Philadelphia Regional DOL Tracker - Old (Archived on 09/23/2004)

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akela said:
kbhalla - the regional and state numbers are different

Well, that explains a lot. Do you know how I can get that number
a) my company lawyer is a pain (and rude) so I don't really want to ask him
b) not really sure of my company's phone number?
VAhoper said:
You should be able to track your case once they receive it and put it into the system. Don't know how long it takes to enter it into the system. I was able to find my case by phone 1 month after received date.

Hi Va,
Thanks for the info. Looks like I was using the state number and so I wasn't able to find it. (I should've been able to tell that the numbers are different considering the different systems).
Philly Case Number

I filed from VA, but later than you. My case number is 034xxxxx.

You can talk to your company's HR and ask HR to get the case number from the lawyer. Or, try to use your HR contact's phone number, it may work.

kbhalla said:
Hi Va,
Thanks for the info. Looks like I was using the state number and so I wasn't able to find it. (I should've been able to tell that the numbers are different considering the different systems).
baby_blue said:
Does anyone have any updates on Philly DOL processing date?

The latest update is the same as for the past 6 months, that they have stopped processing everything and the bastards are stuck on the same goddamn month.
clzeus10 said:
The latest update is the same as for the past 6 months, that they have stopped processing everything and the bastards are stuck on the same goddamn month.

July 2003.. and that's the same as the last couple of months.
Why the Processing Times are not moving ???

Hello Guys,
Anybody knows why Phyli processing times are not moving since january.
Do you remenber that on dicember 2003 it went to may 2003 and then the next month came back to Feb2003 and still on the same month. :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :mad: :mad: :mad:
Bye Bye and Good Luck to all of you !!!

This is why...

The backlog reduction centers will also mean more funding for the states with the biggest backlogs. I suspect that may have caused some "laziness" on the part of the states. More money means more power.

It is also not unreasonable to assume that the lack of discouragement of such laziness would have festered a culture change among employees over the last couple of years which would have been difficult to change.

I can't think of another rationale behind NO movement in dates for months and months altogether...

any ideas what or murthy lawyers are saying about the possible cause of no progress from July 03..

I am sure they must be having some connection at Philly DOL

My best guess is that the Philly DOL have been assigned to train the Backlog Reduction Guys ( and that’s when you seem some random LC being approved)

who priority date is I am have some ways to go
LC Approvals

I talk today to my lawyer and he haven't seen any approvals lately.
Please does anyone know about any approvals in the last 2 month? :( :(
Why dont we pool together and give the guys at DOL a few X-Boxes? We know for sure that they spend all their time playing computer games, so they must be bored with Minesweeper and Solitaire. At least if they have X-Boxes, they'll play for 7 hrs and 45 mins and work happily for 15 mins. Even at that rate, they get at least Some work done.
For people waiting after rebutting NOFes

My Lawyer told me that few of the NOFed case for "company headquarter issue" were recently approved from Boston DOL. So going by the law of uniformity across all DOLs approval should come thru from Phily DOL but when ??????
Reminder: Send your comments

Folks, send out your comments using this link before the 30 day dead line. Tell them to process regional cases (and possibly non-245i cases) as a first priority.

Here is the excerpt from the interim rule.
"This interim final rule is effective August 20, 2004. Interested
persons are invited to submit written comments on this interim final
rule. To ensure consideration, comments must be received on or before
August 20, 2004.

ADDRESSES: You may submit comments, identified by Regulatory
Information Number (RIN) 1205-AB37, by any of the following methods:
Federal eRulemaking Portal:

Follow the website instructions for submitting comments.
E-mail: Comments may be submitted by e-mail to Include RIN 1205-AB37 in the subject line of the

Mail: Submit written comments to the Assistant Secretary
for Employment and Training Administration, U.S. Department of Labor,
200 Constitution Avenue, NW., Room C-4312, Washington, DC 20210,
Attention: William Carlson, Chief, Division of Foreign Labor
Certification. Because of security measures, mail directed to
Washington, DC is sometimes delayed. We will only consider comments
postmarked by the U.S. Postal Service or other delivery service on or
before the deadline for comments.
msabir said:
Folks, send out your comments using this link before the 30 day dead line. Tell them to process regional cases (and possibly non-245i cases) as a first priority.

Here is the excerpt from the interim rule.
"This interim final rule is effective August 20, 2004. Interested
persons are invited to submit written comments on this interim final
rule. To ensure consideration, comments must be received on or before
August 20, 2004.

ADDRESSES: You may submit comments, identified by Regulatory
Information Number (RIN) 1205-AB37, by any of the following methods:
Federal eRulemaking Portal:

Follow the website instructions for submitting comments.
E-mail: Comments may be submitted by e-mail to Include RIN 1205-AB37 in the subject line of the

Mail: Submit written comments to the Assistant Secretary
for Employment and Training Administration, U.S. Department of Labor,
200 Constitution Avenue, NW., Room C-4312, Washington, DC 20210,
Attention: William Carlson, Chief, Division of Foreign Labor
Certification. Because of security measures, mail directed to
Washington, DC is sometimes delayed. We will only consider comments
postmarked by the U.S. Postal Service or other delivery service on or
before the deadline for comments.
just did.
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