I do not know the exact answers to your questions, but over the years frankly speaking I truly double if they had the willingness and capability to detect those double/multiple files, with so many errors made by these people in Philly. Will these lazy people bother to call PERM, saying hey did this person file PERM overthere?
They definitely can foresee the possibility multiple filing, but they possibly will need training after training and technical updating after updating before they can detect it in a row (yes they may find one or two occasionally for any reason).
I just took a look at some of the rules:
* PERM Cases:
o (1) Once one PERM case is certified, all other PERM applications filed by the same employer for the same employee will be denied regardless of same job or different job.
o (2) Once one PERM case is certified and any backlog case is pending at the Backlog Processing Centers for the same employee, regardless of same job or different job, the Backlog Center will issure Notice of Findings to deny the pending backlog cases.
* Backlog Cases:
o Once one backlog case is certified, any other cases pending at the PERM National Processing Centers or the Backlog Processing Centers will be denied.
But how may they find out the multiple filing? I mean over these years I just see to many people getting their greencard by getting away with so many rules and regulations without being caught. I do not mean we should take advantage of those holes of laws and rules, but it is the fact that the world is just not created to be fair, I am sorry this is the truth, thinking about those illegal immigrants who jumped ahead of us. Pure justice only exists on paper, not in reality show.
If you have the potential to convince your current/future employer to file a PERM, and you and your lawyer reach the agreement of the doability and benefits of doing it, why not give it a try?
Yes,I agree with that
The note I mentioned is about multiple applications peding for same employee from the same employer irrespective of multiple positions if pending as of AUG31 THE LAST FILED application will be processed...
will this note appliable to ONLY multiple applications under
If two different applications pending one from BEC and one from PERM with the same employer as of Aug 31 only later PERM application will be processed ?