Philadelphia Backlog Elimination Center Tracking

Jaiatl said:
It looks like BEC is not issuing 45 days letter. Has anyone received 45 days letter in April?


You are right...unfortunately.
I spoke to my lawyer assistant.
They have not received any letters for a while
Hi guys,
Seems like no good news from BEC for some time now. Lets discuss something interesting until we hear some good news...

I have few things to clarify. Can some one answer these:

1. Approximate backloged labour applications DOL says is 300,000. I assume that it could be around 350,000 by now(all Regular or RIR applications until March 28th 2005). My questions is: Is all these applications either EB2 or EB3 Skilled category? Or does this contain EB3-non skilled (less that 2 years exp or with our Bachelors degree) as well?

2. Out of these 350,000 how many would be EB2 and How many EB3 Skilled? Is there a place to view this details? And is there place to view the country of the applicant? My aim is to find an approximate number of EB2/EB3(Skilled) application filed for Indians/Chinese/Philippines as these are the countries affected by the retrogression.

3. I noticed from different sources that the I485/I140 processing is very fast now a days compared to the previous years. I would like reach a conclusion whether PERM processing in EB2 or even EB3 will be faster FOR Indians/Chines/Phil? If we get a real math on how many EB2/EB3(skilled) cases pending, we could easily reach a conclusion.

4. I also heard about the bill which mostly ma pass regarding the unused EB3 visa numbers of 2001-2004 which basically would help scheduleA applications for 50% of quota but the good thing is that the rest 50% will help other EB3 Skilled candidates.

5. Also, do any bodu know how many EB2 and EB3 applications filed (I140) each year for each country? There should be some place to view this information ...right?
This is only an indication. This date can go back and forth deepening on visa demand and hence you cannot decide anything on this. What matter is the priority date on the day you are ready to file your papers.

GCCovet said:
Did you mean June 1 , 2002 ?. This is only for applicants born in India, China and Phillipines though.
san27geet said:
Once again thanks for your reponses and giving the space to discuss on something that off topic of the related thread.
Anyways I already used the link to email Mr.Rajiv Khanna and the response was that in past there has been success in getting extension in a situation like mine. Though the email link is fine but the reply has not been more than 3 its very brief but helpful. Anyways I amy further pursue this with him but before I need to be sure the efforts and money invested is not gone waste with some undesired results. Will keep you guys updated....I know many of us may have similar situations like me.

Best of luck & wishes for the unended continuous wait for labor process....hopefully will sail through this phase
Thanks and Regards


I am in very similar situation. Any updates will be appreciated.
I was on the conference call with one of the attorneys in Sheela Murthy's office. She informed me that they have received plenty of 45 days letters but not received any approval from BEC. But she has heard about other lawyers receiving approvals. As mentioned on this forum before seems like everyone has "heard" about approvals but not received one.
hearsay approvals

I checked with my attorney and she also indicated having recd many 45 day letters but no approvals. Attorney indicated BPC will take until Fall to input all cases, and that they have not started working on approvals. I hope she is wrong.

sb41 said:
I was on the conference call with one of the attorneys in Sheela Murthy's office. She informed me that they have received plenty of 45 days letters but not received any approval from BEC. But she has heard about other lawyers receiving approvals. As mentioned on this forum before seems like everyone has "heard" about approvals but not received one.
Received 45 day letter on march 31st


Received the letter from BEC Philly asking for the following info.
1. Articles of Incoporation.
2. Business License
3. State regsitration.
4. Changes in the Fed Tax ID if any.
5. Company locations.

Just curious, what did they requested in your letters ?

chicha100 said:

Received the letter from BEC Philly asking for the following info.
1. Articles of Incoporation.
2. Business License
3. State regsitration.
4. Changes in the Fed Tax ID if any.
5. Company locations.

Just curious, what did they requested in your letters ?


Generally Continue or NOT
May be they are missing these info for your company when they do a check with central data or if the letter has beeen not able to deliver to Employer Address.
But nothing to worry if you are able to support these documents.
Connecticut SWA - July 2003

Hi All,

My Labour was applied at CT SWA with a PD of July 2003. Looks like it has now been transferred to Philly BEC. Has anyone from CT received the 45 day letter?

I know there are people with PD's of 2001/2002 & fully appreciate their frustration.


Is there any way to track the processing of Labor application at Philly BEC after the 45 day letter has been responded to by the employer, i now have the ETA Case number from the BEC, Please help.

rajeev_74 said:
Hi All,

My Labour was applied at CT SWA with a PD of July 2003. Looks like it has now been transferred to Philly BEC. Has anyone from CT received the 45 day letter?

I know there are people with PD's of 2001/2002 & fully appreciate their frustration.



another soul sailing in the same boat.
PD of Jan 03, NON-rir, CT SWA.
Haven't heard from the BECs as yet.

pls also post in the CT SWA disc. thread if you have any updates.
chicha100 said:

Received the letter from BEC Philly asking for the following info.
1. Articles of Incoporation.
2. Business License
3. State regsitration.
4. Changes in the Fed Tax ID if any.
5. Company locations.

Just curious, what did they requested in your letters ?

Even me too received the 45 day letter asking for the same information.