Philadelphia Backlog Elimination Center Tracking

My ETA# is very similar to yours. I really dont know why we have not received a 45-day letter. I also dont know whether our applications being in Data Review without a 45 day letter is something bad or normal.
My details are:
PD: 12/20/2002
Case number: P-04337-0xxxx
State: CA
Category: EB2

question to Saknia

Hi Saknia,
My employer just called the number (202-693-3010) and was told my case is in Philli with analyst and will be forwarded to be certified. Do you know how long it will get certified per your experience on other people's cases?
thanks a lot!
When I called the 202 number (in the past one week), I was told on two occasions that the employee cannot request status information. However, when I called today a lady transferred my call to a guy who told me that my case is with an analyst. Hopefully my case will clear labor in another year.

MD, EB3, MS+4yrs at time of application,
RIR, PD May 2002
RD Feb 2005,
transferred to Philli Jan 2006
rir2002 said:

Great job on the tracker.
Please add my information to it. Thanks.

PD: 11-18-2002
45 DL : Not Received
ETA# P-04321-0xxxx

Check with your attorney or request a screen shot. Your 45 DL should have been sent a few months ago. ETA case numbers starting with a P have their data entry completed and a 45DL generated. MAybe your attorney has not communicated to you that he had received and replied to the letter.
No 45 day letter yet

MDwatch said:
Check with your attorney or request a screen shot. Your 45 DL should have been sent a few months ago. ETA case numbers starting with a P have their data entry completed and a 45DL generated. MAybe your attorney has not communicated to you that he had received and replied to the letter.

I do not believe that there is a direct relationship between the P on the case number and the 45 day letter.
My snapshot shows my number as P05143-xxxxx. However, I have not so far received the letter. When I called DC, an analyst pulled up my case, and confirmed that the 45 day letter has not been sent out this far.
He was not willing to share any other info.

Case no. P05143-xxxxx
EB2/NJ July 2003
NEverGreen said:
I do not believe that there is a direct relationship between the P on the case number and the 45 day letter.
My snapshot shows my number as P05143-xxxxx. However, I have not so far received the letter. When I called DC, an analyst pulled up my case, and confirmed that the 45 day letter has not been sent out this far.
He was not willing to share any other info.

Case no. P05143-xxxxx
EB2/NJ July 2003
I will agree with that-same thing happen to me- when my boss called- got same excact answer a while ago-maybe they put P for cases that already gone thru regional offices before PBEC?
nyprog-8-27 said:
Originally Posted by NEverGreen
I do not believe that there is a direct relationship between the P on the case number and the 45 day letter.
My snapshot shows my number as P05143-xxxxx. However, I have not so far received the letter. When I called DC, an analyst pulled up my case, and confirmed that the 45 day letter has not been sent out this far.
He was not willing to share any other info.

Case no. P05143-xxxxx
EB2/NJ July 2003

I will agree with that-same thing happen to me- when my boss called- got same excact answer a while ago-maybe they put P for cases that already gone thru regional offices before PBEC?

I do not think that the Regional logic is correct either. I have a P, but my case never got to Regional.

Well, we can never identify a pattern or discern a reason for the actions or non-actions of the BECs.
NEverGreen said:
I do not believe that there is a direct relationship between the P on the case number and the 45 day letter.
My snapshot shows my number as P05143-xxxxx. However, I have not so far received the letter. When I called DC, an analyst pulled up my case, and confirmed that the 45 day letter has not been sent out this far.
He was not willing to share any other info.

Case no. P05143-xxxxx
EB2/NJ July 2003

Generated and sent out are two different things. We know that the DOL do not send out the 45DL the day it is generated. There is some lag time between the generation and the letter being put in the mail. As for the correlation between the ETA number starting with a P and the 45DL, there has been numerous post confirming it. For more information, you can go through the DOL FAQ and various attorneys' FAQ.
aycy said:

Please update if you have any NOF related case approvals. Thanks.

PD June 25'02
45 day received Sept '05
Replied 45 day letter Oct'05
NOF issued on Feb 24'06
NOF rebutted March 28'06
I am also in the same situation, no news yet.....
MDwatch said:
Generated and sent out are two different things. We know that the DOL do not send out the 45DL the day it is generated. There is some lag time between the generation and the letter being put in the mail. As for the correlation between the ETA number starting with a P and the 45DL, there has been numerous post confirming it. For more information, you can go through the DOL FAQ and various attorneys' FAQ.
Well, from the agent I spoke to today, he clearly mentioned that the 45-DL has not been sent out for my application and it is in Data Review stage. I guess if it was generated but not sent out my case would have moved from Data Review stage. And my case number has had a P for the past 4 months.

So I am not sure about the logic that a P implies 45-DL generated.

My Info:
ETA Case Number: P-04337-0XXXX
Priority Date:12/20/2002
Processing Type:RIR
Case Source:Region

rc_waiting_game said:
Well, from the agent I spoke to today, he clearly mentioned that the 45-DL has not been sent out for my application and it is in Data Review stage. I guess if it was generated but not sent out my case would have moved from Data Review stage. And my case number has had a P for the past 4 months.

So I am not sure about the logic that a P implies 45-DL generated.

My Info:
ETA Case Number: P-04337-0XXXX
Priority Date:12/20/2002
Processing Type:RIR
Case Source:Region


I guess there might be an additional stage between the P and the 45DL.

P gets generated when the data entry into the system is completed.

45DL get sent out with any RFE.

So maybe in between there is Data Review to check if any RFE needs to be attached to the letter.

Again just my guess.
Labor approved - EB2 RIR VA

Got an email from lawyer. My labor is approved.

PD : Dec 20 2002
Category : EB2 - RIR (MS in CS with 5 years experience)
State : VA

Everyones should be coming soon.
Labor certified by PBEC

Yes, I received the the labor cert. today from PBEC.
Priority date: 12/30/2002
45 day letter received 03/25/2005.
State: VA

We are going to apply EB2 and the visa number is current.
I also won DV 2007, I think I amgoing to do EB2 instead of DV.

Thanks for all your help.
My attorney checked case status with DOL. He has stated that “Case is in Final Review Stage”.

How many of us here with “Final Review” status.
MDwatch said:
Generated and sent out are two different things. We know that the DOL do not send out the 45DL the day it is generated. There is some lag time between the generation and the letter being put in the mail. As for the correlation between the ETA number starting with a P and the 45DL, there has been numerous post confirming it. For more information, you can go through the DOL FAQ and various attorneys' FAQ.

Do you have an estimate of the time lag between the P and the 45 day letter.
My screenshot in 09/2005 showed a P for the case number. However, when I spoke to the analyst last week, the 45 day letter was still not sent out.

Obviously, either the previous posts are not 100% applicable to all cases, or the PBEC policies have changed in the interim.
Called 202-693-3010 and got a response...

GC_Lover said:
try 202-693-3010

Dear Fellow Sufferers...

I called the above number a left a voicemail during the lunch time. A gentle man with name Mark returned my call. He was courteous and very nice. He asked for the case number, verified the employer name and mentioned that my lawyer responded to 45D letter on 11th Jan 2005 (a correction of what I knew). He also mentioned that my case was assigned an analyst in Sept 2005 and analyst is reviewing it since per RIR guidelines... when I asked him when this will be certified, he said "they" are working to make sure that all the cases would be taken care of by Sept 2007 end and mine will be pretty sooner than this...

I just dont understand W T F%$# this Son (or Daughter or Whatever) Of Bi%$^ Freek is doing on my case for the F^*&'ing one year....

Well now even if DOL establishes a website about the case status, it can be of some great help to those who havent received or lost 45D letter and make sure that their case is still in good standing but not to those who knows that its already in good standing... I strongly feel that there will be no basis or information of certification deadline projection on this website...

I am atleast glad that my case is not messed up so far... THANK GOD...

Good luck...
- Kiran
What does this reply from PBEC mean


My attorney enquired for case status via email and got a reply as following.

Now, what does the highlighted sentence mean,

A. is it generic reply
B. Case is in Review state
C. Case has been assigned to an analyst

Any guess how long is the wait ?

Dear Requestor:

The subject case has been received by the Philadelphia Backlog Elimination Center and is currently awaiting further review by a Backlog Elimination Center analyst. Due to the large volume of LC Applications currently being processed by the Backlog Elimination Center; we are unable to provide you with an exact processing time. If you need additional information, please visit the following Internet website:

There is no need to submit multiple requests. If you have not already received one, the next notices that you will receive from this office will be a 45-Day Letter and a Selection of Continuation Option letter.

If you are requesting a 7th year extension to an H-1B visa, please send an e-mail to:
Your patience is appreciated.

EB2/RIR/GA/ 06-2003
In_GC_Race said:
Can you share first 5 digits of your BEC case number, if you know them.


Sorry, my company doesn't reveal the BEC number. Also i never sent any status check
final status

Anand_Oct2002 said:
My attorney checked case status with DOL. He has stated that “Case is in Final Review Stage”.

How many of us here with “Final Review” status.

My case has been in final status for 1 year now.

this is so depressing, half of this year has just passed by in front of our eyes and we are just in the same status as we were 3-4yrs ago...!!

any anti-depressant pills around here to pop in and hit the bed.. : (((