Philadelphia Backlog Elimination Center Tracking

Bad situation made worse ????

agron said:
I just called 202-693-3010. Got a lady. Told her that I would like some info on the status of a case. She told me to hold, connected me with a guy, I gave him the same info. He asked what letter. I said P, he told me to hold. Got connected to another guy. I gave him the number. He looked it up and gave me the name that goes with the number and said it's in process. I deliberately didn't give the name, to make sure that he actually looks it up and not just say something. I was surprised that I got a life person on the line this time because in the past I had been connnected to a stupid voice mail machine.

Disclaimer: I do not mean to flame anyone or blame anyone or get anyone all worked up - But I have been seeing a trend which may not be beneficial to anyone.
Note: I am replying to this post, but am NOT pointing fingers at agron, just using this as an example.

I see quite a few members calling up PBEC just to get the status of a case. While it is understandable that we are being ROYALLY SCR..ED by the BECs, the fact is we will not really get any status OR timeline out of their front office. These individuals simply do not know when an individual case will be handled/resolved and cannot have any impact on our cases.

So - Calling to JUST get a status, I feel is not helping anyone. Rather it is taking resources away from the already understaffed BECs. If there are doubts about your case (lawyer has changed/ company has moved/ company has been bought or merged etc) then it makes sense to call once the PD has gone by. Otherwise all it does is create more work for the BECs without any real benefit to anyone.
FYI - My PD is 05/2004 and I know PBEC has approved a lot of cases with PDs later then 05/2004, but am not calling to inquire about the status.
Once again - this is not to point fingers, I am just voicing my opinion.
Online status shows certified

Hi all,
I have been a silent spectator of this forum. I never contributed much but got a lot of useful information. Its been a long wait for me too, my previous employer filed in Jun 2003 and had to be revoked due to some legal reasons. So I changed my employer and filed it again in Jan 24 2005.

Online status is now showing as CERTIFIED. I checked it yesterday night it was still IN PROCESS. Anyway it was a pleasant surprise.

Good luck to friends out there who are still waiting.

Following are my details.

Case number P-05208-XXXXX
Filed on – Jan 24 2005
45 day letter – Jun 10th 2006
Hi knk_hyd,

Can you please let us know in which state your labor is filed and is it in EB2 or EB3?

My details are:

Case number P-05215-XXXXX
Filed on – Mar 25 2005
45 day letter – Jun 17th 2006
State: NJ
Category: RIR & EB2
Status: In Process

Thank you.

knk_hyd said:
Hi all,
I have been a silent spectator of this forum. I never contributed much but got a lot of useful information. Its been a long wait for me too, my previous employer filed in Jun 2003 and had to be revoked due to some legal reasons. So I changed my employer and filed it again in Jan 24 2005.

Online status is now showing as CERTIFIED. I checked it yesterday night it was still IN PROCESS. Anyway it was a pleasant surprise.

Good luck to friends out there who are still waiting.

Following are my details.

Case number P-05208-XXXXX
Filed on – Jan 24 2005
45 day letter – Jun 10th 2006

What I believe is...the frigging software they wrote has a sorting bug.....That is why some of us are screwed and some got it early.....

Second thing is that once they publish the no substitution rule....They are gonna print the f***ing certifications and throw them at you.....

Looking at the tracker they got a denial rate of 2% and withdrawn 7%....So that would suffice as their 'performance'....

Immigration reform would pass and they want the legalization contracts...So I have reasonable hope that they would finish by Sept...If there is no immigration reform we are again screwed...They would try to drag out their contract until next february.....
202-693 number is not a BEC resource

I don't quite agree with you..the 202-693 number is a Washington DC number and its not part of PBEC. If you call PBEC, the receptionist won't budge and let you go beyond her even if you are an employer.
If I had a choice of talking to someone, I would definitely do so because "In Process" does not mean a lot to me. Its like driving without access to milestones with just someone telling me you are on the right road but we dont know where, you don't know if anything has been done to your case after the data was entered. People who called through Congressmen and found that an NOF was issued for their case that the lawyer never received would agree more. If they had seen a status like "NOF issued" online, this situation could have been resolved. I'm sitting with an "In Process" status since 2005 with a PD of Mar 2002, with no access to anyone and with no idea if there has been an NOF that has not been received by my employer or lawyer.

QUOTE=WillIWin?]Disclaimer: I do not mean to flame anyone or blame anyone or get anyone all worked up - But I have been seeing a trend which may not be beneficial to anyone.
Note: I am replying to this post, but am NOT pointing fingers at agron, just using this as an example.

I see quite a few members calling up PBEC just to get the status of a case. While it is understandable that we are being ROYALLY SCR..ED by the BECs, the fact is we will not really get any status OR timeline out of their front office. These individuals simply do not know when an individual case will be handled/resolved and cannot have any impact on our cases.

So - Calling to JUST get a status, I feel is not helping anyone. Rather it is taking resources away from the already understaffed BECs. If there are doubts about your case (lawyer has changed/ company has moved/ company has been bought or merged etc) then it makes sense to call once the PD has gone by. Otherwise all it does is create more work for the BECs without any real benefit to anyone.
FYI - My PD is 05/2004 and I know PBEC has approved a lot of cases with PDs later then 05/2004, but am not calling to inquire about the status.
Once again - this is not to point fingers, I am just voicing my opinion.[/QUOTE]
Online status shows Certified

Hi all,
I have been a silent spectator of this forum. I have not participated earlier nor added myself to the tracker but the forum has been a great source of information and encouragement through trying times.
Just wanted to share that the online status is now showing as Certified. I checked it this morning.
Good luck to everyone who is still waiting. Hopefully there are better days ahead soon for everyone.

Following are my details.

Case number P-05214-XXXXX
Priority Date – Feb 9 2005
Category – EB3, RIR
State – FL
anyone in data review??

Hey guys,
is there anyone whose status still in data review?
I applied in may 2002. My case got closed twice by mistake then reopened.
However i just wanna know if I'm the only one who is still left in the data review categories.
If it takes the backlog centers 5 years to review my data, how long is it gonna take them to process my case??
For those people whose status still in process for a while, please don't feel so bad, because there are other applicant like myself who are in a worse situation. I wish you guys all best of luck..........
Labor Certification for NJ

Hello Guys,

I am new to this portal. Please let me know if I am posting at a wrong place. I filed my LC in Jan 05 (EB2/RIR) from the State of NJ. The 45 notice was recieved in July 06. My lawyer signed it and sent it in August 06. Still no replies. I am currently in my 7th year of H1B which will expire in September 07. Where is the process moving currently? What if my application is rejected? Is there an alternative?

Thanks for all your help.
PBEC is randomly skipping cases

Due to their stupid computer system and analysts, they are skipping cases and appoving cases with later PDs. It is so unfair to us!!!
gcfiction said:
Hey guys,
is there anyone whose status still in data review?
I applied in may 2002. My case got closed twice by mistake then reopened.
However i just wanna know if I'm the only one who is still left in the data review categories.
If it takes the backlog centers 5 years to review my data, how long is it gonna take them to process my case??
For those people whose status still in process for a while, please don't feel so bad, because there are other applicant like myself who are in a worse situation. I wish you guys all best of luck..........
mine is also in data review, also closed twice by mistake but reopened.
PD: Dec 2004, 45 day letter replied Juky 2006, second time case reopened Nov 2006.
State: NY.
I'm wondering if they are processing by last reopened date instead of PD.
this whole system sucks :mad:
so unfair :mad: :mad:

which state did you file from? can you let me know when your status changes to In Process?

PBECIsKillingMe said:
chances of clearning NOF are good. If you are from retrogressed country than 485 is major concern.
I am from India...very Right now EB3's are in May 2001. Considering the present rate getting to Oct 2001 could take 6 years...unless there is a miracle. The situation is so part we come here for our kids and if they are not going to get it it seems pointless. Is there anyone else in this situation where it is likely that their child will age out? Is there anything that can be done?
Any info will be much appreciated.
Same story here, PD Jan 2004.

gcfiction said:
Hey guys,
is there anyone whose status still in data review?
I applied in may 2002. My case got closed twice by mistake then reopened.
However i just wanna know if I'm the only one who is still left in the data review categories.
If it takes the backlog centers 5 years to review my data, how long is it gonna take them to process my case??
For those people whose status still in process for a while, please don't feel so bad, because there are other applicant like myself who are in a worse situation. I wish you guys all best of luck..........
Oct 2003 NJ

Hi gcfiction
My status is alos same Data Review
My case closed once & reopened in July 2006 still is in Data Review.
Priority date is 23rd Oct 2003 from NJ state.
45 Day letter received Feb 28th 2006.Sent 45 day continuation letter with in 2days- 03/02/06.
Case closure letter received on May 25th 2006-responded 5/22/06.
Still F---- Data Review.

My online status changed to "Certified" today... It was "In Process" today morning. The details are in the signature.

Best of luck to all of you who are still waiting to see the proverbial light at the end of the looooooong tunnel.
I applied in Va.
definitely I'll let you know once my status changes to in process .
Hopefuly before this coming september......!!!!!!

gcwhenever said:
mine is also in data review, also closed twice by mistake but reopened.
PD: Dec 2004, 45 day letter replied Juky 2006, second time case reopened Nov 2006.
State: NY.
I'm wondering if they are processing by last reopened date instead of PD.
this whole system sucks :mad:
so unfair :mad: :mad:

which state did you file from? can you let me know when your status changes to In Process?

I applied in Va.
definitely I'll let you know once my status changes to in process .
Hopefuly before this coming september......!!!!!!

gcwhenever said:
mine is also in data review, also closed twice by mistake but reopened.
PD: Dec 2004, 45 day letter replied Juky 2006, second time case reopened Nov 2006.
State: NY.
I'm wondering if they are processing by last reopened date instead of PD.
this whole system sucks :mad:
so unfair :mad: :mad:

which state did you file from? can you let me know when your status changes to In Process?

hello everyone,

i got RI's on october 26, 06 of last year, but due to error in
my lawyer's address, it was never recieved.

so my lawyer sended a fax on Jan 30, 07, and we still haven't heard from the PBEC yet.

does anyone know how long it takes for PBEC to reply back to a fax or time frame for any reply what so ever?...

thank you in advance for the insights.
I do not feel like a finger is pointed at me, but thanks for educating people who otherwise do not know, that when you call the 202 # you aren't calling PBEC. They have a different # and basically you CANNOT call them. The guy that I spoke to explained to me that he is not working at PBEC , but that he is just an information person. You give him the number he looks the status up on the computer. You can call him 1x, 20x, 100x,1000x, it will not affect the people at PBEC who handle the cases,they won't be slower or faster. You will find out though if something is going on with your case other than what is showing up online.
Just my 2 cents.

yours_sincerely said:
I don't quite agree with you..the 202-693 number is a Washington DC number and its not part of PBEC. If you call PBEC, the receptionist won't budge and let you go beyond her even if you are an employer.
If I had a choice of talking to someone, I would definitely do so because "In Process" does not mean a lot to me. Its like driving without access to milestones with just someone telling me you are on the right road but we dont know where, you don't know if anything has been done to your case after the data was entered. People who called through Congressmen and found that an NOF was issued for their case that the lawyer never received would agree more. If they had seen a status like "NOF issued" online, this situation could have been resolved. I'm sitting with an "In Process" status since 2005 with a PD of Mar 2002, with no access to anyone and with no idea if there has been an NOF that has not been received by my employer or lawyer.

QUOTE=WillIWin?]Disclaimer: I do not mean to flame anyone or blame anyone or get anyone all worked up - But I have been seeing a trend which may not be beneficial to anyone.
Note: I am replying to this post, but am NOT pointing fingers at agron, just using this as an example.

I see quite a few members calling up PBEC just to get the status of a case. While it is understandable that we are being ROYALLY SCR..ED by the BECs, the fact is we will not really get any status OR timeline out of their front office. These individuals simply do not know when an individual case will be handled/resolved and cannot have any impact on our cases.

So - Calling to JUST get a status, I feel is not helping anyone. Rather it is taking resources away from the already understaffed BECs. If there are doubts about your case (lawyer has changed/ company has moved/ company has been bought or merged etc) then it makes sense to call once the PD has gone by. Otherwise all it does is create more work for the BECs without any real benefit to anyone.
FYI - My PD is 05/2004 and I know PBEC has approved a lot of cases with PDs later then 05/2004, but am not calling to inquire about the status.
Once again - this is not to point fingers, I am just voicing my opinion.