Philadelphia Backlog Elimination Center Tracking

Hey, guys

I just got NOF letter and called my employer, but he said that he no longer wants to be my sponsor :mad: :mad: :mad:
After so many years the jerk is deciding to screw me over. Two weks ago I went and spoke with him and he said of course he is continuing with the sponsorship and now he is destroying my life, saying " I changed my mind"

I can't explain how I feel, like I am out of this world, like there is nothing left in me anymore...
Please, someone give me some advice, just check out my PD?!

NOF question.

See quite some NOF's here these days. I was just wondering if your case passed the then SWA and went to Regional, is there still a possibility to get NOF ? I could never quite understand what the job of SWA was back in the days. May be someone can shed some light on this for me.
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OMG, I am sorry about your situation. it really hurts.
Daann said:
Hey, guys

I just got NOF letter and called my employer, but he said that he no longer wants to be my sponsor :mad: :mad: :mad:
After so many years the jerk is deciding to screw me over. Two weks ago I went and spoke with him and he said of course he is continuing with the sponsorship and now he is destroying my life, saying " I changed my mind"

I can't explain how I feel, like I am out of this world, like there is nothing left in me anymore...
Please, someone give me some advice, just check out my PD?!

Daann said:
Hey, guys

I just got NOF letter and called my employer, but he said that he no longer wants to be my sponsor :mad: :mad: :mad:
After so many years the jerk is deciding to screw me over. Two weks ago I went and spoke with him and he said of course he is continuing with the sponsorship and now he is destroying my life, saying " I changed my mind"

I can't explain how I feel, like I am out of this world, like there is nothing left in me anymore...
Please, someone give me some advice, just check out my PD?!

so sorry to hear about your situation.
this is an example of total exploitation by employers, becasue they are fed up of DOL inefficiencies.

There is a form to complain to DOL if an employer is violating H-1b conditions, like not paying wages, etc, but I don't know if you can complain if an employer decided to stop LC.
But if you have nothing to lose you can try.
Also call your local Congressman and Senators (but dont expect much help).

OF course if you can get an H-1 transfer to another job and restart with perm, then all is not lost
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Sorry to hear that.

But I would suggest that you try to talk to him as to why he would not want to sponsor you anymore. If you are working on % percentage basis, he may be looking for larger percentage than what he is getting now.

Also first figure out what the NOF is about and how much time you have to reply.

I wouldn't be surprised if the employer is trying to squeeze more blood out of you using this as an opportunity.

Good luck!

Daann said:
Hey, guys

I just got NOF letter and called my employer, but he said that he no longer wants to be my sponsor :mad: :mad: :mad:
After so many years the jerk is deciding to screw me over. Two weks ago I went and spoke with him and he said of course he is continuing with the sponsorship and now he is destroying my life, saying " I changed my mind"

I can't explain how I feel, like I am out of this world, like there is nothing left in me anymore...
Please, someone give me some advice, just check out my PD?!

jitu1000 said:

My time to share the good new, i have been silent reader and today in morning my status showed as Certified.

This forum is one of the best example of team work i have came across.

We should have more like this, to make life easy.

I wish everyone a speedy Labour approval.

PD March 25 2005

EB3 or EB2 ???
What state???

You have raised my hopes, Congratulations man. I am still waiting for my approval.
PD 12-30-04
State RI

Just hoping and Fingers crossed was your in EB2 and RIR?

ssc8224 said:

I just checked my labor status online and it shows as "CERTIFIED". I am very happy that i finally have my labor approved. This forum has lot of good information.

Good luck.

PD: 02-13-05
State: RI
Case # 05216-7XXXX
My agony is over after 5 years and almost a month

Hello guys,
I have been a member of the forum for a long time. I would like to thank all of you for all the support given through these years.
My case shows certified as up today.
certified 02/15/2007
PD 01/29/2002
Atlanta Regional in 12/2004
Recruitment done in SWA FL

best of luck to all of you guys.
B-18 said:

You have raised my hopes, Congratulations man. I am still waiting for my approval.
PD 12-30-04
State RI

Just hoping and Fingers crossed was your in EB2 and RIR?
Hi B-18,

Thank you. Yes, mine is EB2 RIR.

I wish you good luck.
Congratulations & Good luck! Happy to see an old case get certified.

UrgentV said:
Hello guys,
I have been a member of the forum for a long time. I would like to thank all of you for all the support given through these years.
My case shows certified as up today.
certified 02/15/2007
PD 01/29/2002
Atlanta Regional in 12/2004
Recruitment done in SWA FL

best of luck to all of you guys.


Labor Certified

I just checked my labor status online and it shows as 'CERTIFIED'.
Almost it took 4 years. Last week only I asked my HR people to send email to verify the case status. They sent mail to verify the status.

I am very happy to see my status change as certified.
Thanks for everybody for posting valuable information.

My Information

PD: 03-20-2003
State: VA
Case # P-04287-1XXXX
Is there any one from MA who received RI in last few months?

Is there any one from MA who received RI in last few months for TR case? It seems the person handling MA cases in PBEC has stopped working.
Response from info...

I sent an email to info..., and got response today. It says my status is "RIR" and Occupation Title, Occupation Code and Prevailing Wage are blank. I think they have not started my case yet and I have a long way to go. But just wonder any one could give me any idea about how long I have to wait? So desperate!!!

BTW, my attorney will fax PBEC to inquire my case information, and I will update after he tells me.

State : South carolina
BEC : Philadelphia
Priority Date : Dec. 16, 2004
Category : RIR; EB2
45-day letter : May, 2006
ETA case #: P-05213-6xxxx
Labor status : In-Process
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The same thing here :mad:

cnool said:
I sent an email to info..., and got response today. It says my status is "RIR" and Occupation Title, Occupation Code and Prevailing Wage are blank. I think they have not started my case yet and I have a long way to go. But just wonder any one could give me any idea about how long I have to wait? So desperate!!!

BTW, my attorney will fax PBEC to inquire my case information, and I will update after he tells me.

I Also just got the response from PBEC and I am in the same situation. All those fields you mentioned are blank and case status is RIR. This is just outrageos :mad: :mad: My PD is 08/2002
After sending an email to info@ph.... I got an email back saying that my case status is "RIR". What does it mean?

PD - March 2004
I received a reply from Info@Ph. In my case, except for Occupation Title and Occupation Code, all other fields are populated and the status says "Final Review".
My recruitment report has been filed and am waiting for the labor approval. Remaining details in my sig.
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pavanj said:
I received a reply from Info@Ph. In my case, except for Occupation Title and Occupation Code, all other fields are populated and the status says "Final Review".
My recruitment report has been filed and am waiting for the labor approval. Remaining details in my sig.
It is good to see atleast PBEC sends you a screenshot if you email to info@ph.....
DBEC reply at all :(
how long.

Hello everyone,
bottom line, its all my lawyers fault.
due to the error in her address i didn't recieve my RI's.

so the PBEC closed my case, but today they called my manger
and said they've put it in process AGAIN.

so my question is does anyone know how long it takes
until my get my RI'S again?....or how long it takes after closing then after process?

any insights?
thanks in advance.