Philadelphia Backlog Elimination Center Tracking

GotGC?? said:
The stream of approvals from PBEC seems to have dried up....or is it happening and we seem not to get any posts?

Looks like the PBEC is busy issuing and completing the 45 days letter . We will see the approvals stream picking up much faster than before in next coming weeks
I agree

Saknia, I admire your positive spirit...
I agree with you, after mid-June we will see so many approvals, first many more 2002 then many of the 2001's. Have a good weekend but you and I know we will be checking this web site about 10 times anyways... :)

saknia said:
Looks like the PBEC is busy issuing and completing the 45 days letter . We will see the approvals stream picking up much faster than before in next coming weeks
Oct 2002 approval

In case you haven't seen this:

=============== begin original post ==============
19th May 2006, 04:36 PM
Registered User Join Date: Sep 2005
Posts: 7

Approval PBEC



Finally after 3+ long years, my labor got certified. I really thank all of you for the support.

PD: 10/25/02


============== end original post =================
saknia said:
After being Bombarded with 7th Year ext mail PBEC removed the Case Sattus field from that ince Oct 2005. So from that you cannot get the Case Status

Thanks a lot Saknia. I am just wondering if there was some way to know your status without involving lawyer/company? Calling PBEC directly probably also doesnt work.?

2 frustrated waiting


My labor details are:

State - NJ
PD - 4/2003
RD - Never made
ETA Case Number - T-05145- XXXXX

I have not received 45 letter so far. Is this something I should be worried ?
How do I verify if I case is not closed accidentally ? Can anyone please help me necessary information ?

Greately appreciate it

New Approval

A Friend Of Mine Got His Approval On 05/16/06
Priority Date Is 10/02,rir,dc

I Hope This Helps Those How Are Applying From Dc.
madhukar73 said:
Thanks a lot Saknia. I am just wondering if there was some way to know your status without involving lawyer/company? Calling PBEC directly probably also doesnt work.?


At present there is no way of knowing the Status on Labor petition unless you go through Lawyer. Labor being a Free thing and Tied to Employer you have to go through this process. Many of us always wonder whether Our Case is closed or not. If Not closed then whether it is already approved and not used/sold by our company fro someone else.

The day they close this substitution business and free this Labor thing from Employers , that is the day of Relief for all of us.

They have to introduce Point system like in Newzeland and Australia where one is allowed to obtain the same directly with out Employers. In that case the Attorney's work for you and he will have Client Realtionship with you and behave well with you.

Currently I see that most of us cannot check status because attorney is a lazy Guy ( Does not want to work for a Case for which he received Fees 4 Years Back and unless he see some more fees does not want to move his butt and check status). Of course there exceptions in this too. Firms like Rajiv spend part of their Profits in creating poratls where we share all our News and co ordinate among ourselves and he spend his time for doing Conference calls and answer basic e mail questions

Thinking all of these I feel this fight is not over when we get our GC. It starts there until all these things we go through is changed for all other coming behind us. I wish let God make one of us Nelson Mandela or Gandhi.
saknia said:
Looks like the PBEC is busy issuing and completing the 45 days letter . We will see the approvals stream picking up much faster than before in next coming weeks

I really hoped so since I've checked snr_green_card dates;
PD: 10/2002 RD: 08/2004 45DL:04/2005 EB2/RIR-PA

BTW, Congratulations to snr_green_card and to those who got certified recently!

It seems that DOL is now looking at 2004 RDs and if our speculations were true then several cases would probably be in the zone hopefully.

Mine is PD: 07/2002 RD: 06/2004 45DL:02/2005 EB2/RIR-CA

Like many of us, this forum is the only place where we could at least monitor developments ... all the best for everyone!
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Guys I hear so much complains about lawyers on this forum- well why you go with your companys' lawyers??- We can't expect any extra effort from guys that don't get paid any extra $$$ for it-thats the way it is here-Lawyers and Doctors are the lowest of the low in this country(don't mean to offend all of them-this forum and website is a perfect example that there are also people who care).
The bottom line is simple - we don't make 20-30K a year - can't imagine that any high skilled job pays less than 45k- so what is 2-3k for a whole process that takes me already over 5 years to pay for your own lawyer and have him do whatever you want and call PBEC everyday if you wish. That's the way I went-besides calls every month about status updates I get freedom of any request-no waiting time no question marks no miss communication.
And of course that doesn't guarantee a success-as I had to fire my first lawyer-what a scumback- thank god he was disbared.
Newly registered

Greetings fellow sufferer's

I recently registered to the forum and below are my details. This forum definitely helps in soothing my nerves. I guess sharing the pain lets one live through it. I would like to hear from other ppl who are in a similar situation. I know I am a late comer in the queue of labor so I will try be patient. Actually I had a labor substitution reject in 2003 so I have been in this thing for quite some time. Currently in my 7th year of the H-1B. I keep seeing a reference to a tracker so please add me to it and let me know where it is.

My labor details are:

State - VA
PD - 2/2005
RD - Don't know what this is
ETA Case Number - P-05168- XXXXX
45-day letter: Replied in Feb/2006


Hope flows eternal/Umeed par duniya khayam hai
nyprog-8-27 said:
Guys I hear so much complains about lawyers on this forum- well why you go with your companys' lawyers??- We can't expect any extra effort from guys that don't get paid any extra $$$ for it-thats the way it is here-Lawyers and Doctors are the lowest of the low in this country(don't mean to offend all of them-this forum and website is a perfect example that there are also people who care).
The bottom line is simple - we don't make 20-30K a year - can't imagine that any high skilled job pays less than 45k- so what is 2-3k for a whole process that takes me already over 5 years to pay for your own lawyer and have him do whatever you want and call PBEC everyday if you wish. That's the way I went-besides calls every month about status updates I get freedom of any request-no waiting time no question marks no miss communication.
And of course that doesn't guarantee a success-as I had to fire my first lawyer-what a scumback- thank god he was disbared.
Employment based GC process is controlled by employer. Many ( most companies ) have their own lawyer and a divison called "Human Resource (mis) management". The primary resoponsibilty of this department is to make life as miserable for their employee. This department wants to keep maximum control and employs the lawyer whose wavelength is tuned to HR personals.

In short the decison to employ lawyers is not in hands of employees. This may not be true for all the people on the board but in my experience (with small companies with less than 100 employess and large company with > 5000 employees) all employers have had this rule.

So don't generalize the process. These are beyond individual control and thus the ranting and frustration against lawyers.
Than I gues it's just another situation where corporations are screwing people and taking control of their life.
Didn't mean to hurt anybody but just feel sorry for everyone that has no or little control on what is happening with his life-like f... up PBEC wouldn't be enough.
nyprog-8-27 said:
Guys I hear so much complains about lawyers on this forum- well why you go with your companys' lawyers??- We can't expect any extra effort from guys that don't get paid any extra $$$ for it-thats the way it is here-Lawyers and Doctors are the lowest of the low in this country(don't mean to offend all of them-this forum and website is a perfect example that there are also people who care).
The bottom line is simple - we don't make 20-30K a year - can't imagine that any high skilled job pays less than 45k- so what is 2-3k for a whole process that takes me already over 5 years to pay for your own lawyer and have him do whatever you want and call PBEC everyday if you wish. That's the way I went-besides calls every month about status updates I get freedom of any request-no waiting time no question marks no miss communication.
And of course that doesn't guarantee a success-as I had to fire my first lawyer-what a scumback- thank god he was disbared.

By the latest developments in DOL you are not allowed to pay any fees associated with you labor application. In other words you are not allowed to have your own lawyer.
sbdol said:
By the latest developments in DOL you are not allowed to pay any fees associated with you labor application. In other words you are not allowed to have your own lawyer.

Makes totally no sense- it would be against constitution.

sbdol said:
By the latest developments in DOL you are not allowed to pay any fees associated with you labor application. In other words you are not allowed to have your own lawyer.

May I know where you got this information? Is this for new applications or for old once too? I pay my own lawyer, only thing is they "represent" the company in case of any conflict of intrest arises, no matter who paid the fee.
I have a quick question just thought to help my friend with some answer

one of my friend labor was approved in state and was forwarded to federal in Jan 2005 for certification, after that no response when he check with 7th year status it was showing the labor application in PBEC, now is there any way he can know when it will be clear with federal, PD is Oct, 2003.
MA non-rir 45-day Letter Recvd -- June 2003

Last week sometime my other regular NON-RIR case filed with MA state (June 2003) received 45-day letter, but I don't know the exact date as it is with HR dept.
My case never made it to federal, so it seems PBEC is doing something, but randomly as other colleague got his 45-day letter 3 months ago whose case filed with MA on July 2003 and never made it to federal.

I had filed PERM case and it got approved couple of months back, just want to update people in this forum.
Self Petition for GC

I agree that most corporate lawyers are inapproachable and the HR mismanagement is never helpful. Maybe thats why the Senate recently passed an amendment to add "Self Petiotioning" for employment based GC process. Remember this is not a law yet but just an amendment to the Comprehensive Immigration Reform bill being debated in the Senate.

" Earlier, the Senate approved an amendment that would allow immigrant workers to apply for permanent residence without the sponsorship of their employers.

The amendment, offered by Senators Edward M. Kennedy and John McCain, was intended to prevent "abuse of employees," according to Senator Kennedy. It was adopted by a vote of 56 to 43. "The self-petition gives the worker some rights and respect as an employee," Mr. Kennedy said."

To read the full NY Times article click this