Philadelphia Backlog Elimination Center Tracking

aprlc2002 said:
Yeah, may be or may be not. But, I can tell you all TR and RIR will have same date of processing by this year ending. This is for Sure.

hi Aprlc, tks for your updates ... I have a question for you ... can you ask your source why they're processing first cases that reached Regional ?! what's the logic behind it ?! is it because it's easier for the Officers to just approve those cases that were previously approved by SWA's ? is it a local decision (PBEC) or something that was decided by the DOL ?

I just don't get it !! the own concept of the BEC's was to centralize all states and then establish a single FIFO queue ... but now they're doing exactly what was being done before the BEC's, which was having someone with PD = 2003 being approved before someone with PD = 2001 ...

tks for your input
I called PBEC and heard the same

I've called PBEC. The lady asked me for my PD which is OCT2002. She told that i should receive a certified letter sometime early october. She also told that they are certifying cases for all the months for 2001 and 2002. All theses 01 and 02 cases are being distributed to all their resources. Tis means they are processing all 01 and 02 cases simultaneously. This what exactly i heard from our attroney
but what about the 45 days letters?

raj_vagc_oct02 said:
I've called PBEC. The lady asked me for my PD which is OCT2002. She told that i should receive a certified letter sometime early october. She also told that they are certifying cases for all the months for 2001 and 2002. All theses 01 and 02 cases are being distributed to all their resources. Tis means they are processing all 01 and 02 cases simultaneously. This what exactly i heard from our attroney

Did you ask them how's the 45 days letter going and when do you think they will finish sending the 45 days letters?
raj_vagc_oct02 said:
I've called PBEC. The lady asked me for my PD which is OCT2002. She told that i should receive a certified letter sometime early october. She also told that they are certifying cases for all the months for 2001 and 2002. All theses 01 and 02 cases are being distributed to all their resources. Tis means they are processing all 01 and 02 cases simultaneously. This what exactly i heard from our attroney
Do you mean ALL 2001/2002 cases? including both regional and SWA cases?
how did you get your case number

justdoit said:
Do you mean ALL 2001/2002 cases? including both regional and SWA cases?
Hi Justdoit,
you didn't get your 45 days letter but how did you get your case number? I sent an email to Info@PHI.DFLC.US but just got stupid answers from the automatic system.
raj_vagc_oct02 said:
I've called PBEC. The lady asked me for my PD which is OCT2002. She told that i should receive a certified letter sometime early october. She also told that they are certifying cases for all the months for 2001 and 2002. All theses 01 and 02 cases are being distributed to all their resources. Tis means they are processing all 01 and 02 cases simultaneously. This what exactly i heard from our attroney

Thanks for your advice Raj,
This raises my hope of getting my LC cleared before my daughter gets married. My daughter is 1 yrs old now.

Thanks a ton for your updates aprlc2002. You are very valuable to this forum as your updates gives us the required gas to go on till the next update from you.. Once again thanks :)
Hi Aprlc2002,
Thank you very much for your update. Lot of people in this forum are waiting eagerly for your update and it's clear that we should start seeing some continuos approvals from PBEC soon.
161 said:
Hi Justdoit,
you didn't get your 45 days letter but how did you get your case number? I sent an email to Info@PHI.DFLC.US but just got stupid answers from the automatic system.
Im in the process of applying my 8th year extension. So, I emailed them to provide proof of pending labor.
move to PERM

i think you should. no one know when they will get to 2004 cases. it can take years.

PD 4/04
RD 8/04
45-day-letter: 4/2005

15yr_on_gc said:
Hi aprlc2002 and all,
My Case

PD 01/2004 case went to Philadelphia regional on 03/2004.
Received 45 day letter in Mid March 05 and responded in late March 05.
EB3 / RIR Case
BEC#: P04278-XXXXX
Country of Origin: Singapore

Given that I have received my 45 days letter, but my PD is late in the queue, I am trying to decide if I should re-file and go with PERM. For re-file, I can file under EB2 / RIR since I got promoted.

I wonder if you or anyone know the following are true?
1) PBEC will process RIR regional case first rather than RIR SWA. [It seems to me that all TR regional cases are process first, so I am wondering if RIR regional will be process first?]
2) PBEC will process cases based on FIFO of the BEC Tracking #. i.e. P04278-XXXXX

Thanks for the help!

this is an encouraging news !

raj_vagc_oct02 said:
I've called PBEC. The lady asked me for my PD which is OCT2002. She told that i should receive a certified letter sometime early october. She also told that they are certifying cases for all the months for 2001 and 2002. All theses 01 and 02 cases are being distributed to all their resources. Tis means they are processing all 01 and 02 cases simultaneously. This what exactly i heard from our attroney
Atlast can see some light....
Well according to aprilc2002 PBEC is processing Oct 2002 TR cases and Aug 2001 RIR cases.
Thanks aprilc2002 for the update.
Also we can see that (from this forum) with in the next 2 months all 2001 and 2002 cases will be certifite.
Probably there are approximately more than 50000 cases from Sep 2001 till Dec 2002.
Now will PBEC be able to certify these 50,000 cases with in the next 2 months?
If they can it will be great....
But at this moment they are still in the face of entering data in their system and will continue this until sep. So they won't be able to utilize all of their resources in certifying cases.
Anyway hopefully by the end of this year everybody will have a clear idea about the PBEC time frame.
aprilc2002, can you tell me whether CA cases will get less priority than the cases from the other states?
Thanks and have a great day.
I think this one of the first lots of 45 day letter shipped if they want to clear 01 and 02 cases by end of this year. Let us keep our fingers crossed..

gcby2020 said:
FInally recieved 45 day letter today from PBEC.

State: NY
PD Dec 10 2001
RIR processing method

Thanks! I have a feeling that I should go for PERM.

However, I did see a few 2004 regional TR cases have already been certified and I am wondering if RIR will follow the same processing method. i.e. Process Regional first then SWA. If this is the case, chances of my case get certified by the end of the year is quite possible. But ...

I guess no one know this for sure. :(


Consider ~400,000 backlog cases and there are only 140,000 quota/year, by the time my case get certified, there will be a long wait in I485. Of that 140,000, EB3 gets ~40,000, if 200,000 of that 400,000 belongs to EB3 = another 5 years wait in I485 !!!

Can someone tell me if the rational above is correct?


Slade245 said:
i think you should. no one know when they will get to 2004 cases. it can take years.

PD 4/04
RD 8/04
45-day-letter: 4/2005
just my guess ...

maybe in the next two months , over DBEC tracker , it will be quieted than here ... :D

mekha said:
Atlast can see some light....
Well according to aprilc2002 PBEC is processing Oct 2002 TR cases and Aug 2001 RIR cases.
Thanks aprilc2002 for the update.
Also we can see that (from this forum) with in the next 2 months all 2001 and 2002 cases will be certifite.
Probably there are approximately more than 50000 cases from Sep 2001 till Dec 2002.
Now will PBEC be able to certify these 50,000 cases with in the next 2 months?
If they can it will be great....
But at this moment they are still in the face of entering data in their system and will continue this until sep. So they won't be able to utilize all of their resources in certifying cases.
Anyway hopefully by the end of this year everybody will have a clear idea about the PBEC time frame.
aprilc2002, can you tell me whether CA cases will get less priority than the cases from the other states?
Thanks and have a great day.
Thank you April2002 for your info.
Also, guys, don't place too many questions to him. Once he gets updates, I am sure he will post.