Philadelphia Backlog Elimination Center Tracking

Choclito said:
I got my LC aproved on Agust 2005 you can see allmy information in the tracker. And if you can check all the posts you will see all my aports to BEC.

There are only a few of this forum that dont want to know about retrograssion and you have to understand that if the reconsilation budget law is aprove with the immigration changes, will benefit all of us, not only the ones that have right now the LC certified.

I send this infomation about retrogression to all the people like us with LC pending or aproved not only inthis forum, because all of us together can get things done. The next stage when you get your LC certified will be filling the I-485 and I-140 and the only way to do it soon is if we do something about retrogession, if this law is not aproved than the only thing to do is wait, and wait.

You dont have to answer any retrogression information but if you can help, is in benifit of all of us not only me.

As I said, we need support from techworkers group to fight against BEC delays. If you can help us getting techworkers group take up PBEC issue, it will be a great help to us.

I will pray to see your LC Certified soon. I will support any effort you do to make BEC work better.
No hard feelings :)
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When can I get response from h1b7yr@phyli ?

I sent an email to check my LC status at the bCklog center. Two days have passed and there were no response. Typically how long do I need to wait to get a response from them? Or, will they ever respons at all?
TV channels

There was an effort started to Air the BEC and DOL situtation and how people suffering at their hands. Which stage the effort is in?
try our best

Choclito said:
I will pray to see your LC Certified soon. I will support any effort you do to make BEC work better.
No hard feelings :)

Do whatever you can? If you want to support, SUPPORT! If you want to help on BEC issue then focus about BEC! Everybody are in the same boat no matter what stage of LC, BEC, Retro, GC, etc. We are fighting for the same SYSTEM. Help if you WANT TO. SUPPORT if you want to. Do whatever you think is the best? Remember! at the end you are fighting for yourself. If you see we will face the same problem in the future, it doesn't hurt to prepare yourself into that position. On the other hand, if you know how many are suffering at BEC stage, will you help them. So do your best. Don't lose focus.
Some thoughts - Need help for answer on H1 extension

As some guy said before, please consult your atorney to understand possibilities. This forum just captures thoughts and should not be considered legal advice.

Having said that, I have heard that after 6 years, it is possible to apply for transfer and extension through another employer in 1 year increments as long as your LC is pending with the PBEC and as long as you are in status when you apply for a transfer.

Make sure you have proof that your LC is pending (45 day letter, state labor receipt,...), your receipt with EAC for your 7th year extension and find a new job as quickly as you can.

There might be more documentation required, please consult with an atorney for details. The good news is it is possible.

Good luck.

bigbang2001 said:
Sorry for posting this here. I did post this yesterday in H1 extension thread but needed a wider audience.

I am nearing the end of my 6th year H1B. My LC was filed in 2002 and it reached the blackhole PBEC.

I am likely to be laid off soon.

My company has already applied for H1 B 7 th year extension.

My question is if I manage to find another job, can my H1 be transferred to another company who did not file my LC ?

Also can I get 8th year extnsion in the new company ?

Please help me reach these answers. These will help me decide to either stay here in U.S or head back home.

Thanks in advance.
No profanity in this forum

I understand your frustration, but what's up with the attitude. Please refrain from using f word. Sanitize your language and get a life. Afterall we are all civilized people.

jack_xie said:
There is no way to find out for those fu*king staffs working at PBEC. They are just ramdomly doing whatever they like, such as playing gay work, poker game, etc. Don't worry. You will get your 45-day letter someday. Wish the day is not after you retire. :p

State: MD
Type: RIR EB-2
File: 2002/11
45-day letter: never received.
Thanks speedofsoun, stresstestinusa, aycy

I appreciate your inputs and advice at a very stressful time.

I will get the lawyer's advice and post that information in H1 B extension thread.

Aplogies to others for diverting from main topic of discussion.

to all

Guys I do believe that writing to politicians, informing
the media and organizing campaigns is in our situation
the best thing to do. However, shouldn't we start a
new threat for it?
Tried writing to politicians

MDwaiter24 said:
Guys I do believe that writing to politicians, informing
the media and organizing campaigns is in our situation
the best thing to do. However, shouldn't we start a
new threat for it?

I have tried writing to politicians before. As matter of fact, I faxed to US Rep Scott Garret, Senator Jon Corzine (Newly elected gov of NJ), Senator Frank Lautenberg and Senator Arlen Specter.

All of their staffs cannot do much except conducting congressionary inquiries on my application. Most of them got back to me with PBEC standard response letters. They do not know when PBEC will process my file. The elected officials would not personally approach PBEC to get the matter solved. Instead, the constituent service person enquire on my behalf. Furthermore, they only get a summary of report at the end of the month from their staffs. Not sure how effective it is to fight our cause can this be. I suppose we keep approaching them until they personally get involved.

NJ RIR June 2002
45 day letter received Sept 12'05
45 responded Oct 17'05

P/s. Wrote to newspapers and TV news programs as well.
in state tuition

dvp1961 said:
Whereis_my_gc, Choclito and others...

Guys, I am frustrated with this PBEC mess. I am in the H1-B 7th year extension. My son will be in the college next year and he is not going to be eligible for in-state tuition. H1 and H1-dependents are not state residents as per the state law. But, for state income tax, H1-holder is state resident.

You can imagine, what stress I must be going through to pay for his college tuition and other expenses.The frustration is the evil that let one think that others are selfish.

No hard feeling...

I do not know which state you are in but I do get in state tuition for my son. Of course I still have to pay up front with no chance of student assistance but at least I get the rate the children he went to school with. We had to show he had attended high school in our state for at least three years and had graduated or got a GED from the state also. You should contact the admissions department directly. I would be happy to share my information with you. Just post here and I will reply.

I have the added situation of my son aging out in six weeks with no sign of labor cert. It is my third anniversary on Tuesday. We are having to convert my son to a student visa. The college he attends has made him an exception with an F1 and are going to honor the in state tuition rate for me. I hope you are as lucky with the college your child chooses to attend. This may be the thing that directs your choice of educational establishment, at least for the time being.

Good luck.
In-state tuition

lynne said:
I do not know which state you are in but I do get in state tuition for my son. Of course I still have to pay up front with no chance of student assistance but at least I get the rate the children he went to school with. We had to show he had attended high school in our state for at least three years and had graduated or got a GED from the state also. You should contact the admissions department directly. I would be happy to share my information with you. Just post here and I will reply.

I have the added situation of my son aging out in six weeks with no sign of labor cert. It is my third anniversary on Tuesday. We are having to convert my son to a student visa. The college he attends has made him an exception with an F1 and are going to honor the in state tuition rate for me. I hope you are as lucky with the college your child chooses to attend. This may be the thing that directs your choice of educational establishment, at least for the time being.

Good luck.

I know every state has different rules. I am in NJ. State schools in NJ do not consider most of the non-immigrant visa holders eligible for in-state tuition. I know that NY and CA do consider H1-dependents eligible for in-state tuition rates.

I contacted admissions office of State University and I got reply that as per the state law, H-visa holders are not eligible for in-state tuitions.

I appreciate your input.
Please support Sections 8001 and 8002 of S. 1932 in the conference process.

click above link and send the below letter to your local house member

Dear Member of Congress,

Ø As we begin Fiscal Year 2006, America’s long-term economic health must be at the forefront of our nation’s legislative agenda. I am writing to alert you to several issues that we believe pose a significant threat to U.S. competitiveness and economic security. Leading business and scientific organizations recently warned that the United States is in danger of losing its innovative edge. Lagging student interest in math, science and engineering, coupled with a pattern of reduced government investment in basic research in the physical sciences are troubling indicators for the future. These disturbing trends must be reversed.

Ø As we continue efforts to grow our pipeline of American scientists and engineers, we need to enable U.S. companies recruiting at U.S. universities to have access to all the graduates – including foreign students. For example, in electrical engineering, 56 percent of master’s and 66 percent of the PhD graduates of U.S. programs in 2004 were foreign students. We should open the doors wide to these talented individuals. Unfortunately, current U.S. Government policies are going in the exact opposite direction. If U.S. businesses are not able to hire or retain these employees, our overseas competitors will.

Ø The green card process also needs reform to enable employers to hire and retain the best qualified individuals in sufficient numbers. We believe that those individuals with the education, experience, knowledge and skills critical to U.S. competitiveness in the 21 st Century should be granted priority permanent resident status. Such reforms would significantly assist U.S. employers in retaining that talent, as well as alleviate the overwhelming demand for H-1B visas. USCIS’ efforts to reduce application backlogs have created another problem – unavailability of permanent visas, frequently called “green cards.” As of October 1, 2005, the State Department has set the clock backward – adding years to the wait for a green card for thousands of foreign professionals from countries such as India, China and the Philippines. The impact of the new restrictions will make it nearly impossible for these highly educated and skilled workers to gain permanent residence in the United States in the foreseeable future. Moreover, the recent unavailability of visas will force thousands of professionals to put their lives on hold, with the inability to change jobs, locations or employers.

Ø To make matters worse, many of these professionals – including researchers, scientists, teachers and engineers – will see their wait for permanent residency drag on for many more years. Our system of backlogs, delays and unpredictability is discouraging and unwelcoming, forcing many valued employees to seek employment in other nations. This is not only disruptive to U.S. employers and our economy, but exceedingly unfair to hard-working, valued members of the American workforce. Access to this talent keeps innovation and jobs in the United States. Tapping America’s Potential and the National Association of Manufacturers’ 2005 Labor Day Report are available at and

Ø The U.S. Senate passed S. 1932 which includes Section 8001 and Section 8002 to resolve the foregoing problems which this nation faces. The House bill, H.R. 4241, failed to include these important parts of the budget reconciliation legislation. Please support Sections 8001 and 8002 of S. 1932 in the conference process.

Thank you.
Sincerely your name,
Tel no
VA too

dvp1961 said:
I know every state has different rules. I am in NJ. State schools in NJ do not consider most of the non-immigrant visa holders eligible for in-state tuition. I know that NY and CA do consider H1-dependents eligible for in-state tuition rates.

I contacted admissions office of State University and I got reply that as per the state law, H-visa holders are not eligible for in-state tuitions.

I appreciate your input.

VA too lets you pay tuition as an in-state/resident if you have filed taxes only from VA for the last two years or if you can show sufficient ties to the state. eg. buy property here etc.
Good luck.
Florida lets you pay as in-state tution fee if you have resided here for few years and eligible to get bright future scholorship (my son getting 100%) and ofcourse you must have completed High school in Florida for h4 dependent visa. Thank goodness....if i had been Georgia it is far different...
Each state has their own rules... :eek:

nimraj said:
VA too lets you pay tuition as an in-state/resident if you have filed taxes only from VA for the last two years or if you can show sufficient ties to the state. eg. buy property here etc.
Good luck.

Some_GreenCard said:
Florida lets you pay as in-state tution fee if you have resided here for few years and eligible to get bright future scholorship (my son getting 100%) and ofcourse you must have completed High school in Florida for h4 dependent visa. Thank goodness....if i had been Georgia it is far different...
Each state has their own rules... :eek:

That's not true for Georgia. It depends. You have to show ties to Georgia etc, with property and have lived there for 12 mos. My husband pay in-state tuition at a reputable University in Georgia
Come on guys, let's focus on PBEC issue here.

spicegirl said:
That's not true for Georgia. It depends. You have to show ties to Georgia etc, with property and have lived there for 12 mos. My husband pay in-state tuition at a reputable University in Georgia
Please help!!!

I send an email to hib7yr to check status last Thursday, but have not heard any response. Could anyone let me know when they will send back the response? I am waiting very frustratedly! Thanks a lot!
I am not sure if this helps :

H1 dependent (H4 in my wife's case) .. is eligible for in-state tuition
in wife is doing MBA from a State college.

dvp1961 said:
Whereis_my_gc, Choclito and others...

Guys, I am frustrated with this PBEC mess. I am in the H1-B 7th year extension. My son will be in the college next year and he is not going to be eligible for in-state tuition. H1 and H1-dependents are not state residents as per the state law. But, for state income tax, H1-holder is state resident.

You can imagine, what stress I must be going through to pay for his college tuition and other expenses.The frustration is the evil that let one think that others are selfish.

No hard feeling...
Stop Discussion on In-Tution

Sorry for being rude here, but sincerely STOP DISCUSSING ANY TOPICS OTHER THAN PBEC OR RELATED.

Hope you understand as we want to concentrate and find solution of one problem. I believe your discussion is valid and needs a forum but you should create separate forum for this.

dvp1961 said:
I know every state has different rules. I am in NJ. State schools in NJ do not consider most of the non-immigrant visa holders eligible for in-state tuition. I know that NY and CA do consider H1-dependents eligible for in-state tuition rates.

I contacted admissions office of State University and I got reply that as per the state law, H-visa holders are not eligible for in-state tuitions.

I appreciate your input.