Philadelphia Regional DOL Tracker - Old (Archived on 09/23/2004)

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DSLstart said:
Thanks for your replies and valuable advice . BTW this company is igate Mastech. I checked on flcdatacenter site and they do have got around 1000 labors approved. But still the 4-6 mo. SESA + DOL thing is hard to digest.

thanks again..
Actually this is true, my collegues 2 of them are from igate and they both state and federal got cleared in 3 months from the date they submitted. even i cant believe it!! but it is true. I am waiting from 3 yrs!!
whats so special about this company

whats so special about igate? Unless they are using substitute labor, how can they get their labors so fast? Are they cutting into the line?
igate and mastech

Surprisingly all are non RIR .
None of the certifieds are RIRs.
And almost all are certified on the same date
May be 1000 LCA NOT LC for Green Card

Hi DSLstart,

I checked the same site, they do have lot approved ones for LCA where they can use for H1-B , NOT FOR GREEN CARD PURPOSES, lot of companies has those :confused: . It has nothing to do with LABOUR FOR GC. Even that labour for H1-B we can get apply online also ( we get either SAME DAY or 2 nd day )

P.S: I am not a immigration lawyer, .. please ...

:confused: :confused: :confused:
in Phily??? what is the state that they filed from??? I would be celebrating my 3'rd anniversary for labor certification this month end...and guys get the same in 6 months... :mad:
csrini1 said:
Actually this is true, my collegues 2 of them are from igate and they both state and federal got cleared in 3 months from the date they submitted. even i cant believe it!! but it is true. I am waiting from 3 yrs!!
this is how Indians screw each other up..

can you imagine how much time mastech must have consumed from Philly DOL getting these 'extra' LC cleared..
Waited too long…

What is really going on with Philly Dol? Does anyone have any notion?
I have been watching other regional dol threads at least I see some movement not a whole lot. But in Philly dol nothing is happening? Seems like everything is frozen hard as a rock.

Don't you'll think we need to know, what's going on with Philly dol?

In past, we tried sending out letters and submitted our comments but nothing seems to happen?

Some, how we need to escalate this issue? Can anyone think of any think else?

P.S. Probably we need to hold 'Darna' or 'fast' in front of Philly dol?

AwardMyGC said:
What is really going on with Philly Dol? Does anyone have any notion?
I have been watching other regional dol threads at least I see some movement not a whole lot. But in Philly dol nothing is happening? Seems like everything is frozen hard as a rock.

Don't you'll think we need to know, what's going on with Philly dol?

In past, we tried sending out letters and submitted our comments but nothing seems to happen?

Some, how we need to escalate this issue? Can anyone think of any think else?

P.S. Probably we need to hold 'Darna' or 'fast' in front of Philly dol?


Normally, it would be a good idea to take it up with AILA, who would then take it up with DOL regarding the lack of movement. Unfortunately, the AILA is an utterly useless, ossified organization full of pompous, self-important lawyers, and I doubt they would be interested to DO anything other than, well, pompous self-congratulatory back-slapping.
08/05/2004:philadelphia/Dallas Backlog Reduction Centers Contractor Job Opportunities

:) :) :) :)

The U.S. DOL reportedly awarded the contract to a private contractor in Lamham, Maryland, on June 30, 2004, named Exceed Corportion, to handle processing of the permanent labor certification applications at the Philadelphia and Dallas Backlog Reduction Processing Centers. The contract amount is $16,079,413.00. The Exceed Corporation is currently actively recruiting people to fill the positions including 60+ Analysts each to work at the Philadelphia and Dallas Centers. These jobs can open an opportunity for some of the current state labor certification staffs to get a job which they are familiar with.

Thank you all.

Thanks orissa, for the info.

Still, this does not really change anything. We anyway knew a contactor would be brought it, now we just know the name of the contractor. Unless the DOL provides specific information about when are they actually going to get off their collective butts and get some work done, we'll keep waiting indefinitely. In my opinion, the blame for this goes to the AILA for being nothing more than a news reporting agency. They are supposed to ask questions.
It does not change any thing ... but sure gives us one more data point to try and figure out when or if things may start proceeding at Philly
I just went through orissa's link (very informative! thanks again, orissa) ... the bummer is that high school graduates will be evaluating Ph.Ds ... call me cynical, but I've come to expect less and less from here now... just venting... IF I get my GC (and a big if), I'm going to chuck away my degrees and work in a general-purpose profession.. maybe open a gas station.
Where is the PERM?

:confused: Probably, by now people are sick to hear the term "PERM." There have been few "promised lands" which have not been kept and frustrated people as bad as this one. Ever since the DOL released the so-called "Five-Year Strategic Plan" in 1999 announcing the backlog reduction strategies which included the backlog reduction for existing cases and start of the PERM program for the new cases, it has surfed unknown territorial water over and over with no end in sight. After a struggle, DOL was successful in releasing the "proposed" regulation. Reportedly, the proposed regulation produced mountains of comments of pros and cons, giving the DOL an excuse for the further delays. Along the way, there was a change of leadership in the Foreign Labor Certification Division in the DOL leading to another delays. For heaven sake, despite the hurdles after hurdles, the DOL was able to work out the final regulation under the new leadership and forwarded it to the OMB in the White House in February 2004. When the 90-day review ended on May 21, 2004, the DOL reportedly requested the OMB to extend the OMB review because of the comments from its sister and brother agencies of Homeland Security Department, State Department, Department of Justice, etc. In the June AILA National Conference in Philadelphia, the Chief of the Foreign Labor Certification of DOL who was in charge of the PERM disclosed that the final regulation had to be revised because of the "room for fraud" concerns addressed by its sisters and brothers. The question remains where these brothers and sisters were when the proposed regulation was released!

:confused: Now this regulation is being held hostage in the White House. The American economy is continuously struggling despite the rosey picture some so-called "financial analysts" and political pundits attempt to draw through the cable TVs, Internets, and printed newspapers. Unemployment rate continues to remain high without much changes. Outsourcing has already given a trouble to the Bush Administration in the 2004 election politics. Now, we start hearing a rumor that the concept of "21-day" approval of foreign labor certification rather than taking years and years is the last "word" which the White House wants to hear under the current election environment. Anti immigration forces have also been working hard to picture the PERM program as "opening a flood gate for the foreign cheap laborers." The truth of this rumor is still unverificable. One thing we can only tell is that the regulation is going nowhere in the OMB, White House. The 90-day extension will reach on August 20. God knows what will happen then. No wonder why people hate politics and the term "politician" is not a noble term, unlike "statesman." Come November, whoever wins, we want to see a life which is not "totally" washed out by politics.

Thank you

Philly DOL LC (RIR)

Folks any updates from Philly DOL LC
Case Details
Received (August 15th 2003) (state from Delaware)
Still says Received on AVM
Hi All-

Does anyone know how the cases where NOFs have been responded to are being handled? Is there some kind of priority date for processing NOF case? Any feedback is highly appreciated.

Case Details:
USDOL RD: 08/20/2003
NOF: 04/15/2004
NOF Responded: 05/15/2004

GCDE02 said:
Hi All-

Does anyone know how the cases where NOFs have been responded to are being handled? Is there some kind of priority date for processing NOF case? Any feedback is highly appreciated.

Case Details:
USDOL RD: 08/20/2003
NOF: 04/15/2004
NOF Responded: 05/15/2004


You're lucky they at least bothered to look at your case! :D People here have been hanging on for ages, completely ignored by DOL. But seriously, I'm not sure who has the earliest case with NOF. Though some NOFs have been approved sporadically, the recv. dates are too random to draw the conclusion that there is a pattern.

On a different topic: The latest DOL dates should be published this week. Any bets on the latest dates? I bet 1 dollar that the dates will remain exactly the same. (I would have bet more, but I'm pretty sure no one would bet that the dates will move, so it just ain't worth it :p )
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