Philadelphia Backlog Elimination Center Tracking

Totally support USCISisMockery

If you like, start a new thread to discuss whatever you like. Here is only for PBEC-related issues.

eefrog said:
I am stuck with philly BEC as well, along with alot of U guys but I agree with where_is_my_gc. We should'nt expect anyone in congress to start investigating just because our labor certification is stuck there.
Congress is not even acting to change the law to provide retrogression relief and I dont think that this happened due to the efforts of ppl at techworker group or isnamerica group.
All of these provisions are direct result of an attempt to reduce deficit. No one is concerned about backlogs, retrogression, legal immigration or anything related to that.
We should put our efforts for what we are getting, otherwise I am afraid, we wont get anywhere at all. Grab what you are being offered and then find a way to move ahead.
Hopefully we can drop this once and for all.
Please support the efforts to support S.1932 to provide retrogression relief

If you cant convince your fellow members in this forum to spend two minutes of their time and help you out in the PBEC yahoo group, good luck getting attention of DOL and PBEC authorities.
jack_xie said:
If you like, start a new thread to discuss whatever you like. Here is only for PBEC-related issues.

Hey, chill man!

This issue was brought up time and again in this thread by you people and complaining that we outta support backlog thing instead of retrogression. I value and support USCISMockery and you guys opinions and we are doing things to push PBEC move faster. I have ersonally written letters and contacted people in my area. But at the same time I don't see any wrong in supporting retrogression relief!

You need to keep in mind that we ALL are in ONE QUEUE. So, wherever rules are relaxed in this long queue, everyone is going to benefit. Whether its at labr, 140, simult filing, ead till GC.

And, we do not have to start a separate thread for this - There is already one Forum dedicated to Priority date retrogression (started by Rajiv). People can contribute there.

please use discretion

All of us await our GCs. There is no way we can prevent discussion on related topics. I suggest we stick to a principle of ignoring posts that you don't want to read. All of us do not have to try and moderate this forum.

BTW hypothetically if tomorrow a rule gets passed that suspends visa issuance for 5 years would we want to continue monitoring PBEC in this thread? no, right?

jack_xie said:
If you like, start a new thread to discuss whatever you like. Here is only for PBEC-related issues.
Passage of H.R. 4241 - What Does It Mean to Me?

Apparently there are some people in the immigrant community who misunderstand that the immigrant visa and H-1B recaptures or spouse/children special provisions may take effect soon. Passage of H.R. 4241 does not mean that the immigration bills have also passed the House. The H.R. 4241, unlike the Senate S.1932, did not include the immigration bills. Then why did the immigrant community monitor the passage of this bill? Both S. 1932 of the Senate and H.R. 4241 are two different versions of the same legislation named Omnibus Deficit Reduction Act ( also called Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act) and unless the House bill, H.R. 4241, passes, the process of conference to compromise between the House bill and the Senate bill will not be commenced. Since the House bill did not include the immigration packet, while the Senate bill included immigration packet, the immigrant community wanted to see that the conference process would start as early as possible so that they will know whether the Congress will eventually accept the S. 1932 immigration packet and legislate it into a law.
In this regard, the passage of H.R. 4241 is not the end but the beginning of the process to get the Senate S.1932 immigration recapture bill be passed as part of the final version of the Ominibus Deficit Reduction Act. The Congress will go into the Thanksgiving holiday recess from next week and no voting sessions will start until next month. Due to another big holidays ahead, Christritmas and New Year, the Congress will have a very limited time to wrap up the legislative activities of the First Session of the 109th Congress. Report indicates that the conference process is likely to start next month when the Congress returns to the Hill. Since this is the beginning of the process to get the immigration bills accepted by the both Houses, the business, academic, and immigrant communities should expand their efforts for the next one week or so in order to assure that the current immigration clog be relieved as soon as possible.
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whats wrong with PBEC?

I am coming back after a long time...guys whats wrong with PBEC ????
Just looked at the tracker list..DBEC is processing the Dec'03 cases...then why the hell PBEC is stuck...we were projecting that 2002 cases will be approved by Oct 15...These guys are killing us... :mad:
Kahada said:

I totally agree with you. We need focus on the PBEC issue. It will be useless for us without labor. We need to keep the pressure on the PBEC and let more people aware our situation. I have faxed, emailed and wrote letter to news media and senate office. Let's stand up and make our voice loud.

I agree with USCISisMockery and Khada. I also support whatever techworkes group is doing, but as USCISisMockery said these groups is managed by guys with selfish motive. They are not truly representing tech workers. They have only one objective - eliminate visa retrogression. I agree that this will help us if we reach to I-140 stage in near future. But, there is a big BUT here. When we will reach to I-140 stage, no one knows.

Having said this, we would like that this forum is not flooded with retrogression related messages and we keep ourselves focused on PBEC delays.
Choclito said:
Apparently there are some people in the immigrant community who misunderstand that the immigrant visa and H-1B recaptures or spouse/children special provisions may take effect soon. Passage of H.R. 4241 does not mean that the immigration bills have also passed the House. The H.R. 4241, unlike the Senate S.1932, did not include the immigration bills. Then why did the immigrant community monitor the passage of this bill? Both S. 1932 of the Senate and H.R. 4241 are two different versions of the same legislation named Omnibus Deficit Reduction Act ( also called Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act) and unless the House bill, H.R. 4241, passes, the process of conference to compromise between the House bill and the Senate bill will not be commenced. Since the House bill did not include the immigration packet, while the Senate bill included immigration packet, the immigrant community wanted to see that the conference process would start as early as possible so that they will know whether the Congress will eventually accept the S. 1932 immigration packet and legislate it into a law.
In this regard, the passage of H.R. 4241 is not the end but the beginning of the process to get the Senate S.1932 immigration recapture bill be passed as part of the final version of the Ominibus Deficit Reduction Act. The Congress will go into the Thanksgiving holiday recess from next week and no voting sessions will start until next month. Due to another big holidays ahead, Christritmas and New Year, the Congress will have a very limited time to wrap up the legislative activities of the First Session of the 109th Congress. Report indicates that the conference process is likely to start next month when the Congress returns to the Hill. Since this is the beginning of the process to get the immigration bills accepted by the both Houses, the business, academic, and immigrant communities should expand their efforts for the next one week or so in order to assure that the current immigration clog be relieved as soon as possible.
At which stage you are in your GC processing? Can you please give your profile to this forum?
Can the 2002 cases be updated into the tracker...

VAhoper said:
I believe there still plenty people with 2002 pd in PBEC. My PD is july 2002. There is no trend in PBEC. Only thing predictable is that it almost doesn't move. Justwatching has a tracker where you can see the summaries and kind of guess on the "trend". Here is the link:

I noted that the 2002 cases are not updated in the tracker.

State : CA
PD : July 2002
RIR, Eb2
45 day letter recd and replied in Mar 2005
dvp1961 said:
I agree with USCISisMockery and Khada. I also support whatever techworkes group is doing, but as USCISisMockery said these groups is managed by guys with selfish motive.

before accusing anyone you need to look and see what cause you are fighting for. Are you fighting for h1b cap and visa increase? no you are not and so are they. But there are aspiring h1b people here who are not so happy about it and our motives. It did upset me! But hey, everyone on this board is here for a reason! right? and it may irk others.

So stop accusing and instead help eachother in fighting for our common cause i.e. getting gc faster. I am having a pd of 2003 and my labor is stuck with pbec. But I am trying to help us at both the fronts/forums ;). What does it take? a little extra effort. Thats it! but in the end everyone is going to benefit from it.

and no I dont belong to techworkers :) and I am also not implying that we turn this thread into retrogression debate :rolleyes: but pls. refrain from posting harsh remarks because at some point you will at that stage and then you will realise.

cheers :) :)
Same response from CA Senators

Anand_Mishra said:
Two weeks back, I got response from Sen Boxer and Sen Fienstien offices. They attached the response they got from Asst Sec of DOL to respective Senators. It's 2 page letter with same old scrap. bla bla bla...

Still I am OK. Alteast something is better than nothing.

I've had the same response from CA Senators. Just the standard "form letter" type of response. "As the daughter of a Russian immigrant..."

I'm not hopeful of individual attention, but hope that if enough people send letters on this topic, that it will eventual extend beyond the "form letter" response, and attract the attention of the Senator's aides. Enough to have them bring the matter before the Senators.

I applaud a_z for getting a face to face response. Well done.
Need help for answer on H1 extension

Sorry for posting this here. I did post this yesterday in H1 extension thread but needed a wider audience.

I am nearing the end of my 6th year H1B. My LC was filed in 2002 and it reached the blackhole PBEC.

I am likely to be laid off soon.

My company has already applied for H1 B 7 th year extension.

My question is if I manage to find another job, can my H1 be transferred to another company who did not file my LC ?

Also can I get 8th year extnsion in the new company ?

Please help me reach these answers. These will help me decide to either stay here in U.S or head back home.

Thanks in advance.
Please consult your lawyer

bigbang2001 said:
Sorry for posting this here. I did post this yesterday in H1 extension thread but needed a wider audience.

I am nearing the end of my 6th year H1B. My LC was filed in 2002 and it reached the blackhole PBEC.

I am likely to be laid off soon.

My company has already applied for H1 B 7 th year extension.

My question is if I manage to find another job, can my H1 be transferred to another company who did not file my LC ?

Also can I get 8th year extnsion in the new company ?

Please help me reach these answers. These will help me decide to either stay here in U.S or head back home.

Thanks in advance.

I suggest you consult your lawyer for professional advice. Getting help from this forum for this complicated scenario is not suggested. ASK YOUR LAWYER.....! That's what you paid him for.

NJ RIR June 2002
45 day letter received Sep 12'05
Responded 45 day letter Oct 17'05
bigbang2001 said:
Sorry for posting this here. I did post this yesterday in H1 extension thread but needed a wider audience.

I am nearing the end of my 6th year H1B. My LC was filed in 2002 and it reached the blackhole PBEC.

I am likely to be laid off soon.

My company has already applied for H1 B 7 th year extension.

My question is if I manage to find another job, can my H1 be transferred to another company who did not file my LC ?

Also can I get 8th year extnsion in the new company ?

Please help me reach these answers. These will help me decide to either stay here in U.S or head back home.

Thanks in advance.

Dont panic...of course we pay to lawyers,but we need to explore, otherwise we are the ones to get screwed up...

I am in the same situation. LC was filed in 2003, laid of this month, currently on 7th yr(ending May 06), process of filing for h1 transfer.

Get you current ext done in premium and with the pending labor from 2002 as proof take a transfer to another company withe your latest pay stubs..BUT and BUT ..your current employer shud not withdraw your pending LC.

You shud be safe I guess. Let your lawyer speak first if he come out with this solution, then there is no need for us to teach him :) Check this link
where_is_my_gc said:
before accusing anyone you need to look and see what cause you are fighting for. Are you fighting for h1b cap and visa increase? no you are not and so are they. But there are aspiring h1b people here who are not so happy about it and our motives. It did upset me! But hey, everyone on this board is here for a reason! right? and it may irk others.

So stop accusing and instead help eachother in fighting for our common cause i.e. getting gc faster. I am having a pd of 2003 and my labor is stuck with pbec. But I am trying to help us at both the fronts/forums ;). What does it take? a little extra effort. Thats it! but in the end everyone is going to benefit from it.

and no I dont belong to techworkers :) and I am also not implying that we turn this thread into retrogression debate :rolleyes: but pls. refrain from posting harsh remarks because at some point you will at that stage and then you will realise.

cheers :) :)

Where_is_my_GC- I am also fighting simultaneously for visa retrogression. I also joined techworkers group and I also contacted my state senators, House representatives on this issue alongwith the PBEC dealy issue.

I even requested techworkers group to raise voice to Labor dealys at BECs and open up fight as a separate issue if they do not want to mix it with visa retrogression. But, no one in the group was interested.

As USCISisMockery and others have said, we do not want visa retrogression posts here on this forum. If we discuss about visa retrogression on this forum, we can not concentrate more on how to fight against PBEC delays. I am fully aware that the visa retrogression relief is equally important, but I want our friends at techworkers group to understand our plight and show an empathy towards our views.
dvp1961 said:
At which stage you are in your GC processing? Can you please give your profile to this forum?

I got my LC aproved on Agust 2005 you can see allmy information in the tracker. And if you can check all the posts you will see all my aports to BEC.

There are only a few of this forum that dont want to know about retrograssion and you have to understand that if the reconsilation budget law is aprove with the immigration changes, will benefit all of us, not only the ones that have right now the LC certified.

I send this infomation about retrogression to all the people like us with LC pending or aproved not only inthis forum, because all of us together can get things done. The next stage when you get your LC certified will be filling the I-485 and I-140 and the only way to do it soon is if we do something about retrogession, if this law is not aproved than the only thing to do is wait, and wait.

You dont have to answer any retrogression information but if you can help, is in benifit of all of us not only me.
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No hard feeling....

Whereis_my_gc, Choclito and others...

Guys, I am frustrated with this PBEC mess. I am in the H1-B 7th year extension. My son will be in the college next year and he is not going to be eligible for in-state tuition. H1 and H1-dependents are not state residents as per the state law. But, for state income tax, H1-holder is state resident.

You can imagine, what stress I must be going through to pay for his college tuition and other expenses.The frustration is the evil that let one think that others are selfish.

No hard feeling...