Philadelphia Regional DOL Tracker - Old (Archived on 09/23/2004)

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Updated list....

helper_12 please update your category!!

DolRD.......DOT.......Name.......Category..AD..... Result
04-11-02 XXX.XXX-XXX TimWills....EB2-NRIR..07-24-02 Certified
04-15-02 XXX.XXX-XXX GC.2251.....EB3-NRIR..06-24-02 Certified
04-15-02 XXX.XXX-XXX AGS.........EB3-NRIR..
05-29-02 XXX.XXX-XXX Skoppana....EB3-RIR...08-06-02 Certified
06-03-02 XXX.XXX-XXX labor.2002............08-13-02 Denied
06-04-02 XXX.XXX-XXX rmss........EB2-RIR...08-01-02 Certified
06-24-02 XXX.XXX-XXX hstevan29...EB2-RIR...09-10-02 Certified
06-24-02 XXX.XXX-XXX humor2002...EB2-RIR...08-22-02 Certified
06-27-02 XXX.XXX-XXX dssdss......EB3-RIR...09-16-02 Certified
06-28-02 030.062-010 MSh.............RIR...09-23-02 Certified
06-28-02 030.162-014 abcd_wxyz...EB2-RIR...10/02/02 NOF (Priviling wage)
07-01-02 030.062-010 Jsh.............RIR...09-23-02 Certified
07-01-02 030.062-010 labor_final.EB2-RIR...10/07/02 Certified
07-08-02 XXX.XXX- XXXgcard2002...EB3-NRIR
07-09-02 030.062-010 sjupally1...EB2-RIR...10-02-02 Certified
07-11-02 030.062-010 Mahi52......EB3-RIR...09-22-02 Certified
07-25-02 030.062-010 lakshmik....EB3-RIR ..08/15/02 Certified

07-29-02 039.162-010 UpsetPerson...EB2-RIR
08-01-02 030.062-010 pmreddy_20....EB2-RIR
08-02-02 030.167-014 usnycus.......RIR
08-02-02 030.062-010 vxmehra98.....EB2-NRIR
08-02-02 XXX.XXX-XXX dependent.....EB2-RIR
08-02-02 030-062-010 samnjny.......EB3 RIR
08-02-02 030-162-014 ..............EB3 RIR
08-08-02 XXX.XXX-XXX chwang........EB2-RIR
08-09-02 030.062-010 Sanga.........EB2-RIR
08-15-02 XXX.XXX-XXX hmmmenf.......B2-RIR
08-15-02 XXX.XXX-XXX ge_ja ........EB2-RIR
08-29-02 031.262-010 lc_va.........EB3-RIR
08-30-02 XXX.XXX-XXX goodone.......EB3-RIR
09-03-02 030.062-010 New_friend....EB2-RIR
09-04-02 XXX.XXX-XXX mman1234......EB2-RIR
09-10-02 XXX.XXX-XXX NY72..........EB2-RIR
09-11-02 XXX.XXX-XXX Bombay72......EB2-RIR
09-13-02 030.162.014 Kalse_2000....RIR
09-23-02 XXX.XXX-XXX Anindya_72....EB2-RIR
09-25-02 XXX.XXX-XXX helper_12.....??
09-27-02 XXX.XXX-XXX EtchoneB......EB2-RIR
10-02-02 XXX.XXX-XXX Giveme_vala...RIR
10-09-02 XXX.XXX-XXX DOLDelay......EB3-RIR
Query from philly DOL

Last week I received a query(notice of findings) from philly DOL. My case was forwarded to philly dol from VA at end of september.
I work for Worldcom and few others in Worldcom have also received similar queries. My company lawyers are working on responding to the query. My question to you guys, what are the chances of getting labor cleared after receiving a query.

Re: Query from philly DOL

Hi matador2000,

There is a very good chance that your NOF can be cleared. That depends on what kind of information DOL needs from your company about recent layoffs, salary info, enough Ads if RIR etc., A good lawyer can take care of it.

By the way, could u please post your RD at DOL and Catogary (EB2/EB3-RIR etc.,) DOT and NOF date ?. That will help this forum.


Originally posted by matador2000
Last week I received a query(notice of findings) from philly DOL. My case was forwarded to philly dol from VA at end of september.
I work for Worldcom and few others in Worldcom have also received similar queries. My company lawyers are working on responding to the query. My question to you guys, what are the chances of getting labor cleared after receiving a query.

My RD at philly is september 23rd. category eb3-RIR and NOf date is Oct 7th. Has anyone known gone through this NOF process.
Hi matador2000,

I am also from Worldcom, pls can you contact me on VNET 806-7765. Would like to talk to you about this offline.
Please add me to the list

Hi Friends,
Below is my info and thanks a lot for the sharing your valuable info.


RD 08/02/02 030-062-010 EB2 RIR
DolRD.......DOT.......Name.......Category..AD..... Result
04-11-02 XXX.XXX-XXX TimWills....EB2-NRIR..07-24-02 Certified
04-15-02 XXX.XXX-XXX GC.2251.....EB3-NRIR..06-24-02 Certified
04-15-02 XXX.XXX-XXX AGS.........EB3-NRIR..
05-29-02 XXX.XXX-XXX Skoppana....EB3-RIR...08-06-02 Certified
06-03-02 XXX.XXX-XXX labor.2002............08-13-02 Denied
06-04-02 XXX.XXX-XXX rmss........EB2-RIR...08-01-02 Certified
06-24-02 XXX.XXX-XXX hstevan29...EB2-RIR...09-10-02 Certified
06-24-02 XXX.XXX-XXX humor2002...EB2-RIR...08-22-02 Certified
06-27-02 XXX.XXX-XXX dssdss......EB3-RIR...09-16-02 Certified
06-28-02 030.062-010 MSh.............RIR...09-23-02 Certified
06-28-02 030.162-014 abcd_wxyz...EB2-RIR...10/02/02 NOF (Priviling wage)
07-01-02 030.062-010 Jsh.............RIR...09-23-02 Certified
07-01-02 030.062-010 labor_final.EB2-RIR...10/07/02 Certified
07-08-02 XXX.XXX- XXXgcard2002...EB3-NRIR
07-09-02 030.062-010 sjupally1...EB2-RIR...10-02-02 Certified
07-11-02 030.062-010 Mahi52......EB3-RIR...09-22-02 Certified
07-25-02 030.062-010 lakshmik....EB3-RIR ..08/15/02 Certified

07-29-02 039.162-010 UpsetPerson...EB2-RIR
08-01-02 030.062-010 pmreddy_20....EB2-RIR
08-02-02 030.167-014 usnycus.......RIR
08-02-02 030.062-010 vxmehra98.....EB2-NRIR
08-02-02 XXX.XXX-XXX dependent.....EB2-RIR
08-02-02 030-062-010 samnjny.......EB3 RIR
08-02-02 030-162-014 ..............EB3 RIR
08-02-02 030-062-010 needhelp1.....EB2 RIR
08-08-02 XXX.XXX-XXX chwang........EB2-RIR
08-09-02 030.062-010 Sanga.........EB2-RIR
08-15-02 XXX.XXX-XXX hmmmenf.......B2-RIR
08-15-02 XXX.XXX-XXX ge_ja ........EB2-RIR
08-29-02 031.262-010 lc_va.........EB3-RIR
08-30-02 XXX.XXX-XXX goodone.......EB3-RIR
09-03-02 030.062-010 New_friend....EB2-RIR
09-04-02 XXX.XXX-XXX mman1234......EB2-RIR
09-10-02 XXX.XXX-XXX NY72..........EB2-RIR
09-11-02 XXX.XXX-XXX Bombay72......EB2-RIR
09-13-02 030.162.014 Kalse_2000....RIR
09-23-02 XXX.XXX-XXX Anindya_72....EB2-RIR
09-25-02 XXX.XXX-XXX helper_12.....??
09-27-02 XXX.XXX-XXX EtchoneB......EB2-RIR
10-02-02 XXX.XXX-XXX Giveme_vala...RIR
10-09-02 XXX.XXX-XXX DOLDelay......EB3-RIR
More Info Please

How do you know that they are processing July 29th cases ? Did you talk to somebody at the DOL office or you are just guessing ?

Just anxious to know....

Re: More Info Please

Originally posted by needhelp1
How do you know that they are processing July 29th cases ? Did you talk to somebody at the DOL office or you are just guessing ?

Just anxious to know....


If you go to Page 69 you see Sptember 23rd cases.
I checked the phone system randomly from the case numbers
03379100 -03379300. I foundout most of the 28th cases are approved.

More Info Please
How do you know that they are processing July 29th cases ? Did you talk to somebody at the DOL office or you are just guessing ?

Just anxious to know....

July 28th is Saturday !!

July 28th is Saturday !!.

I think we got to wait at least some one from 08/01 and/or 08/02 guys update the list with some good news. Its a huge list for those two days in our tracking.

By the way, do you guys notice whether DOL updates the AVM as soon as a case is adjusted OR once/twice a week with all the cases done for that period?.

May god bless us all with LC soon.

Originally posted by K_P_K
I checked the phone system randomly from the case numbers
03379100 -03379300. I foundout most of the 28th cases are approved.

More Info Please
How do you know that they are processing July 29th cases ? Did you talk to somebody at the DOL office or you are just guessing ?

Just anxious to know....

Originally posted by K_P_K
Does anyone know what's happening in Philly DOL ? Any new status for anybody.

I think they are working on July 29 th.AVM seems updated on Oct 2nd. I was checking randomly the last number i heard was 03379458 Approved(Not mine though..)
I heard 03379492-494 approved on Oct'7th. all of them are July'30
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Checked AVM around 7 PM on 10/17/2002, following cases are still pending...

CASE #.......RD DATE........DOT CODE

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Re: All...

usnycus ,

I had those doubts my-self as I checked the following random case, for weeks now, to see how DOL is progressing.

CASE #.......RD DATE........DOT CODE...............status
03379100....07/24/2002....030.162-014......Pending as of 10/17.

As we don't have a way to check whether a case is RIR or Non-RIR, we hope all these pending cases are Non-RIR. And seeing at other approvals folks reporting, by randomly picking up cases, strengthens that belief further.

Hopefully, by next week's DOL's AVM update all the guys with RD of 8/2/02 will get their LCs cleared.

Until then we will all cross our fingers very tight ;)

Originally posted by usnycus
Checked AVM around 7 PM on 10/17/2002, following cases are still pending...

CASE #.......RD DATE........DOT CODE
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I am following this thread and Philly regional DOL for long time and I have notice that they are taking (on average) 90 day's to process RIR cases if everything is OK with the application. My guess is application having RD of 08/01/2002 will start moving quickly sometime in last week/First Week Of Oct/Nov 2002.
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