Philadelphia Backlog Elimination Center Tracking

Well Come Back Skina And Street Test In U S A

Where were both of you

in our absence the whole resonsibility were on my shoulders

Skina very educated comments that its not worth it for 2002 guys to go for perm

both of u should stey tune here
Since the topic has comeup for reconverting to PERM with old PDs..or filing new LC thru PERM

2002 Dec 6th :RIR/NJ/EB3 case :just replied 45 letter

waiitng period ...after all these years of wait another 6 months is little pain for me..... like all, dont know when the evenful event of LC certification will happen..!!

2003 Oct 28th : RIR/NY/EB2 case : no news at all

not working a this company, but pining hopes cos it is EB2 case..since not working with them, I cant even ask to them to refile in PERm...while I was working the attorney took all our signatures..but backed off then, he dint want to risk losing all (about 15 guys) PD's...

Filing new LC thru PERM thru new company....: lost the patience and $$ and thinking of the new PD in 2006 is not juicy news for me..

SO..let's all start off the letter campainn....If we do this NOW...we may see some changes atleast in the next 2-3 months...
PERM Conversion

tanveer666 said:
Where were both of you

in our absence the whole resonsibility were on my shoulders

Skina very educated comments that its not worth it for 2002 guys to go for perm

both of u should stey tune here


The way I see it is conversion to PERM is definitely not worth it since it is too risky and we do not have any successful predecessor examples. However, if it is a new application and if the candidate is EB-2 and from the rest of the world then why would it be not worth it?

Is there anything I am missing in this picture?
mvinays said:
Your lawyer is right. Read the following article for clarification.

Thanks mVinays for pretty good resourceful link. I'm contemplating on this for quite some time.
Okay my understanding of this issue is that an alien can lock in his/her PD only if I-140 stage of the petition is approved. Hence for that folk to make use of his/her NY PD, NY labor needs to approved and a I-140 petition based on that NY labor needs to be approved. In his case the employer/petitioner being the same INS might allow him to skip filing I-140 for NY approved labor if I-140 was approved for the new PERM application. In concluding this for him to make use of NY Pd these should have completed for filing his/her I 485 application-

PERM approved and I-140 based on this was approved,
NY labor approved.

After this he can file I 485 based on NY labor's PD.

Hope I made no ambiguous comments.

Pl Note that I'm not expert in legal matters but this is an attempt to understand legal immigration issues and apply it towards to our case, pretty much like understanding tech/protocol specifications and applying toward inter operable product development.
Mailed the letter...

cantstandit said:
alright guys, I'm sick and tired of waiting, let's do SOMETHING:


- please read the attached doc, let's each write a personal letter to the head of the Labor Certification Program.

- on MONDAY (or earlier, if you want), you send it out, and post a msg here.

FOR EACH LETTER, I'll donate 2 dollars for charity.

please join the effort, I wanna see HOW MANY LETTERS we can generate :)

ARE YOU IN ... or OUT ?


I mailed the letter to Director of Foreign Labor Certification... Thanks for starting the campaign.
cantstandit said:
alright guys, I'm sick and tired of waiting, let's do SOMETHING:


- please read the attached doc, let's each write a personal letter to the head of the Labor Certification Program.

- on MONDAY (or earlier, if you want), you send it out, and post a msg here.

FOR EACH LETTER, I'll donate 2 dollars for charity.

please join the effort, I wanna see HOW MANY LETTERS we can generate :)

ARE YOU IN ... or OUT ?


Great initiative. From Immigration Voice we can help you in this process too. We can setup a Web Fax to send this letter to the authorities / lawmakers. Once we setup the web fax, it takes only 2 mins for a user to send them out to multiple people and it will be free of cost to them. A number of users have used the web fax and have got replies from their lawmakers. If you would like to explore this further, email me at
thanks cantstandit...for thinking of something different...

Really..we 'cant stand it' anymore...All of us have come to a more than saturation point with this shit...

guys..please whoever mailed in a letter..please post it and give dome motivation to others instead of just venting here...

If the mail attack is in a good number..then atleast we may see some changes in the next 1-2 months...otherwise just waiting for something to fly out of the 'pandora's box'...
New Data released by White House

Source: White House website

Program Code: 10002380
Program Title: Permanent Labor Certification Program
Department Name: Department of Labor
Agency/Bureau Name: Employment and Training Administration
Program Type(s): Direct Federal Program
Assessment Year: 2004
Assessment Rating: Adequate
Assessment Action Scores
Section: Program Purpose & Design
Score: 80%
Section: Strategic Planning
Score: 75%
Section: Program Management
Score: 100%
Section: Program Results/Accountability
Score: 42%

Program Funding Level (in millions)
FY2005 $37
FY2006 $38
FY2007 $40


Program Performance Measures

Measure: Percentage of backlogged applications for the Permanent Labor Certification program that are resolved each year (measured against backlog remaining each year).

Explanation:The goal of eliminating the backlog by the end of FY 2006 is a result of an external evaluation conducted in 2002. Lengthy processing times are a major concern for program stakeholders. Though the goal is ambitious, there is a disconnect with the published targets, which cover only the state-level backlog of 270,000 cases (not the additional cases pending at the federal level) and would not accomplish the goal within two years.

Year Target Actual
2004 N/A N/A
2005 20% 15%
2006 100%

Measure: Percentage of employer applications for labor certification under the streamlined system that are resolved within six months of filing. (Measure to be reframed.)

Year Target Actual
2004 N/A N/A
2005 Baseline 57%
2006 2% over baseline
2007 2% over baseline

Last Updated: 01 13 2006
Now each of us is free to take this information and process it as one please. My take on it ?!? a new PERM app has good chances to be processed in under 6 months :D That might be the way out of here !!! :confused:
45 Day Letter

I have been coming to the site frequently didn't have much of input since nothing was happening for finally I have some input which might give hope to all of us waiting....
now I know my case was not thrown in the bin :D
i got my 45 day letter....viewing the thread I dont see any NON RIR approvals
so I guess the wait will be long for the LC APPROVAL
PERM Conversion - H1B Extension Question.

Hi Guys,

I have been a silent observer of this forum and greatly appreciate all the information and insight you guys share. My apologies in advance if this is not the right place to post this question but I could not think of a better place.

I have around 10-11 months (till Jan 2007) left before 6 years are completed on my H1B. I have a labor petition applied by my current employer (Employer–A) stuck in PBEC since 1.5 years now. I was thinking of applying for one more labor petition in PERM thru a different employer (Employer-B).

Now, the question I wanted to ask is ...

- Can I extend my H1 after the 6 year period in Jan 2007 if my labor
gets approved in PERM (thru Employer-B) by then ?

I know that its a requirement that your labor petition needs to be pending at least for an year to get the H1B extension but does this hold even after the labor is approved.

I really appreciate any help and comments from you guys.

2 conditions for 7th or year there after exyensions.

LC applied for over 1 year
140 approved!! (Now if this happens with second employer then yes)
Sending Letter tomorrow

My letter to Emily and Senator is ready and I will mail it tomorrow. I am writing for stopping PERM as it is unjust. Please mention this point if you can
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waht does that mean man..too dizzy to read all that..

r we all alive or dead and wait for this damn LC until 2008..!!

does those funding mean for Backlog centeres or PERM centers and have forgottena bout the BECs..

please someone post in simple words what does it mean...!!
dvp1961 said:

I mailed the letter to Director of Foreign Labor Certification... Thanks for starting the campaign.

that's GREAT, DVP ! you're the first one here, beating even me.

that's 2 dollars for charity already (it may be, I'll think about it).

PLEASE JOIN THE EFFORT, we got nothing to lose other than 20 minutes of our time.

If you're concerned with your name on the letter, just put your initials or only the first name.

If you're a casual reader, PLEASE join, it's simple and it can change your life. Read the attached doc, send the letter and post here, I'll be tallying the results.

tanveer666 said:
I just came to know from reliable sources that law suit is the only solution

If you are not bound by some tough security barriers, please let us know the type of the source. Otherwise what will happen, although you are honest, it would be easy for people to swipe at you. Please keep reminding the thread that BEC is the problem and PERM is unjust. Even it sounds like a broken record.
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StressTestInUSA said:

waht does that mean man..too dizzy to read all that..

r we all alive or dead and wait for this damn LC until 2008..!!

does those funding mean for Backlog centeres or PERM centers and have forgottena bout the BECs..

please someone post in simple words what does it mean...!!

It is very hard to read the truth, but my belief is that put the BECs in back burner and showcase PERM. We need to hit at this as hard as we can. PLease mention to the authorities the unjust nature of PERM in any opportunity you get.
What you mean the reliable sources. I wish it wasn't from Stefan Stefanko.

tanveer666 said:
I just came to know from reliable sources that law suit is the only solution