Philadelphia Backlog Elimination Center Tracking

Stastic I Did on 100 cases


I have done a small stat on ETA case #s. I took 100 cases from P-05146-42X00 to P-05146-42X99. Here is the data:

10 - No number match in database.
01 - Data Review
56 - In Process
09 - Certified
00 - Denied
00 - Appeal
07 - Withdrawn
17 - Closed

I am little concerned about ratio of closed vs. certified.
Template please...

ab_ca_2002 said:
Long time reader but first post.

Happy to report that I got my Labor Certification about a couple of days back.

Details below:

State: CA
PD: Oct 18, 2002

When I (or rather my lawyer) checked the status of my case for the first time in Early August, the status was "Assigned to Analyst" in May and estimated time for the process to move to the next step was anywhere from 3 months to 9 months.

Got mad after that and based on the advice of fellow sufferers of this forum, ended up writing a letter to the local Senator(Dianne Feinstein).

And, sure enough, ended up with the Labor in hand within a month.

Thanks to all for your suggestions.

Would reiterate advise for those with PD from 2001/2002 to follow up with your senator.

Just make sure to specify what the senator's office should do (follow up with the DOL on your case) and why (hardship etc)


Can you please post the template of the letter you sent to senator..?

If anyone else has the same can, please post it.
Also, someone plz post the link/url to online database of senators... Thanks.
In Process

Online Link shows " In Process". my PD is 03/04 so I have a long way to go :(

My case is Regular but it was in Region before going to PBEC.

Screenshot says: Processing Type: RIR , Case Source: Region .All the fields are filed except the Prevailing Wage.

Does it mean it will be treated as RIR Case ?
Florida 04/2003 certified

Today my employer got the mail. But there is only one-page paper, saying "Form ETA 750 has been certified and is enclosed". So it's certified. But There is no enclosed Form ETA 750. Anyone knows what eaxctly we will get after LC certified? Form ETA 750 and The paper certificate? Where will they send it to? Employer or lawyer or employee? Thanks.

CrabCake said:
ThirstyFish, the state is MD, just like LaborPainMD. Good luck to you guys. I hope we get approved some day...It's good to have the support system here and know you are not alone. Thank you!
Do you know your case #? I just don't understand why some older cases got skipped! What is your plan? Wait until 9 months after the case was assigned to analyst? Then what?
Hi All,

My RIR labor shows CERTIFIED from DOL status tracker. I did not receive the cerification.

PD - 07/25/2003 (Filed in EB2)
State Filed - CT
45 DAY Replied - 06/14/2006

tb2904 said:
That's very interesting. It puts the credibility of this site in question - how current is their database !!!

I question the database they are using, my labor is certified, I got the letter in mail aswell, the database shows in process.
surisGC said:
Two weeks back called the (202) they told its in "FINAL REVIEW".

And now I find,

I am trying to reach my employer to confirm whether they got any mail about this?

CASE # P-05013-24XXX
PD : 07/11/2003
From : GA

Test labor site you don't want to trust on! It may have some old test database which was manipulated and corrupted by testers. When you called before a week, it was in final review and got certified within this week. Anyway congratulation :)
I tried 100 cases, too. Among them:
Closed: 31
Certified: 15
withdraw: 5
Denied: 1
Data Review: 2
case unfind: 7

Now I'm more than a little bit concerned :( . Way too many closed cases and too few certified ones. I thought I might get mine by the end of this year. Maybe it's time to re-adjust my expectations.
LaborPainMD said:
Do you know your case #? I just don't understand why some older cases got skipped! What is your plan? Wait until 9 months after the case was assigned to analyst? Then what?

LaborPain, the case is P-04280-XXXXX. I'm convinced that there is no order in which the cases are being processed and I'm losing hope that my case will ever get certified. I really don't think we'll ever know the real status of the case and it may be "in process" for another 5 years...10 years...eternity...My plan? Wait until their made-up deadline of Sept.07...and maybe leave this country if nothing happens? What's your plan?