed before them.

Don't you guys think single FIFO based on priority date would be the most fair option?

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I don't think you should worry

Hey Rahul,
I think what your lawyer sent you, as far as cases at Phily DOL is concerned, only means that the BEC won't process any cases that Phily DOL is already REVIEWING(if your case is already being reviewed then its good news for you). I still wonder, though, if there was any cutoff date for Phily DOL received cases that would have moved to BEC.
stueym said:
Your lawyer is misinterpreting rumor and misinformation. On November 29 in the Federal Register the DOL published that it is moving all Philly and Dallas DOL employed staff into the BEC's. I quote:

"All foreign labor certification processing activities previously conducted in the Dallas or Philadelphia Regional Offices will now be assumed by the corresponding Dallas or Philadelphia Backlog Processing Center."

You can check this out at the following link:

Federal Register 11/29

There is no Philly DOL....get it! Nobody there to do anything on your case. Everything other than work in progress at the time of this notice that was at a Federal level has been moved into the remit of the BEC.

If your lawyer actually bothered to try and contact the Director of the Philly BEC or read the Federal notices instead of relying on rumor and suposition to make wild assumptions then they would be serving you better. Let's all wait for the letters to come out.

There are too many rumors and red herrings floating around this board and it is frightening the "Children" (me included!!! :p ). Please do your own homework by reading all the information on this and associated threads before scaring everyone to death!!!. Use this bulletin board like any other a source. Journalism rule 101....

one source=rumor (even if its your lawyer)
two source=a line of inquiry to pursue
three substantiated and cross referenced sources (or the Federal Register/OMB) = a fact

Let's keep calm and wait til we see some of these letters come out. There is one reported on Murthy so far in Texas...more will follow!!

Thank you :D

Quite right, stueym!

But I really liked your phrase "Your lawyer is misinterpreting rumor and misinformation" :D ..... Now that sounds like My Lawyer :)

Just kidding...

Lets wait until we get a confirmed report of someone receiving a letter before we get either all upset or too happy.
stueym said:
There are too many rumors and red herrings floating around this board and it is frightening the "Children" (me included!!! :p ). Please do your own homework by reading all the information on this and associated threads before scaring everyone to death!!!.
Thank you :D

I think many of us already mentally dead waiting for federal labor approval ;), sorry guyz, I just wanted to share and have your opinion.
No prblem!!

RahulatDC said:
I think many of us already mentally dead waiting for federal labor approval ;), sorry guyz, I just wanted to share and have your opinion.

Don't worry Rahulat. I know you have been waiting a long time from your previous posts. But that said your "corporate lawyers" have misled you before on several issues from your previous posts.

I am constantly amazed that imigration law professionals are not better informed than they are. I am not sure outside of Rajiv and staff here and occasionally Murthy or Shusterman who seem to take their responsibility seriously that I have seen any good solid information from lawyers that is not just retreads of news releases from BCIS/DOL. They tend to all sit in the "Let's just wait and see" corner. On the other hand can we blame them, they have all had to suffer these inefficiencies and furstrations for a very very long time. However I do not forgive them when they will not even stay uptodate with the official positions which seems to happen to quite a number of people on here when they contact their lawyers

We are all anxious to see some movement, me particulary as I have 18 yr old son who can't get drivers licence, job, federal loans, scholarship or in-state tutition because of our current H status. Don't get me started on the no taxation without representation piece :-D

Nobody wants to see progress more than I do. As a British Citizen, I also have sympathy for my Indian, Chinese and Philipino friends on here who (it appears...nice legal phrase;-)) will now have the uncertainty of EB 485 retrogression at the next step. I wish us all a speedy transfer to less uncertaintly through whatever stages we have to pass.

Good luck all.
fastergcwanted said:
Is it just me or there are other people here also, who think that even SWA cases should be considered along with Regional...or else it's not a true FIFO. Cases at SWA would wait for a long long time..(after already waiting for a long time) for lot of relatively new regional cases to get processed before them.

Don't you guys think single FIFO based on priority date would be the most fair option?

I don't think so. What about your layer screwed up and delayed your case at SWA? The priority date only works at I-485 stage. DOL regional never used SWA receiving date before. It came into speculation after BRC/BEC was set up.
Have letters started coming????

Have letters started coming????
Found following news in

12/06/2004: DOL Inspector General Audit Result of Backlog Labor Certification Cases

The Office of Inspector General reports that it recently conducted audit of the backlogged labor certification applications and found the following concerns:
69% cases were misrepresented or incomplete.
84% involved aliens working without work authorization.
72% involved aliens without legal status.
The report thus raised a concern that many of the applications that should be denied would be approved because of the priority to eliminate the backlog. The report also reports the findings of pervasive fraudulent activities involving the labor certification applications and filing of bogus applications for the substitution purposes on blackmarket sales. This report is likely to affect the processing of the backlogged cases by the National Backlog Reduction Centers as these Centers should maintain a balance between the need for reduction of backlogs and the need for maintaining the integrity of the permanent labor certification applications. It also suggests that unlikely the general expection in the immigrant community, the cases may not move as fast as people anticipates and there will be a large number of cases that would be denied or required for additional corrective measures. Read the report.
The AILA has reported from the DOL information that DOL Backlog Reduction Centers would mail out 10,000 Receipt Notices to the applicants beginning from today with the request for response within 45 days pursuant to the labor certification regulation.
hopeGC2005 said:
Have letters started coming????
Found following news in

12/06/2004: DOL Inspector General Audit Result of Backlog Labor Certification Cases

The Office of Inspector General reports that it recently conducted audit of the backlogged labor certification applications and found the following concerns:
69% cases were misrepresented or incomplete.
84% involved aliens working without work authorization.
72% involved aliens without legal status.
The report thus raised a concern that many of the applications that should be denied would be approved because of the priority to eliminate the backlog. The report also reports the findings of pervasive fraudulent activities involving the labor certification applications and filing of bogus applications for the substitution purposes on blackmarket sales. This report is likely to affect the processing of the backlogged cases by the National Backlog Reduction Centers as these Centers should maintain a balance between the need for reduction of backlogs and the need for maintaining the integrity of the permanent labor certification applications. It also suggests that unlikely the general expection in the immigrant community, the cases may not move as fast as people anticipates and there will be a large number of cases that would be denied or required for additional corrective measures. Read the report.
The AILA has reported from the DOL information that DOL Backlog Reduction Centers would mail out 10,000 Receipt Notices to the applicants beginning from today with the request for response within 45 days pursuant to the labor certification regulation.

Only reference I have seen is a posting on Labor Cert Forum where a guy in Dallas quoted his HR saying their lawyer have received a letter in last two days. That would make it coming from the Dallas BEC.

Hope that means we will be flooded with news of letters in the coming week.


Could you please post the link, where you have seen a guy has posted that his Lawyer received letter from BRC (Backlog Reduction center). I tried to find from but so far no success.
question about 72 or 84%

When I applied for LC, I was in OPT F1-status, the lawyer said it is ok to apply for LC, now I already changed to H1, still leagle status. but Don't know if they count me as Illigal status...if in that case, it would be mistake of DOL's report. also LC is for future use, should not related to Alien's current status if my understanding is correct.

if they found 72 or 84% number from USCIS database, then it is reasonable, if the statistics is based on the DOL database, how it could be correct? how they could tell aliens working without work authorization? How could they know Aliens are illegal status? am I right?

The Office of Inspector General reports that it recently conducted audit of the backlogged labor certification applications and found the following concerns:
69% cases were misrepresented or incomplete.
84% involved aliens working without work authorization.
72% involved aliens without legal status.
The Phil BEC has not sent out any letters yet!!

orissa said:

Could you please post the link, where you have seen a guy has posted that his Lawyer received letter from BRC (Backlog Reduction center). I tried to find from but so far no success.

I just asked, but unfortunately the answer I got is:

The Phil BEC has not sent out any letters yet!!

because of the computer problems.
SWA cases transition to BEC

in the first shipment, SWA must send all unopend cases in their systme with receipty dates prior to 2003. this shipment must be received at each SWA's assigned Backlog Processing Center no later than Dec.31 2004.
tomshu said:
I just asked, but unfortunately the answer I got is:

The Phil BEC has not sent out any letters yet!!

because of the computer problems.
tomshu, thank you for the information. Do you know when they are going to send out the letters?
That's no comfort at all....

Anyone knows what documents that you need to prepare once your LC is approved by the BEC?

I am being optimistic here but if my LC does get approved, I want to waste no time in filing i-140 & 485 if that's the next step.

What do y'all think?


tomshu said:
I just asked, but unfortunately the answer I got is:

The Phil BEC has not sent out any letters yet!!

because of the computer problems.
orissa said:
Could you please post the link, where you have seen a guy has posted that his Lawyer received letter from BRC (Backlog Reduction center). I tried to find from but so far no success.

Murthy forum link (you have to sign in to see) The text reads:

"A few days ago our HR got a letter from a lawer- the case was submitted to backlog center(don't know which one of two ), and they wanted to get a confirmation that the case is still actual.
Filed in Texas May 2003.
A few months back the lawer told that it was sent from SWA to Enterjet"

From this I assume he is referencing the Dallas BEC (filed in Texas). That would also fit with Tomshu's news that Philly has still not sent anything out.

User is eaglesvr and it was dated Dec 6 8:08 am
Forum is 'Labor Certification' - General Topic is 'Backlog reduction'
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most disappointing news...

tomshu said:
I just asked, but unfortunately the answer I got is:

The Phil BEC has not sent out any letters yet!!

because of the computer problems.

I guess this is very diappointing for all of us. I am willing to volunteer to fix this great computer/printer issue. I hope they send out these letter as christmas gift....
pennwaiting said:

12/05/2004: USCIS May Abandon Concurrent I-140/EB-485 Filing Procedure

It will be really bad if it happens. Any comment?

Well, I dont want to sound biased or anything, but that website is pretty well known for coming up with striking headlines which are not backed up with quite as striking evidence. :)
I would'nt worry about it unless it is confirmed by other independent sources/websites.