Philadelphia Backlog Elimination Center Tracking

161 said:
mine was assigned to an analyst (date submitted 3/29/06) and case status now is Final Review, do you know how long will it take to get certified after showing Final Review?
thanks a lot!
I have no idea. Sorry. But I think your case is close to approval as they say Final Review is for the certifying officer to view the application finally before certifying the case.
I called 202 number

The lady told me she cannot give me the status. She wanted my lawyer to call them. I didn't request my lawyer to call. How people get the status calling this number? Any update on online status in DOL website? It should be available from July. Anybody know when in July? PBEC should be done sending 45 days letter by now. But I can see from the forum there are still some people waitting for 45 days letter. So PBEC lied.
my lawyer told me........

chinglun said:
lawyer did not receive official notice yet but NOF is coming .
He checked with that number ,

so i think people whose cases were skipped in the last couple months when PBEC were approving should be prepared for the worst .

What a pain ...

My lawyer told me that there is no way to check the status of any case in PBEC ( I don't believe him because I heard that you can call 202-693-3010, he just don't want to call because people from PBEC don't answer calls or don't want to give info every time). he told me also that PBEC have to clear all backlog by 09/07 what we all know; but he also told me that the easiest way for them to do that is to just approve all cases. ( I think : If they start issuing NOFs in big numbers most people will reply to those NOFs with appropriate answers and at the end they will approve high percentage of them anyway, it will be just more work for them, THIS IS WHAT I THINK). :eek:
he also told me that soon (in a few weeks or few months you will be able to check your status online).he also told me that if you write letters to congresmans or senators somebody will pull your case from Joe's pile; ad we all know that Joe is slow and lazy :mad: :eek: :mad:, and then they will reply to congressman and return your file to bottom of the pile

I am still positive optimist although my case is (PD 10/02 RIR CA EB3), this all is just a game they want us to quit or be quiet and work in fear
:cool: .
Well I hope that what I think it correct we will see.

I'm also in the same boat. My lawyer called the 202 number and was told that my case was assigned to an analyst on Feb 21, 2006. No further information was available.

My caase details

PD Jun 2001
45 Day letter Feb 2005
Replied within days

mdgc2001 said:
Mine is also the same. Assigned to an analyst. Yours is really a very old case. I hope you see an approval soon.
got 45dl today, actually it's generated on jun. 26, 2006. arrived Jul 3, then takes serveral days to redirect to company's new address. it only show case number and priority date (they use "Date of Acceptance for Processing"). Even not as many info as screen shot. Anyway the infor in screen shot seems correct for me.

Now i conculde PBEC DOES finish 45DL, since i checked on Jun 20, 2006, my screen shot was not completed and case number starting with "T".

sjl said:
Yeah, sent to H1b7yr this morning and get it back afternoon.

it changes comparing wtih 15 days ago, from T to P and more field got filled. Still "Occupation title" "Occupation code" and "Prevailing wage" missing. I guess it doesn't matter.

"Case Source" changed from "Region" to "State", which is right, i have never been to "region", they are "smart".

LaborPainMD said:
I have no idea. Sorry. But I think your case is close to approval as they say Final Review is for the certifying officer to view the application finally before certifying the case.
you just cheered me up! :)
Could you try to get a screenshot?


Could you try to get a screenshot. My screenshot turned from "RIR" to "TR", damned, I guesse my case was pushed to TR already although the lawyer did not mention any NOF when I aksed her last Friday.

chinglun said:
lawyer did not receive official notice yet but NOF is coming .
He checked with that number ,

so i think people whose cases were skipped in the last couple months when PBEC were approving should be prepared for the worst .

What a pain ...
Who can request for the screen shot ?

Hi there,
Can I, the beneficiary, apply for the screen shot by directly mailing to the e-mail id or Lawyer has to do it ? Thanks
indianpresent said:
Hi there,
Can I, the beneficiary, apply for the screen shot by directly mailing to the e-mail id or Lawyer has to do it ? Thanks

Recently I have sent 2 email requests to the PBEC for the screen shot but have not received a response. I called the PBEC today and told them that I wanted to find the status of the labor app and that I am not receiving responses to the emails. The lady told me that only the employer or the lawyer can make such requests.

So to answer your question - I think the PBEC is entertaining requests from only the employers and the lawyers.
I sent an email this Monday(07/10/2006) through my working email acount, and got a screenshot in one hour. Maybe PBEC is just working in a random mode.

labor_headache said:
Recently I have sent 2 email requests to the PBEC for the screen shot but have not received a response. I called the PBEC today and told them that I wanted to find the status of the labor app and that I am not receiving responses to the emails. The lady told me that only the employer or the lawyer can make such requests.

So to answer your question - I think the PBEC is entertaining requests from only the employers and the lawyers.
LC Approved

My LC got approved Yesterday.

EB2 -- NJ
ETA Case Number : P-05129-014XX
Date of Acceptance for processing : 01/13/2003
45 Day Letter Recd : 03/06/2006
45 Day Letter Reply : 03/10/2006
LC Approved : 07/10/2006
nohope_for_lc, ask your employer to call. Mine called a few weeks back and had no trouble getting the status on my LC. I was told "the case has been assigned to an analyst"


nohope_for_lc said:
The lady told me she cannot give me the status. She wanted my lawyer to call them. I didn't request my lawyer to call. How people get the status calling this number? Any update on online status in DOL website? It should be available from July. Anybody know when in July? PBEC should be done sending 45 days letter by now. But I can see from the forum there are still some people waitting for 45 days letter. So PBEC lied.
virag said:
My LC got approved Yesterday.

EB2 -- NJ
ETA Case Number : P-05129-014XX
Date of Acceptance for processing : 01/13/2003
45 Day Letter Recd : 03/06/2006
45 Day Letter Reply : 03/10/2006
LC Approved : 07/10/2006

Quick question(s). Is the date of approval 07/10/2006 or date you received the letter from PBEC is 07/10/2006? Also, did you receive the letter at home or your attorney/employer got it.


Can you please share with us the exact email address that you sent to and the format of your email?

fangf said:
I sent an email this Monday(07/10/2006) through my working email acount, and got a screenshot in one hour. Maybe PBEC is just working in a random mode.
virag said:
My LC got approved Yesterday.

EB2 -- NJ
ETA Case Number : P-05129-014XX
Date of Acceptance for processing : 01/13/2003
45 Day Letter Recd : 03/06/2006
45 Day Letter Reply : 03/10/2006
LC Approved : 07/10/2006

Congrats virag !!!! When you get the big white enveloppe at home can you post the approval date (my guess is June 21st :) )

Thanks a lot

Your PD and case type is close to mine. Do you know when they will start the recruitment process? Any idea how long it takes to finish recruitment process?

RC0878 said:
nohope_for_lc, ask your employer to call. Mine called a few weeks back and had no trouble getting the status on my LC. I was told "the case has been assigned to an analyst"

venkatg_gc said:
Hi am_frustrated,

You know already that I also received the same NOF.But they gave me some time to respond.I don 't know for what they gave this time? In NOF it was clearly stated "the case was already changed to TR".Did your lawyer talked to PBEC about your case? My lawyer is still waiting for their response after leaving voicemail.
Hey venkatg_gc, im aware of your case as well. But i dont recall any time being provided to me. Let me write down the exact verbage and experts here can analyze it and let me know if there is anything i need to be cautious about.

"Your request for a reduction in recruitment is denied. This request is denied because labor market information in the area of intended employment indicates that there are available US workers. Federal Regulations require an employer to make a good faith effort to recruit US resident workers before an application for alien labor certification can be approved. Pursuant to GAL 1-97 and 20 CFR 656.21(i), we are processing this application as a traditional case, under #656.20(g) and #656.21(f), #565.21(g), #656.21(j), according to the date of this letter. your will be contacted by this office with instructions pertaining to post-application recruitment.


Stephen W. Stefanko
Certifying Officer"
case closed

My RIR casewas closed, never gor any 45 days letter. The lawyer started re-opening procedure.
Do they always re-open? Guys,
any info on how long re-opening may take???? PLEASE!!!

PD Jan 2004
45 days letter neverCase closure letter June 23 2006 :(