Philadelphia Backlog Elimination Center Tracking

luckylucky said:
are they crazy? somebody just said all the 2001 case to be done by sept. 05.

I am sorry. I am just repeating what the congressman wrote in a letter to me.
Sept 2005: april 2001 done
October 2005 : may 2005.

He also said he will check on my case in september.
raphael1411 said:
Hi, I am French too and still waiting for my LC. You scare me because I start my process last year, got my 45 days letter but when I read your comments look like it is gonna take for ever to get my LC. Do you know any way to find out where the process of our case is.

Well.. Bienvenu en enfer ! If yu have a PD of 2004... it s gonna take some time. But hey ! i ve been waiting for more than 4 years now. ;)
Thanks a lot!

Hi guys,

I am extremely moved by your reactions in my time of distress. I am sorry that I cannot respond to each one of you individually, but please accept my heartfelt thanks. I will send out my resume shortly to you all who have volunteered to help.
Thanks again for your kind words and best wishes.

luckylucky said:
Then why don't they paste all 2001 cases on their fat asses (it seems they are stucking at 2001 cases forever!) and go to hell now! :rolleyes:

To be perfecly honnest. (yu guys, dont hate me for this). But never really believe all those predictions about who is gonna be approved and when. I was convinced from the beginning that the first things BEC would do was to enter as many data as possible in their computer.
The boxes filled with cases came almost in random order from regional and SWA which explain why the 45 days letters arrive also in random order. But i knew that as soon as they would have entered all the oldest cases, and the 45 days letters were sent for all of those oldest case, this would be the moment to go thru the approval of those cases.. THis is where FIFO will kick in.
Even if they find out some more older PD cases in one of their boxes there are so many cases to be approved from april 2001 that 45 days to get an answer would be long enough to treat those particular case in the right order.
Now you gonna find me a case of PD before 2001 that didn t get a 45 days letter. I d answer to that that there are more than 90 days before the end of september... plenty of time for those letters to be printed sent and mailed back.
So far the letter of the congressman goes in the same direction, and the previous post assuming that all the cases for 2001 would be treated first also goes in the same direction.

Let see who will be right. But i wouldn t be surprised if we start to see a whole bunch of april 2001 getting approved in the very near future.
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gcby2020 said:
All 2001 cases to be done by sept 05??? says who?? Philly hasn't even done basic data entry for thousands of 2001 filers upto now. As Philly BEC has said before they will PROBABLY finish doing data entry by end of this summer. Which seems to be very optimistic statement to me. I am sory if I sound like a pessimistic but there is absolutely no indication from Philly that they have got their act together. I will be happy if all 2001 cases are done by dec 2005. For once I sincerely hope that I am proved wrong.
This guy implies it:
Registered User Join Date: Jan 2005
Posts: 38

Philly Info


Philly BEC is currently working on only 2001 applications. If ever any approvals come it will be for a 2001 case. Now someone in this forum previously said we may get approvals for people who sent response for the 45 day letter. What i heard was even if the 45 day reponse was sent in early jan and if it is not a 2001 case they are not going to approve. Your application will simply be in the queue. In short, if your PD is not in 2001 wait till sept 05.
ALso, our PHilly God said it several days ago. I tried to check his post but I don't have time now. If you have time, please check the post for the past few days. He said that all the 2001 case will be taken care of by sept., 05. Please double check it because my memory might be wrong. I feel old now. :D Gee, by the time I getsmy LC, I may be retired already.
juntha said:
I am sorry. I am just repeating what the congressman wrote in a letter to me.
Sept 2005: april 2001 done
October 2005 : may 2005.

He also said he will check on my case in september.
ANyway your information is appreciated. Please keep us posted. :)
youfang said:
My lawyer says he received the 45days letter but my application was mailed back because one phone number was missing. Actually that information was in the form. Is this situation normal? will my case be cancelled due to this problem? Any insight will be appreciated!

Anyone has comments on this situation? BTW, the case was submitted in 2004. Please share you views on it.
Working on 2001 cases.. i meant that they are doing dataentry, sending 45 day letters etc..

gcby2020 said:
What is the source of this rumor that Philly is currently working on 2001 cases??
There are hundreds of 2001 NYers who havent even received 45 day letters as yet.
They will complete dataentry by sept and then most of the resources will be involved in approving cases. From what i heard is that certifying a case hardly takes 10 mins.

afx05 said:
Hi Raj - Sep'05...Does that mean Philly will complete 2001 cased by then?
well if it only takes those kindergarden grad. 10 minutes each case, then it is fairly good news. Previously in DOL, I heard that it takes 30 minutes a case.
Well, I hope they send the electronic files to some website, in case they have computer crush. Also I hope they have a computer virus, and it suddenly certify all cases in one day. Why cannot they network with DBEC and approve cases together?
I see that I am not the only frog in here :)

juntha said:
Well.. Bienvenu en enfer ! If yu have a PD of 2004... it s gonna take some time. But hey ! i ve been waiting for more than 4 years now. ;)
Did Phily get all the 2001 cases ?

I was wondering if Phily got all the 2001 cases, especially from CA ... Looking at the Dallas forum, they are receiving June 2002 approval almost on daily basis there ??? Any thought ?
MDwatch said:
I was wondering if Phily got all the 2001 cases, especially from CA ... Looking at the Dallas forum, they are receiving June 2002 approval almost on daily basis there ??? Any thought ?

What yu mean ? Did they receive the cases ? (the answer is yes in that case) or they enter each cases for 2001 ? (the answer is i dunno but if they plan to process them by september, they got to be almost done)
sacbee said:
I am seeing only these approvals in other therads in Philedelphia BEC. Please add to this list if you have one.

PD :10/2002 (Virginia)
Received letter from BEC in Jan
Labor Approval in 2nd week of March
It was an IT - EB2 RIR Case.

PD: April 30, 2001 (Virginia)
Philly DOL 45 day letter : 25/01/2005
45 day Returned on: January 31, 2005

PD April 24 2001 (Maryland)
Approval May 23 2005
NON-RIR case in Maryland.

4) PD, September 2001 got approved as per user mast1006 from his company.(RIR or TR not known)

5) One more approval
PD: Dec, 2001 MD, EB2/RIR
45-D letter rcvd: about Mar, 2005

Sacbee do you remember in which thread you saw these ?
Phily BEC Update

This morning I got my Phily BEC online.

Q- Any good news yet?
A- No not yet. we are still working on 2001 cases.

Q- 2001 which month?
A- I ca't say perticular month, we are working on entire 2001 cases.

Q- How long will take to finsih all 2001 cases?
A- I have no Idea.

Q- My Filing date 2003 January, what you think when my turn will come?
A- I do not know, may be a year or so.

Q- Dallas started approving even 2002 cases now, how come Phily still at 2001?
A- Dallas doing both data entry and revewing at the same time. But here at Phily our primary focus to wrap up all data entry first. Though couple of our staff doing some review as well only to 2001 cases. We are expecting Faster proccessing once all data entry job done.

Sorry I have call holding, gota go. bye.
hello.. hello....!

Note: What I feel Phily dame sure there are hundreds of Law suite on way. That's why nobody want to give any detail information.
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orissa said:
This morning I got my Phily BEC online.

Q- Any good news yet?
A- No not yet. we are still working on 2001 cases.

Q- 2001 which month?
A- I ca't say perticular month, we are working on entire 2001 cases.

Q- How long will take to finsih all 2001 cases?
A- I have no Idea.

Q- My Filing date 2003 January, what you think when my turn will come?
A- I do not know, may be a year or so.

Q- Dallas started approving even 2002 cases now, how come Phily still at 2001?
A- Dallas doing both data entry and revewing at the same time. But here at Phily our primary focus to wrap up all data entry first. Though couple of our staff doing some review as well only to 2001 cases. We are expecting Faster proccessing once all data entry job done.

Sorry I have call holding, gota go. bye.
hello.. hello....!

Note: What I feel Phily dame sure there are hundreds of Law suite on way. That's why nobody want to give any detail information.

Why in the hell can't the two BEC have the same f***g procedures ???? They are both operated by the same contractor and both are reporting to DOL ... I really don't understand how there can be such a difference in the way they operate ....
orissa said:
This morning I got my Phily BEC online.

Q- Any good news yet?
A- No not yet. we are still working on 2001 cases.

Q- 2001 which month?
A- I ca't say perticular month, we are working on entire 2001 cases.

Q- How long will take to finsih all 2001 cases?
A- I have no Idea.

Q- My Filing date 2003 January, what you think when my turn will come?
A- I do not know, may be a year or so.

Q- Dallas started approving even 2002 cases now, how come Phily still at 2001?
A- Dallas doing both data entry and revewing at the same time. But here at Phily our primary focus to wrap up all data entry first. Though couple of our staff doing some review as well only to 2001 cases. We are expecting Faster proccessing once all data entry job done.

Sorry I have call holding, gota go. bye.
hello.. hello....!

Note: What I feel Phily dame sure there are hundreds of Law suite on way. That's why nobody want to give any detail information.

Thank you for the info! I can't believe it takes 1 year to move onto 2003 cases. they only have 2 years funding, what happened to those cases after 2003? Philly has approx 13,000+ case in 2001 and 2002, which means the rest of the 157,000 in 2003~2005. I really think it is unbelievable how Philly BEC does things.
raphael1411 said:
Hi, I am French too and still waiting for my LC. You scare me because I start my process last year, got my 45 days letter but when I read your comments look like it is gonna take for ever to get my LC. Do you know any way to find out where the process of our case is.

At least you got your 45 days notice. My Priority date is of Jan-2004 and I am still waiting for a 45 Days letter :D