Philadelphia Backlog Elimination Center Tracking

greynicolls said:
Can some one take time out to comment on this please


Tell your employer and attorney to be prepared to recieve a 45 day letter in the near future and keep any info that has to be updated to the reply...

the 45 day letters too I guess r not printed in a daily basis...I've seena post where it said the 't' changed to 'p' for more than a month and still no dont panic....if the 45 letter is issed and send an email to h1b7thryr@.... you will not get a reply from happened to me, I dint get a reply(though i wasnt sure how long they take to reply one..i got my 45 letter to the attorney)
Using Indian Media --- is good Idea for now

As everyone knows that President Bush is visiting India in March.

President Bush is definetely going to have a official Interview with the local Media about his policies. Wouldn't this be a good Idea to ask local media companies in India to ask him a question about the Indians who are having problems over in USA in regards to PBEC/INS etc... and their delay in processing Visas & GC's specifically for Indians & Chinese?

Does anyone know anyone in Indian media to get this printed in Newpapers over there? I know Hindu and DC will be glad to print this out....
1st anniversary of the 45 days letter

It is so frustrating, LC applied on March1st,2002 VA RIR received 45 days letter on feb11,05 and that is it.
khogaye said:
It is so frustrating, LC applied on March1st,2002 VA RIR received 45 days letter on feb11,05 and that is it.

Hey khogaye,

My hope is getting less and less.
I applied LC one year later, Mar.20, 2003.
Got 45 days letter one year later, Feb. 1,2006.
Began to see my future. :(

Next Tuesday, my lawyer, HR, and I will talk about PROS & CONS for applying PERM - EB2. I'm in Non-RIR -EB3. I'll update any news later. :confused:
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Khogaye, me too. Feb 02, got 45D letter Dec 04, no info now.

khogaye said:
It is so frustrating, LC applied on March1st,2002 VA RIR received 45 days letter on feb11,05 and that is it.

Khogaye, me too. Feb 02, got 45D letter Dec 04, no info now.

I am in VA, EB2, RIR. Some co-workers got LC recently with PD after June 04.

I called senator yesterday, they need examples and proof.

tanveer666 said:

I do respect you but trust me this is all bullshit nonsene and garbage stuff which we had been hearing for a long time

With all due respect... the same may be true with the info ur reliable source is giving u. Isnt it more authentic although not necessarily the truth to hear from the horses mouth ....
No Hope


There some people in this threads who are very very hopeful and they dont want to accept the ground reality . they want to deny the facts . they want to live in a foolseparadise. they are deceiving themself

Come on friends come on please if you are not honest with yourself only you guys will suffer

Send letters to the relevants authorities

Meet the congressman and senators

Stage a protest in fornt of PBEC.

Write letters to media
help the labordrags for law suit

Guys plaese do whaever you can please awake up .. todays news is they are just focussing on 45 days letetr till june2002

untill we are not active we will be in this hell for life
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potomac said:
Khogaye, me too. Feb 02, got 45D letter Dec 04, no info now.

I am in VA, EB2, RIR. Some co-workers got LC recently with PD after June 04.

I called senator yesterday, they need examples and proof.

Now PBEC will have to Fish out and play around with piles of 45 replied letters...

Watch out guys calling up Senators...unless your whole case is fool-proof dont finger up with them, as the case will be under more scrutiny checking for more paperwork...I have a feeling they might handle the case with some 'vengeance'..

I posted yesterday about my friend approaching the congressman about his case stuckat the BEC...: the attorney asked yesterday for all his past expereince and ed.certificates...r these required at this point of LC...? I am not sure..anyone who knows please post a response about this..
cantstandit said:
guys, at least the mail room is working:

my case involved changing employer name, address, etc ... the lawyers sent the documents proving the new employer is a successor of the old one, along with the 45 day reply.

After just 10 days, I checked the screenshot and the info has changed, so at least we know there are people working in the mail room and updating the cases.
My case is same as you , Can you tell me what document you provided to provenew employer is successor. My company is not totally purchase only our division is purchase and old company is still there.
Agree with you. I for one, am very sick of some peple just use this board simply as an outlet to ventilate their frustration. OK, we got it, you don't think there is light at the end of tunnel. We all get it. But do you have any new solution/suggestion that people here are not aware of yet? If not, can you just move on with your life now?

I personally have put some people in my ignore list already. I'm not blind to reality. But those comments are so annoying and most importantly, they are just not helping me deal with the real problem in any ways. The reality is harsh, so be it. Deal with it. Stop whining and start to grow up. By repeating your frustration over and over again will never get you anywhere.

ln1976 said:
With all due respect... the same may be true with the info ur reliable source is giving u. Isnt it more authentic although not necessarily the truth to hear from the horses mouth ....
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tanveer666 said:

There some people in this threads who are very very hope and they dont want to accep the ground reality . they want to deny the facts . they want to live in a foolseparadise. they are deceiving themself

Come on friends come on please if you are not honest with yourself only you guys will suffer

Send letters to the relevants authorities

Meet the congressman and senators

Stage a protest in fornt of PBEC.

Write letters to media

Guys plaese do whaever you can please awake up .. todays news is they are just focussing on 45 days letetr till june2002

untill we are not active we will be in this hell for life

i think we all are living in fools paradise. What are facts??? Could u be 100% sure that whatever u said is a fact.

The ground reality is we all are at mercy of the PBEC system and no matter what u do will not make a difference .. nada .. zilch. Having said that i am in no way critizing the effort u and others are doing. We all are entitled to our opinions. Just because some of us raised some misgivings with the info provided does not make us any less anxious or more foolish than we already are. Everyone in this forum are well educated and know the ground realities and facts and can make judgements accordingly.
StressTestInUSA said:
Now PBEC will have to Fish out and play around with piles of 45 replied letters...

Watch out guys calling up Senators...unless your whole case is fool-proof dont finger up with them, as the case will be under more scrutiny checking for more paperwork...I have a feeling they might handle the case with some 'vengeance'..

I posted yesterday about my friend approaching the congressman about his case stuckat the BEC...: the attorney asked yesterday for all his past expereince and ed.certificates...r these required at this point of LC...? I am not sure..anyone who knows please post a response about this..

A few weeks back I raised a similar point and the legal consul I got about the issue of Experience and Educational Certificates is that "It is not needed at LC stage"
At the same time I remember reading one of the items 750 A that the support documenation shoudl be submitted.

So even after spending a 100 bucks I am no better off. As I said earlier it can trigger an RFE and time to reply would be very short. So be prepared with all documents.
lavendersummer said:
Agree with you. I for one, am very sick of some peple just use this board simply as an outlet to ventilate their frustration. OK, we got it, you don't think there is light at the end of tunnel. We all get it. But do you have any new solution/suggestion that people here are not aware of yet? If not, can you just move on with your life now?

I personally have put some people in my ignore list already. I'm not blind to reality. But those comments are so annoying and most importantly, they are just not helping me deal with the real problem in any ways. The reality is harsh, so be it. Deal with it. Stop whining and start to grow up. By repeating your frustration over and over again will never get you anywhere.
Totally agree with you. I am not getting any better feeling by looking at the annoying posts that there is no light at the end of the tunnel.

Imagine the situation that we were when the retrogression thing came into picture last year and compare the situation we are in right now w.r.t retrogression. There is some movement somewhere and hopefully, that movement will travel to PBEC and push all of us out sometime soon. Eventhough, this 'sometime soon' is a year or so away, I feel relieved that it's some time soon rather than getting depressed and vent it out.

Good Luck All...
I totally agree with you....instead of PBEC forum...this is becoming some psycho forum...

lavendersummer said:
Agree with you. I for one, am very sick of some peple just use this board simply as an outlet to ventilate their frustration. OK, we got it, you don't think there is light at the end of tunnel. We all get it. But do you have any new solution/suggestion that people here are not aware of yet? If not, can you just move on with your life now?

I personally have put some people in my ignore list already. I'm not blind to reality. But those comments are so annoying and most importantly, they are just not helping me deal with the real problem in any ways. The reality is harsh, so be it. Deal with it. Stop whining and start to grow up. By repeating your frustration over and over again will never get you anywhere.
bigbang2001 said:

A few weeks back I raised a similar point and the legal consul I got about the issue of Experience and Educational Certificates is that "It is not needed at LC stage"
At the same time I remember reading one of the items 750 A that the support documenation shoudl be submitted.

So even after spending a 100 bucks I am no better off. As I said earlier it can trigger an RFE and time to reply would be very short. So be prepared with all documents.
gawd ...
after all this stupid wait..we r not ready for an RFE for these papers man..!!

makes me wonder how r they doing in PERM which is all online and no documnets attached..or r they...?? have no idea about this...?

will update as to what happens with the my friends case who approached the senator..right now it is nail-biting situation..!!
sbdol said:
Very nice cantstandit. Thanks for the very useful efforts.
If it happens that your friend manages to speak to the person again the first question would be: How come Dallas managed to process 3 times more cases than Philadelphia. I see that official was laughing a lot. Why not? I guess they laugh at each letter we send them.

On the second thought...

Yeah, That's why we see 2001 RiR cases in the queue while June 2002 cases are being approved.
He is plainly lying. Not worthy spending a long distance phone fee .

SB, I think it's kinda clear why Dallas has approved more than Philly. They do NOT follow the same procedures, so I believe Dallas decided on its own to quickly approve all regional cases. For whatever reason Philly received tons of SWA cases and decided to prioritize data entry.

I'm no trying to defend the BEC's. My take is, in our minds, we think both BEC's should be following exactly the same procedure, but it's clearly not the case.

As for the "laughs", I definitely wanna point out that the person was NOT laughing at us, absolutely. The 'laugh' means he was admitting, even though he wouldnt say it literally, that some of the facts we're seeing are true, and in fact, they're not fair, but that's the way it is.

My friend's take on the person was that the person was genuinely helpful, and was pretty much on top of the facts ...

I'm definitely gonna email the person with follow-up questions, I'll post updates here.
tanveer666 said:

There some people in this threads who are very very hopeful and they dont want to accept the ground reality . they want to deny the facts . they want to live in a foolseparadise. they are deceiving themself

Come on friends come on please if you are not honest with yourself only you guys will suffer

Send letters to the relevants authorities

Meet the congressman and senators

Stage a protest in fornt of PBEC.

Write letters to media
help the labordrags for law suit

Guys plaese do whaever you can please awake up .. todays news is they are just focussing on 45 days letetr till june2002

untill we are not active we will be in this hell for life


All of us r frutrated dont get the point

1.We dont belong to this country in the 1st place..
2.Getting a GC is only a privilege and not a right..
3.We need to fight against a Govt organziation which is a big monster in itself
4. DOL in particular clearing up LC's is not on top-top priority...

this is reality wether one likes it or no....

In the initial years I know people got their LC even in 15 days and worst scenario 3 months... In the flood of LC's applied in the unfortunate time-zone during 2001 end onward we r the scapegoats..DOL was not prepared fot this flood...

Like I said earlier meeting Senators/congressman : they will ask you your personal details..if your r ready with that option, go ahead and meet them and give your details....It will be thoroughly scrutinized as much as I know

Protesting in front of PBEC..??!! this is not our country backhome...!! they will say 'wait for your turn or packback' in simple words.. after all these years of wait, tell me, r u ready for that..? or refile in PERM and get cleared in 4 months...

In all ways we r cornered, so please dont post these kind of posts one will even 'want' to read them...
StressTestInUSA said:

Thanks for your effort and mostly your friend's effort..who took the pain to understand all this messy process of GC and how we are screwed...

If you ever get a chance again for this kind of 'talk' to happen..please ask him we an 'online case status check' for our know in how much deep waters we stand...!!

On the other hand the letter you drafted I think it is a good idea to ask for a 'online case status' for our application..(which they may come back with a 'no..we need to have a s/w linked to the database etc,no funds,no time '...) something similar to the USCIS application status....

This is a very valid point we r asking to keep things transparent to us...!!

I totally agree, the online status check is a must.

When I was discussing this with my friend, he told me he once worked for a company who contracted with the goverment. He tells me this is NOT the way the goverment works.

Every time a gov agency wants to implement something new, there must be a budget to fund that, then they contract someone to do it. Plus, most of the time, the initiative has to come from above, Congress, etc. It has to be on the yearly plan/budget, etc, etc.

In that example, I asked him, "why won't the DOL just ask the IT guy to post the info on the web, it's so simple !!", he goes, "there's NO IT guy sitting around. If they wanna post something on the web, they need to ask the contractor who maintains the website to do it, and the contractor will charge for it, therefore, there must be funding for it".

The thing is, we're soooo used to working here, where productivity is king and we have to do everything and quickly, but the goverment is a totally different animal, they don't follow the same concepts as the rest of the businesses.

Anybody working in goverment contracting, please share your opinion, I'm by no means expert on this.
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potomac said:
Khogaye, me too. Feb 02, got 45D letter Dec 04, no info now.

I am in VA, EB2, RIR. Some co-workers got LC recently with PD after June 04.

I called senator yesterday, they need examples and proof.

Hey Potomac,

It seems that things are more messed up with them who received 45 days letter an year before. No idea what to do and on the other hand perm LCs are geeting approved so fast. Please let me know if you guys find any ulternate or way to contact PBEC.