Philadelphia Regional DOL Tracker - Old (Archived on 09/23/2004)

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Re: Email System

Originally posted by fishaqi
Hi Everybody,

I found this thread very helpful and have got lot of information from the previous messages. Thanks to all of you who are participating in this thread.
Pl let me know how can I check email system of Phil DOL.
-> Please look at Page 86 in this thread.

Also let me know how can I access the latest Excel tracker belonging to this thread so that I can enter my information.
-> Download the excel file from this page(ETA's reply) and update it and upload it.

Re: Email System

Originally posted by fishaqi
Hi Everybody,

I found this thread very helpful and have got lot of information from the previous messages. Thanks to all of you who are participating in this thread.
Pl let me know how can I check email system of Phil DOL.
Also let me know how can I access the latest Excel tracker belonging to this thread so that I can enter my information.


To use the email system send email to with the employer phone number used on the LC application in the body of the email, e.g.

Employer Phone 7038612234

I've had success with the above using nothing else (no subject). You might need to make sure you sent the email in text format (html might bork things -- I'm not sure).

You can also use the AVM to get your status. Phone 215-861-5286, press 1, press 2 then enter the Employer Phone #.

Note that the AVM and email system seem to go down periodically but they usually seem to rebound after a few days. Also, if your case was just sent to Philly, it can take 2 weeks or longer for the case to show up in the AVM, 3 weeks or longer for the email system (based on my own experience).

To update the tracker:

+click on the latest attachment
+edit it locally, filling in your available info
+close the spreadsheet and click on "Yes" and save it locally as philly_dol_tracker.xls
+reply to this thread and attach your file (browse for it)

Note that the attachment field seems to get cleared for various reasons (maybe if you preview your message).

At this point the Philly DOL seems to be taking about 50-60 days to process cases.

When I tried entering employer Tax id in the email, Iam getting list of case #s filed from my employer. The message says just the Employer name , job title and the list of case #s. But doesnt say specifically to whom its applied for or doesnt say the name of the empolyee.

Does anyone have any idea how to find out my particular case from the list of case #s? Talked with Lawyer and they told they can't find out until they get the final approval notice from Phili. Does anyone have any idea and their views on this?

Email Content

Hi Love2002,

The automatic email you receive has salary information with each case. You can make out if you know the salary quoted in your case. Hope this helps you.


Originally posted by love2002
When I tried entering employer Tax id in the email, Iam getting list of case #s filed from my employer. The message says just the Employer name , job title and the list of case #s. But doesnt say specifically to whom its applied for or doesnt say the name of the empolyee.

Does anyone have any idea how to find out my particular case from the list of case #s? Talked with Lawyer and they told they can't find out until they get the final approval notice from Phili. Does anyone have any idea and their views on this?

Looking for Labor Substitution

Looking for labor substitution. Have done Bachelors & Masters. Skills in UI and Java. Have a project available. Please email me or send private message (PM) or post message.
Most of the Cases has the same salary range with similar job title. Dont they put the Name of employee in each case #?

Otherwise its difficult to find out I guess! :confused:
Any Clue?
Originally posted by love2002
Most of the Cases has the same salary range with similar job title. Dont they put the Name of employee in each case #?

Otherwise its difficult to find out I guess! :confused:
Any Clue?

Why don't you talk to your lawyer?
My receipt date is 05/29/2003.
And, I have received case number 06/13/2003.

I could not find your case in the Phily tracker.
Just wait few more days. You should get case number soon.
Hi love 2002,
even i have the same problem.
All my attorney told me is that they filed the ROR(report of recruitment with Pittsburgh) on 11/12/2002, and my case would have been moved to Philly DOL any day after that. She also told me that it normally happens in less than 5-7 business days.

All cases upto 11/12/2002 have cleared in my company. And from the email status response, I found out there are 2 cases listed for 11/25/2002. I am just hoping that 1 of them should be mine.

But I will not find out before my attorney gets some kind of response from Philly DOL.

It is really frustrating, when the attorney refuses to find out things from the state agency.

--s ram

Just got approved from DE SESA. Case got transfered to Philly DOl. added my case to the tracker.


Hi Guys,

My LC got approved. Here is the detail :

RD at DOL : 03/27/2003

RFE Received : 05/13/2003

AD : 06/23/2003

Update my info in the tracker.

RIR EB2 , Adv on Sunday a mandatory?

Does RIR/EB2 requires a mandatory advertisement on a Sunday in a largely ciruculated Newspaper or is there any workaround.
Does it mean that people who have got their LC Approved had gone through genuine recruitement effort. Anybody knows anyone got lucky with it

Hi Guys

Is there any particular format in which one has to send an email for getting the status information. I sent an email to and in the subject was blank

body of the message was written as below

Employer Phone Number: xxx-xxx-xxxx

I am yet to get any response. Please help me on how can i get my information in email.


Re: Email

This format is correct. The email system is very unreliable. I have had replies back in 10 mins and in 10 hours. And sometimes never.
All you can do is try, and dont expect a reply. That way you will feel lucky when you get one...
Re: May approval

Me is 9th May ... Waiting eagerly.

My teeth have reduced to half their size cause of the nervous grinding..
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