Philadelphia Backlog Elimination Center Tracking

katrina17 said:
Did any of you guys join Immigrationvoice yet?
eventhough they seems focus more on Greencard Issued, at least what they aim and working on will be benefit all of us in general.

They work hard behind the screen and some of their founder still have his case stuck like us. They need to generate 10000 member by the end of this month to let the senate and house rep notice our immigration issues.

So there is nothing wrong with us to sign up and be their member.
if Illegal immigrant can join together to let their voice out, why can't we the high skill professional one try to support each other so at least the senator can see what have US immigration system done to us :p

It's not going to do anyharm on our case. We already here and waiting, some of us has been waiting for more than 4 years (including me) and still waiting.
So while waiting, why don't we help each other.

for those who has their LC case approved and wait for the next phase and impact by retrogression you will be benefit most if their immigration goals go trough. So please sign in and check theirs site

For us who still waiting the least we can do now is sign in and be a member before back to our chair and keep our hope high and think of when is the best time to send another letter or fax to senator or PBEC and secretary of labor Elaine chou :p

Hi All, sorry for post this one again and I promise you all that this will be the last :)

Please see below link and quote for Immigration voice that up till today they just able to pull 6474 member only. We can do much better if we help each other.

Please sign in and you don't even have to visit their web site again after join as a member if you don't want too but we need to help each other. Spend 5 minutes of your time and help them to reach 10000 member.

Papu said:
6,474 is the number today, only an increase of 24 members in the past 2 days.
We now have the invite your friends tool working. pls. help us today by sending the message to all your friends. Right now there are 53 members online. It will help us if all of you could send messages through

We need to join together fight for our right and that's the only way the politician want and willing to hear our voice.
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IV On Backlog

katrina17 said:
Hi All, sorry for post this one again and I promise you all that this will be the last :)

Please see below link and quote for Immigration voice that up till today they just able to pull 6474 member only. We can do much better if we help each other.

Please sign in and you don't even have to visit their web site again after join as a member if you don't want too but we need to help each other. Spend 5 minutes of your time and help them to reach 10000 member.

We need to join together fight for our right and that's the only way the politician want and willing to hear our voice.

I support IV and have actually given money to them as well. However, their stance on the backlog issue is something that I do not agree with and they have just left it up in the air, their position is untenable and extremely rigid with a lack of alternative ideas or plans to address the backlog issue comprehensively.

They were actually brainwashed in some of their meetings with higher level officials at the White House and other agencies and since then they have adopted an approach that a legislative solution or a legal solution is not possible on this issue and since now they want to "Work with DOL" for an "Administrative Solution" to solve the problems.

Yeah right....we all want to work with DOL and look where it has got us so far. I do not want to discount their efforts, they are doing great work, however, until the backlog issue is fully addressed it is kind of premature, IMO, to think too much ahead as it does not help the process.

If congress passes some of the I-485 provisions without adequately funding them, it will create an even bigger mess.

Just my 2 cents.
clzeus10 said:
I support IV and have actually given money to them as well. However, their stance on the backlog issue is something that I do not agree with and they have just left it up in the air, their position is untenable and extremely rigid with a lack of alternative ideas or plans to address the backlog issue comprehensively.

They were actually brainwashed in some of their meetings with higher level officials at the White House and other agencies and since then they have adopted an approach that a legislative solution or a legal solution is not possible on this issue and since now they want to "Work with DOL" for an "Administrative Solution" to solve the problems.

Yeah right....we all want to work with DOL and look where it has got us so far. I do not want to discount their efforts, they are doing great work, however, until the backlog issue is fully addressed it is kind of premature, IMO, to think too much ahead as it does not help the process.

If congress passes some of the I-485 provisions without adequately funding them, it will create an even bigger mess.

Just my 2 cents.
I am with you. Still believe that what they are doing for retrogression is worth appreciable.
a quick question

Hello Gurus,
Any body knows about the LC after aproved, where that letter goes? Wether you will get any thing in post at your home address? Or the attorney will let us know about it? Could anyone explain?

Abt. the other thing.....that was the way I thought and it worked well for me! That is why I wrote. May be in others cases it may be different!
I have a different theory of PBEC way of working


I have a different theory for PBEC working style. After done with all data-entry they started assigning bunch of cases to different analysts.

The data entry is done pretty much on FIFO for each state. Its possible that FL 2004 may have been entered earlier than NJ 2003 but I believe NJ Jan 2003 data was entered before NJ Oct 2003.

For each state, for RIR only, they started assigning approx. 100 cases to each analyst. These analyst immediately started certifying the "CLEAN" case and which ever the case they have slightest doubt, they started putting aside. Typical ratio for certifying vs. putting aside was 70 / 30.

These remaining 30% will have to wait till these analysts finish their first round of clearing 70% and start again with 2001 left over cases and start sending NOFs. By looking at statstics so far, I believe second round will start in beginning of January 2007.

The worst part is, it depends on analyst to define "Not a clean case". For example, I tried my bunch of 100 evaluations and ratio of certifying vs. "not a clean case" was 14 / 86 where as I tried 1000 other cases and ration came as 70 / 30 (I hate the guy who took my bunch of 100 cases).

N.B.: This is just a theory and comments are welcome.
I've so to say something...

Its funny how ppl jump to each other throats on here! JEEZ! Calm down fellas. I think everyone on here is fraustrated because of waiting for oh so long. Jacob_k8 just mention his theory read it and move on. He's not a lawyer! LIke EVERYONE else he was just stating his opinion. You don't have to cuss and scream at the fella. This is ridiculous.

junelc2002 said:
Your entire theory is totally bullxxxx. If they follow the case number, then why so many people whose cased were entered temporary in 2005 have not got approved. If they follow the 45-day letter, why so many people who only got their 45-day letter this May got approved in July and August? Your prediction is just a coincidence. They are more or less following FIFO starting from 2003.

If you ask me why, I would say they are doing this for mostly political reasons. Comparing with cases filed after 2003, more 2001 and 2002 cases require extra efforts, such as recruiting for TR cases and NOF for some RIR cases. Therefore it would take mch longer to adjudicate them. Under the pressure of getting results out, PBEC just decids to take an easy way out. With all the approvals of 2003 and 2004 cases, they can easily claim that they are well on schedule to complete the entire backlog on time. In fact, they are doing it at our expenses. I won't be surprised to see 5% or even 10% of the cases, most of which from 2001 and 2002, being left unadjudicated by the end of the Sept. 2007 deadline. They can argue that it is not material to the promise that all cases being adjudicated by the deadline. We certainly don't agree, but many others may do. Just remember one thing, " Deadlines are set to be extended unless it is made to be of essense." It is so in legal world, and I believe it will be so in PBEC.
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junelc2002 said:
Your entire theory is totally bullxxxx. If they follow the case number, then why so many people whose cased were entered temporary in 2005 have not got approved. If they follow the 45-day letter, why so many people who only got their 45-day letter this May got approved in July and August? Your prediction is just a coincidence. They are more or less following FIFO starting from 2003.

If you ask me why, I would say they are doing this for mostly political reasons. Comparing with cases filed after 2003, more 2001 and 2002 cases require extra efforts, such as recruiting for TR cases and NOF for some RIR cases. Therefore it would take mch longer to adjudicate them. Under the pressure of getting results out, PBEC just decids to take an easy way out. With all the approvals of 2003 and 2004 cases, they can easily claim that they are well on schedule to complete the entire backlog on time. In fact, they are doing it at our expenses. I won't be surprised to see 5% or even 10% of the cases, most of which from 2001 and 2002, being left unadjudicated by the end of the Sept. 2007 deadline. They can argue that it is not material to the promise that all cases being adjudicated by the deadline. We certainly don't agree, but many others may do. Just remember one thing, " Deadlines are set to be extended unless it is made to be of essense." It is so in legal world, and I believe it will be so in PBEC.
Let us not react like this. No one knows exactly what is happening. Everyone is presenting what they think. It may be right or may be wrong.
MDwatch, please add my case

PD: 3/1/04
SWA: Georgia
Transferred from: Atlanta DOL
BPC Letter Received: 7/18/05
ETA#: P-05010-14***
Online Status: In progress
clzeus10 said:
I support IV and have actually given money to them as well. However, their stance on the backlog issue is something that I do not agree with and they have just left it up in the air, their position is untenable and extremely rigid with a lack of alternative ideas or plans to address the backlog issue comprehensively.

Just my 2 cents.

Hi clzeus10, Like I mentioned before, Yea I agree with you regarding their approach on Backlog Issue, but again at least with their effort they able to make the law maker aware that there is backlog problem for High skill LC imigration process and there is a lot of unfairness about our whole situation, start with H4 not able to work eventhough they are also high skill, even after our LC approved we will face retrogression issue.

I also aware that if they ever successed clear the greencard backlog, we're the one that still waiting for our LC approved will be left out and people who already got their LC clear from PBEC and via perm process will be benefitted most eventhough their PD are far ahead of us.

But just because of that doesn't mean that we have to hold the whole process to let people now that we are as lawfully immigrant worker who paid our taxes and due all necessary things to get our freedoom in this so call promise land (gee for a moment I even almost forget what land I'm at now :p) are suffering and no one listen to us.

We are treated so bad, there is even no place to scream :p

Therefore eventhough PBEC messup my life i think as high skill immigrant we need to get together and help each other. It's better one cause successed than nothing at all. Again I've to pressed it again and again :) we don't lose anything by signing and join them as member (non active is good too) and show our support for our general good.

This is my opinion cheers :) :p :D
Cannot stand this guy

Waitingfor4+yrs said:
Its funny how ppl jump to each other throats on here! JEEZ! Calm down fellas. I think everyone on here is fraustrated because of waiting for oh so long. Jacob_k8 just mention his theory read it and move on. He's not a lawyer! LIke EVERYONE else he was just stating his opinion. You don't have to cuss and scream at the fella. This is ridiculous.

Sorry that I might have over-reacted, but this guy just does not know what he is talking about. He bases all this theory on his single case, yet trying to generalize it. He got approved right? So, just go away enjoying your day! I feel really sick seeing those faked nice gesture after one's case gets approved. Fair or unfair, those people who got approval will not give a damn!
You have a very valid point.

katrina17 said:
Hi clzeus10, Like I mentioned before, Yea I agree with you regarding their approach on Backlog Issue, but again at least with their effort they able to make the law maker aware that there is backlog problem for High skill LC imigration process and there is a lot of unfairness about our whole situation, start with H4 not able to work eventhough they are also high skill, even after our LC approved we will face retrogression issue.

I also aware that if they ever successed clear the greencard backlog, we're the one that still waiting for our LC approved will be left out and people who already got their LC clear from PBEC and via perm process will be benefitted most eventhough their PD are far ahead of us.

But just because of that doesn't mean that we have to hold the whole process to let people now that we are as lawfully immigrant worker who paid our taxes and due all necessary things to get our freedoom in this so call promise land (gee for a moment I even almost forget what land I'm at now :p) are suffering and no one listen to us.

We are treated so bad, there is even no place to scream :p

Therefore eventhough PBEC messup my life i think as high skill immigrant we need to get together and help each other. It's better one cause successed than nothing at all. Again I've to pressed it again and again :) we don't lose anything by signing and join them as member (non active is good too) and show our support for our general good.

This is my opinion cheers :) :p :D

I will try play the bad guy! Simply put, GC is a type of resources, just like crude oil or diamond. The quota will be just that much every year. If you voice for other people to get it, it will cost you the opportunity. So why bother, unless it can be mutually beneficial? But do they care about PBEC and DPEC? The ultimate question comes down to how are we going to be benefited? If not, I would just throw it to garbage can. I would even voice against it because it could potentiall take up resources which could be mine.
Certified Status for April 2004 Priority Date

Hello All,

I have to share my good news. I have just checked the status on my case and it showed up as Certified. I stared at the status for a while just to make myself believe that it really is true.

My lawyer said that yes it is really certified, but we will have to wait for a few days to get the paper proof.

Good luck to all of you in this forum, you have been a great support.

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hello junelc2002,
Listen man, I made that theory according to the way I analysed the thing and by grace of God, it worked fine to me.
Don't be angry my friend. May be you will get the GC before me. This is just one stage my friend.....
2nd. Human values are more important..not the GC. Even GC is created fro Humans and not the other way!
I will hope you will get your labour soon.
Ha, "Grace of God"

jacob_k8 said:
hello junelc2002,
Listen man, I made that theory according to the way I analysed the thing and by grace of God, it worked fine to me.
Don't be angry my friend. May be you will get the GC before me. This is just one stage my friend.....
2nd. Human values are more important..not the GC. Even GC is created fro Humans and not the other way!
I will hope you will get your labour soon.

Unfortunately I am not a firm believer of that "person." Don't take it personally. It's all out of my frustration towards a lot of people. BTW, I am not sure what you refer to by "Human values."
which state did you file from and when did you

atoz2006 said:
Hello All,

I have to share my good news. I have just checked the status on my case and it showed up as Certified. I stared at the status for a while just to make myself believe that it really is true.

My lawyer said that yes it is really certified, but we will have to wait for a few days to get the paper proof.

Good luck to all of you in this forum, you have been a great support.


receive you 45 day letter? thanks. My priority date is April 5, 2004.
There are no theories that hold at PBEC!!!

I know everyone is trying to figure out how PBEC ticks, but trust me I don't think anyone has any clue. All the theories that were mentioned in the last couple of days went against me. Here are my details....
May 9th 2002. RIR.EB3. from VA, case got cerified in VA state and went to regional. Got 45 day letter in 2004, replied to 45 day letter in 2004.

It seems like they for some reason skipped/misplaced/lost many 2001/2002 cases. PBEC seems to be following FIFO from mid 2003 onwards.

Anyway in short just THANK God for those who recived their certification, and pleeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaase pray for the rest of us :) :)

Still waiting
atoz2006 said:
Hello All,

I have to share my good news. I have just checked the status on my case and it showed up as Certified. I stared at the status for a while just to make myself believe that it really is true.

My lawyer said that yes it is really certified, but we will have to wait for a few days to get the paper proof.

Good luck to all of you in this forum, you have been a great support.


Atoz, can you specify state from which you applied and if know EB category.

I have collegues PD of 2003, who got their 45 days letter 6 months after me, but their labor is already certified, while mine is in process.
I don't think you can come up with any theory to define that.
adadad said:
first time it was clear, we got the closure notification letter (non-response to 45 days letter), but this time I found out from the check link, no any letters, e-mails. The lawyer will send a letter (doesn't want to call) asking why. But will they answer? From my experience there is a point in regular checking the status.

Agreed - we will do whatever little we can.
My case is almost similar to yours!

dealsea said:
PD: 3/1/04
SWA: Georgia
Transferred from: Atlanta DOL
BPC Letter Received: 7/18/05
ETA#: P-05010-14***
Online Status: In progress

Hello dealsea,

my case is almost similar to yours. All your case details matches to mine, except my PD is at the end of March. Please keep me posted!
