Philadelphia Regional DOL Tracker - Old (Archived on 09/23/2004)

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I hate to be beating a dead horse but Mine is a non technical university faculty position (no takeovers, name changes etc). That's why I am puzzled by it. Is an RFE different than a remand or the mean the same. Nonetheless your intention to help is greatly appreciated.

As dsujay says there is no. of other reason they may write to your
Employer to get some info. I have seen this type of qurey in this fourm, Check with your Emp or lawyer. They may have to reply and you will get you Labor approved.

Check this theard few pages will see some one with same kind of problem got thru.

Good Luck.
Re: Got my LC approved

I guess nobody knows what it means to be remanded to employer...

Is there any "help file" with "error codes " :D


Originally posted by HelpWanted
Just want to let you know that my case was remanded to my employer. My lawyer worked on this and sent back the case to DOL. This afternoon the case was approved.

All the best to rest of you guys!

PS. At the time when my case was remanded, I pasted couple of msgs and nobody answered... So I'm not going to share the experience and tips with anybody.... I'm hoping that nobody needs my experience & tips.... ;-)
Found one..

Originally posted by jonboutilier
The Certifying Officer told my employer that they are going trough changes....that it has taken longer to get certifications because of new guidelines etc. They are also remanding and sending NOF more frequently. But that this is part of the new normal process and to not worry about it....(she stated there have been more approvals since this has went into effect than in the past)

The CO asked my employer if I was still employeed?
Worked in the same location? Y
Same job title? Y
Has the economy effected employment in regards to layoffs in my direct office of work? Yes but not my specific position!
Do they continue to advertise locally and nationally? Y

I work in Telecomunications, so it has been impacted dramatically the past 2½ yrs.

My company advertised through 1) thier web site 2)recruiting company (nationally) 3) National Telecom Magazines 4) local paper
They have monthly adds that run in the natioanl magazines!

I have worked for this company for 8 yrs now! (only applied for GC in June 2001). So I have a lot of direct experience and have built up fundamentals that pertain to my job that would make it difficult for anyone else to have a better qualification. For the most part I have 5 yrs of client specific training and inhouse traing and certifications.

Crossing my fingers for everyone else!

I have a question for anyone out there?

my case is EB3 RIR - Virginia - Philly DOL approved 4/4/2003

What is the quickest way to file from here? (in regards to consular processing? or congruent processing?

What I am looking for is what will allow me to get my EAD asap.
My wife passed away (canadian) in 2000. I have a 3½ yr old daughter. My concern is to get stability as fast as I can!

Thanks all!

DOT-CODE tell what type of Job you applied for Labor.
For example :
software engg - 030-062-010
Programmer - 030-162-010

Check this thread back some pages for a link to all DOT-codes.
non-RIR to RIR

Hello everyone,

I am new to this portal, I had a quick question.

Does anyone have any experience with a labor application that was originally filed in the non-RIR category and later moved to RIR category.
Is this allowed such that one retain's the original labor priority date from the non-RIR application for the RIR application after the transfer.

thanks in advance for your response.
Yee haa !!

Finally ...Made it.

Best luck guys.
PhilliMay your guess on AVM was right. You are next in queue..

Could somebody Update the xls please ?. I don't have m$ excel here and I am not sure how my openoffice spreadsheet will cope with all users.

again my sesa dt was 04/21/03 and not 04/18/03 (weekend) and certified 06/24/03.

Well at least one thing we learned AVM should be checked on "wednesday".

Now the bigger question !! CP or AOS?

Re: Yee haa !!

Originally posted by simply_valabour
Finally ...Made it.

Could somebody Update the xls please?



xls is updated. I fixed a few problems with it while I was at it (the elapsed days since DOL reception somehow became hard-coded numbers (e.g. in my case it was showing 22 days -- I'm actually up to 28 now :p).

I also added formulas to automatically track the average elapsed times and added an average for the last 3 months of DOL processing times.

Also I dunno if ppl will mind but I made all the "passed" cases light green (instead of various shades of blue). The "failed" cases continue to use red.

Email System

Hi Everybody,

I found this thread very helpful and have got lot of information from the previous messages. Thanks to all of you who are participating in this thread.
Pl let me know how can I check email system of Phil DOL.
Also let me know how can I access the latest Excel tracker belonging to this thread so that I can enter my information.

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