Philadelphia Backlog Elimination Center Tracking

I am really impressed it....

AbstractVision said:
Let me rephrase it...I had been contacting every one I could. Please check my previous posts for my contributions to the cause.
I wrote to even Mr Bush and Mr Cheney. To my surprise, V.P. did take take action by sending a cc letter to me directing DHS to take action. I got DHS response letter that they cannot disclose the information as I was listed as beneficiary.
I work in VA, filed from MD and paid visit to with some senators in Washington DC outside capital (6 miles from my home). Both senators from VA and MD took action. I met with Chairman, Armed Services Committee. He took action as well. All three corresponded on my behalf and send me a copy of all correspondences. I contacted VA & MD Governors who advised me to contact my area senator as it a a case of one of federal offices.

That was my personal efforts to bring our plight to Senators attention. I did pay many visits to Capital previously and during Lame-Duck session as well. I did print a leaflet and handed out to many senators. I don't believe many of them read it though almost everyone pretended that way. I did print a banner but I was not allowed by Capital Police to show it up as I had not requested prior approval and that I was alone. No affilaitiation with any group.

I realize that my case is still pending, but at least I feel better that I am not the one sitting on the fence and doing nothing about it. In fact thats all I could have done with in my limited reach.

Type: EB3 - RIR
PD: 08/12/02
Case: SWA
45 DL Received: July 26th' 05 Replied: July28th' 05
ETA# P-05139-2xxxx
On Line Status: In-Process
Senators followup Screenshot: Final Review
Certified At Last

Today my status changed to certified.
Now waiting for the papers.
It has been a long wait and almost gave up hope for greencard.

I am not leaving the forum I will keep checking.

This forum was very helpful and thank you all
Nice one!

NJJune52002 said:
Today my status changed to certified.
Now waiting for the papers.
It has been a long wait and almost gave up hope for greencard.

I am not leaving the forum I will keep checking.

This forum was very helpful and thank you all


Good to see 2002 approval, and so nice of you to say "not leaving"

When did the status changed? this morning ? was it in progress on Friday ? Also was there any NOF ever ?

Also Please post your ETA number (minus last 2 digits).
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My attorney filed a new PERM (not conversion) for me last Friday and it was approved today. Wow, that's too quick. :eek:

My previous EB2-RIR (PD: 3/1/04) is still stuck in PBEC. :(

How long can I keep the PERM without filing the I140? :confused:


NJJune52002 said:
Today my status changed to certified.
Now waiting for the papers.
It has been a long wait and almost gave up hope for greencard.

I am not leaving the forum I will keep checking.

This forum was very helpful and thank you all
Congratulations!! Best of luck for next steps!!
dealsea said:
My attorney filed a new PERM (not conversion) for me last Friday and it was approved today. Wow, that's too quick. :eek:

My previous EB2-RIR (PD: 3/1/04) is still stuck in PBEC. :(

How long can I keep the PERM without filing the I140? :confused:


I never heard of any time limit between LC approval and I-140 filing.

It seems both your LCs are from the same employer in EB2 category. In that case, you may wait for the LC pending at the BEC. On the other hand, if you need H-1B extension, you may proceed for I-140 filing with the approved PERM labor. This will fetch you 3 year H-1B extension on approval. Later, when the BEC LC gets cleared, file I-140 with that LC.

Also, if possible, please check the BEC online status - as per BEC updates, this should not be automatically set to withdrawn status.

My 2 cents.
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Hello manwithnoname:

Great input! Thanks.

Yes, both LCs are EB2. This year is my 6th year, and I already extended my H1-B for the 7th year. Do you mean I can use the approved PERM LC to file I-140 now so I can get a 3 year renew of my H1B? And later, when I get my RIR certified from PBEC, I can file I-140 (of course with I-485) again? Will the 2nd I-140 affect the 1st I-140?

manwithnoname said:
I never heard of any time limit between LC approval and I-140 filing.

It seems both your LCs are from the same employer in EB2 category. In that case, you may wait for the LC pending at the BEC. On the other hand, if you need H-1B extension, you may proceed for I-140 filing with the approved PERM labor. This will fetch you 3 year H-1B extension on approval. Later, when the BEC LC gets cleared, file I-140 with that LC.

Also, if possible, please check the BEC online status - as per BEC updates, this should not be automatically set to withdrawn status.

My 2 cents.
Another 2002 approval

NJJune52002 said:
Today my status changed to certified.
Now waiting for the papers.
It has been a long wait and almost gave up hope for greencard.

I am not leaving the forum I will keep checking.

This forum was very helpful and thank you all

Not to jinx it but I can sense my case being approved pretty soon.
Yes, you are next!

givememygc2006 said:
Not to jinx it but I can sense my case being approved pretty soon.

Yes, You are next!

looking at your 45DL dates and going by the analysis posted here sometime ago, you should have got it already, anyway hope to hear your good news soon :)
dealsea said:
Hello manwithnoname:

Great input! Thanks.

Yes, both LCs are EB2. This year is my 6th year, and I already extended my H1-B for the 7th year. Do you mean I can use the approved PERM LC to file I-140 now so I can get a 3 year renew of my H1B? And later, when I get my RIR certified from PBEC, I can file I-140 (of course with I-485) again? Will the 2nd I-140 affect the 1st I-140?

Since you have 1+ years on the current H-1B tenure, you can wait for a few months before filing I-140 based on approved PERM labor. This will save a I-140 filing if the LC pending at BEC gets approved in the meantime.

When your BEC LC gets certified, and in case you already filed and I-140 based on PERM LC, you still need to file another I-140 in order to use the Priority Date of the BEC LC.
ssp123 said:
My husband's case sounds similar to yours. His company got acquired by other company. In september 2006, when we checked the case status online, the status was CLOSED and the reason DOL gave was No 45 days letter reply even though the attorney sent the 45 days reply. Now the case status is DATA REVIEW from last 2 months. After reading your post, we are not sure what to do? Typically how long does it take for the status to change from DATAREVIEW to INPROCESS? :mad:

I knew from one case that this stage (date review to in process) takes about one month. But BEC's work is the most difficult thing to predict in the world! Good luck to both of us.
Converting TR to RIR cases

Dear friends,

I requested my attorney to convert TR to RIR.

My company has moved to different address after they filed my case. Since the company address has changed, they cannot convert my TR case to RIR -- This is what I got from my attorney. Is it true statement? I really seek your help on this, please help me.

StressTestInUSA said:
Congrats Katrina...!!

and sorry to hear AYCY still battling with almighty PBEC. checking this forum after a long time...

There is some bad/disappointing news about the i140 I filed. Never think we are done with labor. In my case I joined back the company in Jan 2006 which filed my labor in Dec2002. The tax returns of 2002/4/5 show a loss and from what I hear in the i140 forums my case will be straight denied(told by UN, the i140 guru). Excepting for my paystubs which match the LC pay since 2006,the company tax returns test fail..

I have no more disappointment emotion left in me..

good luck to all guys here and be very careful while filing i140,see for the tax returns..if you r working with the same company since you filed LC and getting the LC salary you r fine..but in other cases watch out..!!
StressTest.. Sorry to know that you are still facing problem after this big mess. But I think definitely there would be some ways, try to findout..
But I really appreciate, that you took your time to inform us.. I started believing that still people like you exist in this earth who cares about others without any selfish intention.. And I know only these kind of people face hard time, I don't know why.. But please remember my words that you will definitely get your GC on hand one day, becasue good people always get reward at the end, no matter how hard sitiuation is there. So please don't loose hope..
Good luck buddy...

My PD: 01/31/2003
Dec 2003 LC

A friend LC got certified today:

Type: EB3 - RIR
PD: Dec 2003
45 DL Received: July 06 Replied: July 06
ETA# P-05192-10xxx
On Line Status: Certified
Not so good news :(

Guys...Rightnow I am all freaked out.

My lawyer got NOF (or whatever they call it) on my case sometime back ,he did not even bother to inform me. Sent me a bill today of $1000 with a short note "to cover additional advertisement expenses as asked by DOL" :(

I have asked for more details, am sure he will send me some as his $1k is with me - Will post more details Once I get it.

But this is what I was afraid of after all those 4 1/2 years of wait :( Damn!
Sorry to hear that you got NOF. And It is hard to deal with these lawyers.
My lawyer was also very hard to deal with. I am planning to change the lawyer.

Life will be more stressful with these lawyers and PBEC

My case status changed yesterday. Till then it was In Process
There was no NOF. Once they told NOF is recommended but nothing was send out.

My case number was P-05237-*****

Dont worry your Labor will be cleared soon.

ThirstyFish said:

Good to see 2002 approval, and so nice of you to say "not leaving"

When did the status changed? this morning ? was it in progress on Friday ? Also was there any NOF ever ?

Also Please post your ETA number (minus last 2 digits).
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ThirstyFish said:
Yes, You are next!

looking at your 45DL dates and going by the analysis posted here sometime ago, you should have got it already, anyway hope to hear your good news soon :)

Do you mean, that currently they are processing cases which received 45 day letter in Nov 2005 and replied back?
to GCWhereareyou

I have the same - closed-opened-closed-reopened. I expect mine to be closed again after 45 days. Do you plan to do anything?
thats what

blues22 said:
Do you mean, that currently they are processing cases which received 45 day letter in Nov 2005 and replied back?

Blues22, thats just an guess from the analysis posted earlier here. yes, they are processing 45DL NOV 2005 cases. My case should get a final answer (certified or otherwise) before the end of this month.

Ask you lawyer if they received any communication from dol , you seem to be in the same boat as me with earlier pd.