Philadelphia Backlog Elimination Center Tracking

Is anyone from NY 2001 still not certified

Hi all,

I am still waiting for LCA to be approved. I am wondering if others from NY 2001 are also waiting or I am just the only one left.


PD: Dec 10, 2001
45-day letter: Aug 2005
ETA Case numer: unknown
labor was certified

My labor was certified on Sep 6. The following is my details:

ETA#: P-04296-xxxx
Priority Date: May 10, 2003
45 days letter received on: Dec 26, 2004

Thanks for everyone and see you in I-140 forum.
Data review and in process

njinn said:
In process is the last stage before certified.I am in the same boat applied in Aug - NJ. Mine is last stage since months.... will have to wait

Hi, thank you for the information. But how do you know "in process" is the last stage? Have you passed "date review" stage? Do you have any idea that it usually takes how long from "date review" to "in process"? I can't stand endless waiting in the darkness.
You are not alone NJ 2002

njinn said:
In process is the last stage before certified.I am in the same boat applied in Aug - NJ. Mine is last stage since months.... will have to wait

njinn and bluesky, you guys are not alone, I bet you have lots of company actually I personally know 9 guys with PD NJ/2002 still waiting.....count myself in it too :(
jack_xie said:
It could take up to a year but that was worse case scenario. At best 3-6 months. Don't take my word seriously. Just my 2 cents.

Do you mean to say;

it takes 3-6 months from "in-process" to "certified"?
it takes 3-6 months from "certified" online status till attorney gets the letter???

I hope latter is NOT ture.......
NJ June5 2002

Same Here..

PD :EB2 RIR NJ June 5 2002

45 days letter Nov 4 2005

Mine is in last stage since June 2006.

Collegue of mine who's PD is June 11 2002 got certified on June 2006.

ThirstyFish said:
njinn and bluesky, you guys are not alone, I bet you have lots of company actually I personally know 9 guys with PD NJ/2002 still waiting.....count myself in it too :(
one more...

ThirstyFish said:
njinn and bluesky, you guys are not alone, I bet you have lots of company actually I personally know 9 guys with PD NJ/2002 still waiting.....count myself in it too :(

Is there a list of EB2 cases of 2002 still pending for approval from all states being handled by PBEC?

If there is please pass on the link. Thanks.
Still no notification letter


I have received a response from William Carlson today (Sep 18) after faxing to Emily DeRocco (dated August 7, 2006). In the letter, he indicated that my case was certified on August 9, 2006 and the notificaion of certification, which includes the certification application has been sent out to my employer or employer's representative of record. Unfortunately, he did not indicate when it was sent and to whom it was actually sent to. So far no letter yet. The battle of labor certification still continues. :mad:

PD June 25'02
45 day received Sept '05
Replied 45 day letter Oct'05
NOF issued on Feb 24'06
NOF rebutted March 28'06
Certified on August 9, 2006
No sign of the notification letter
Unique case aycy

aycy said:

I have received a response from William Carlson today (Sep 18) after faxing to Emily DeRocco (dated August 7, 2006). In the letter, he indicated that my case was certified on August 9, 2006 and the notificaion of certification, which includes the certification application has been sent out to my employer or employer's representative of record. Unfortunately, he did not indicate when it was sent and to whom it was actually sent to. So far no letter yet. The battle of labor certification still continues. :mad:

PD June 25'02
45 day received Sept '05
Replied 45 day letter Oct'05
NOF issued on Feb 24'06
NOF rebutted March 28'06
Certified on August 9, 2006
No sign of the notification letter

All the best aycy! Your case is really unique, all that fight did not go in vain :)
no letter yet same as you

I have received response from William Carlson(on Sep 15) , he mentioned case certified on August 28 2006 and the notificaion of certification, which includes the certification application has been sent out to my employer or employer's representative of record.

I didn't receive so far
This is new Thread

aycy said:

I have received a response from William Carlson today (Sep 18) after faxing to Emily DeRocco (dated August 7, 2006). In the letter, he indicated that my case was certified on August 9, 2006 and the notificaion of certification, which includes the certification application has been sent out to my employer or employer's representative of record. Unfortunately, he did not indicate when it was sent and to whom it was actually sent to. So far no letter yet. The battle of labor certification still continues. :mad:

PD June 25'02
45 day received Sept '05
Replied 45 day letter Oct'05
NOF issued on Feb 24'06
NOF rebutted March 28'06
Certified on August 9, 2006
No sign of the notification letter
Count me in

sunskiran said:
Is there a list of EB2 cases of 2002 still pending for approval from all states being handled by PBEC?

If there is please pass on the link. Thanks.
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danila said:
My online status has changed to certified this morning between 10:30 and 11:30 EST. Signature has all the details.
congrratulations. Have you received screen shot before? if yes, any column empty?
:confused: :confused: :confused: Hi, Guys
I just called the #484 (the number for PBEC) but they said that they only accept letters and e-mails from the employer or the attorney. Is it okay if I send an e-mail instead of the employer without him knowing?
My lawyer already send few e-mails and letters to reopen my case and told me to wait for response before writing, but I became more and more impatient every day. What do you think - if I decide to write, do I write as myself or as my employer?
Thank you

PD: 04/2001
45 day letter: lost
case closed: 05/2005 ( no notice received)
H1B7YR screenshot shows both Occupation Title and Occupation Code filled with some data. Only the Prevailing Wage field is blank now. One month ago when I requested the screenshot, it has all three fields empty..

Does it mean some one is currently working on my case?

BTW, the status check website shows "in process"

Re: Application

My HR found out that my case has been recommended for a NOF and it is upto the cerifying officer to either to adjucate the case or issue a NOF.

That was done on Aug 17th but the NOF is still not issue and my case continues to be "In Process". Would anyone know how long does it take for them to take a decision ?
Any PA cases are getting approved?

Hi Guys,

Anybody around my priority date from PA is still waiting for their labor approved or all guys are approved??? Mine is still "In Process" from the online status check.
sunskiran said:
Is there a list of EB2 cases of 2002 still pending for approval from all states being handled by PBEC?

If there is please pass on the link. Thanks.

Iam still hanging in :mad:

PD Jan 16 2002
Phil Regional DOL received May '04
45 day received late Mar '05
Replied 45 day letter Apr '05